Thursday, June 8, 2017

That's A Wrap

June 8, 2017

This year is a wrap!  Thanks for all the resources that many have shared. Below is some year-end news. There are also resources and PD opportunities to explore over the summer.  This newsletter is archived at

Best Wishes
·        Fo Roldán, currently at Monroe Middle and previously at Porter Ridge High, is retiring to golf courses and time in Colombia.
·        Bon voyage and best wishes to Sun Valley French teacher, Yseult Bougyues, who is returning to Paris after three years as a VIF / Participate teacher.
·        Gute Fahrt to Marvin Ridge HS German teacher, Leah Smith, who is joining the Peace Corps.
·        Congratulations to Daniel Sellner on the birth of his second daughter, Hope. Best wishes also to Daniel Sellner who is transferring to Marvin Ridge High to teach German. Daniel has lead classes and German clubs at Cuthbertson and Weddington High the last five years while moving books, classrooms, décor and materials every other semester.
·        Best wishes to Rosana Gonzales as she leaves South Providence School for Carmel Middle School in CMS.
·        Best wishes to Morgann Lyles who leaves French teaching at Porter Ridge High for future endeavors.

·        Congratulations! Spanish teacher Amanda Mancilla of Central Academy just completed her Masters of Education in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (MEd TESOL) at UNC-Charlotte.
·        Congratulations to Neal Nelson from Parkwood HS who has passed NC DPI ASW training as a reviewer for summer 2017.
·        Mandarin teachers, Xiaohong HuMueller from MRHS and Shannon Du from CHS/WHS recently chaperoned 21 students competing in the Asian Festival’s Dragon Boat Races. The team won the high school division once again taking home metals for all. This dragon boat races includes teams from out-of-state and often from Canada. Mark your calendar for next year if you have not ever attended. Mandarin teacher Xiaohong HuMueller and Spanish teacher Fernando Flores, both from Marvin Ridge HS, jumped aboard the 21 person boat and helped the HS team to victory this year.
·        Sherry Edwards at Piedmont HS hosted a 16 year old guest speaker and exchange student from Toulouse, France in her French 2 class to speak to students.
·        Sherry Edwards has also been accepted to the 2017 NCAE Instructional Leadership Institute!
·        Yadiraliz Hawks’ Spanish students performed a Mexican and a Colombian dance on Cinco the mayo for each lunch in the courtyard at Monroe HS. 
·        Soledad Townsend and Dennise Nelson’s Spanish 1 students from Parkwood and East Union Middle School, respectively, have been writing (paper letters) to each other this year at the end of each chapter. Soon, they will meet for the first time face-to-face when the students share a field trip to the Mint Museum on Randolph Road to see the Pre-Colombian artifacts from Latin America and eat at the Cuban restaurant A Piece of Havana.
·        Juliet Kasler has found a gamified curriculum for Latin instruction at Porter Ridge HS. UCPS Tech Services has approved the resource Operation Lapis for 2017-2018!

Professional Development
·        Online – Find your own group to explore language teaching, find resources, share ideas and ask questions.
o   BreakOut Edu Spanish group on FaceBook
o   French Teachers in the US group on FaceBook
o   iFLTA / NTPRS / CI Teaching group on FaceBook
o   Spanish Teachers in the US group on FaceBook
o   Teachers of Spanish Heritage Speakers group on FaceBook
·        August 14-15 The European Union Today: the EU as a Global and Local Actor” and “The European Union Citizen: Issues Facing the Contemporary European.” The Center for European Studies will be hosting two-day study tours on UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus open to K-12 educators.  This includes meetings, discussions, and interactive sessions with faculty experts on European and EU studies as well as with practitioners in the Triangle. Additional sessions will be held on integrating content learned into the classroom. Participants will be able to receive certification of two continuing education credits and approximately 20 hours of professional development provided they complete the post-tour lesson plan and module creation. Hotel accommodations and some meals will be provided to selected applicants for the nights of the conference – recipients will be contacted with more details if selected. Deadline to apply: May 15
·        October 20-21,2017 FLANC Fall Conference 2017 "Lighting Pathways To Proficiency" Durham, NC
·        November 17 – 19, 2017 ACTFL Conference, 2017 Nashville, TN
·        March 15 – 17, 2018 SCOLT Conference 2018 Orlando, FL  
·        From SCOLT 2017 How Youth Learn: Ned's GR8 8 – YouTube 6:12 minutes
·        Growth Mindset- What it is and how it works?
·        NC DPI World Language Teacher opportunities and scholarships

·        Amanda Mancilla recommends Google TourBuilder. Students could build a tour of places in the community
o   Amanda has attended free tech webinars with
o   Google Cast for Education permits students to stream from their computer
·        Mary K Thomas’s Piedmont HS Spanish students are using "voice to text" on their Chromebooks dictating sentences into their computers. Mary incorporated this into group work and gallery walks.
·        Mary K Thomas shares scribble maps for Spanish 2 Chapter 3 giving directions for getting around the community. This site would work well with French 2 Chapter 2: Asking and Giving Directions, also. You can go to the address for your school, to a university across the world and many other locations.
·        Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon Find images of authentic products from numerous languages and cultures. All images are labeled as Common Sense media and can be used for free but must the source must be sited.
· Create visually engaging data gathering tools in which students provide opinions, answers, etc.  Responses can be displayed as word clouds, bar graphs, etc.
·        Dr. Houlihan recommended UCPS teachers look at this Technology Integration Matrix

Pedagogy for WL Classes
·        How to Circle, How to Check for Comprehension, How to Ask A Story
·        Try BreakOutEdu and simulate the popular breakout games but in another language! players work collaboratively to solve a series of critical thinking puzzles in order to open a locked box.

French Resources
·        Seterra Map Quiz game – French-Speaking Countries Thanks to Sherry Edwards at Piedmont HS for sharing.

Mandarin Resources
·        Calligraphy YouTube Videoclips (shared by Fan Hong from Kensington ES)
o   国外超赞生动汉字教学  Vivid Teaching of Chinese Characters YouTube video 10:35 minutes
·        Mnemonics to Learn Chinese Characters & Radicals – includes audio,
·        100 Most Common Radicals:
·        Radical Study
· 3-sided flash cards
o   Radicals Set 1 (39 radicals) ,
o   Clone a set and customize it for your classroom. Download to MS Excel.

Spanish Resources
·        AirBnB en español great authentic resources
·        Seterra Map Quiz Game – Spanish-Speaking Countries Thanks to Sherry Edwards at Piedmont HS for sharing.
·        Seterra Map Quiz Game – Spanish-Speaking Countries and Capitals Thanks to Sherry Edwards at Piedmont HS for sharing.
·        Mafia card game Thanks to Adam Brown at Weddington HS for sharing this game that focuses on comprehensible input. He uses it in Spanish 2 for practicing the preterite tense.
·        El español en Estados Unidos YouTube Video en español 2:08 minutos
·        Yabla en español
o   Acentuación Parte 3: La división en sílabas
·        Todo Ele - es un espacio creado por y para profesores de español como lengua extranjera donde puedes encontrar información, materiales y recursos para la enseñanza del español.
·        Cervantes website: Lecturas graduadas
·        CNN en español
·        New York Times en español
·        Huffington Post en español e
·        El País – edición latinoamericana
·        Flooding in Perú -  Peruvian Tania Monsalve from Sun Valley High School shared that a Peruvian artist, Gianmarco, is going to record a very popular song to help the victims of Peru.  The name of the song is Hoy and is dedicated to Peru.  Gloria Estefan has a video of this song in YouTube.  Hoy Remix Hoy letra / lyrics  and
·        Spanish 2 - Hoy Desperté Katie Perry song Wide Awake in Spanish used lots of completed past tense preterite verbs.  Lyrics Thanks to Adam Brown for this song also.
·        Spanish 2-3 Song Siempre Supe with worksheets and pointers on how to use in a lesson.
·        Spanish 2 – Giving Directions
o   Mary Thomas from Piedmont High School has activity for teaching tú commands using technology and giving and understanding directions.
·        Spanish 2 – Capítulo 4A
o   El mundo de juguetes (Authentic Resources) Compare prices for Argentine and imported toys. Compare toys Argentine students have now with those you had as a child. Convert prices in Argentine pesos to US dollars
o   Bebé de juguete: La bebé muñeca Ariel come y duerme con los juguetes de bebés Compara lo que hace este bebé con lo que comían y bebían tus muñecos. YouTube video 6:47 minutos en español.  
o   Juguete Fidget Spinners in video Tik Tak Draw
o   Fidget Spinners BBC Mundo video and activities by Martina Bex free reading Los Fidget Spinners: ¿Solución o Problema?
·        Spanish 2 – referencing the imperfect tense comían with how food consumption has changed over time. What the world eats
·        Medical Spanish 2 - Spanish in the Medical Field YouTube video in English and Spanish 23:52  minutes. Good for individual review prior to the final. Skip some parts
·        Medical Spanish 2 - Learn Spanish - Basic Vocabulary - Parts of the body YouTube video 6:03 minutes Good for individual review prior to the final.
·        Medical Spanish and Spanish 3 - 10 Phrases Every Nurse Should Know in Spanish  
·        Spanish 3 – Tik Tak Draw Videos about artists
·        Spanish 3 - 20 Minutos –Great articles of interest for Level 3 and above:  Includes audio of the reading. Thanks to Dennise Nelson of East Union MS for sharing. 
o   Los horarios en España
o   ¿Cómo se celebra el fin de año en Cuba?
o   Los secretos del café de Colombia
·        AP Spanish – Technology Theme
o   What’s App in video TikTakDraw
o   NetFlix in video TikTak Draw
o   Instagram in video Tik Tak Draw
o   Historia de Emojis in video Tik Tak Draw
o   Mario Brothers in video Tik Tak Draw
o   De Pokemon a Pokemon Go in video Tik Tak Draw
o   Historia de los Videojuegos in video Tik Tak Draw
o   La Historia de Minecraft in video Tik Tak Draw