Polyglot Press
Messages for the World LanguageTeacher
February 27, 2012
Mardi Gras festivities have come and gone and this year keeps rolling along. National Foreign Language Week is almost here!
The Polyglot Press aims to inform the UCPS World Language teachers and keep them abreast of valuable events, links, news, professional developments, accomplishment, etc. This information is housed on www.polyglotpress.blogspot.com Please consider sharing some of your recent discoveries and accomplishments.
· Congratulations to Amanda Mancilla-Kimbrough, Spanish teacher at Central Academy of the Arts and Technology on the birth of her son!
· Good luck to Julianne Lease, Spanish teacher at Piedmont High, on the pending arrival of her daughter.
· Best wishes for a quick recuperation to Elvia Lopez, Spanish teacher at Porter Ridge High on her recent gall bladder surgery!
· Best wishes to Huldrych Castrillon, Spanish teacher at Parkwood Middle, who marries her Spanish fiancĂ©, April 9 then goes on her honeymoon to New York City and Washington, DC.
· Germany Exchange - This year Marvin Ridge HS will host 14 students and their advisors from Krefeld, Germany (Charlotte's Sister City) located in North Rhein Westfalia. This will be their second exchange and teacher Harry Braun’s 15th (He used to coordinate this exchange while teaching at Independence High.) The German students and advisors will be at MRHS from March 19th to April 4th. MRHS students will be traveling to Germany in June for about 3 weeks. The students coming from Germany are in the 10th grade.
· French Exchange – This year Sun Valley HS will host 20 students and their advisors from Limoges, France. Limoges is in west-central France. Linda Juntgen has been coordinating this exchange for years since her teaching days at Independence High in CMS. This marks the second visit of the Limoges students to Sun Valley High. Students and advisors arrive February 16. SVHS students along with Linda and a guidance counselor will be traveling to Limoges in April of this year.
· National Foreign Language Week Ideas! Plans! Enjoy this excellent video by Spanish teacher Tyler Vaughan from Cuthbertson Middle to promote second language learning and National Foreign Language Week. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvJO_nh6k94&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
· Congratulations to Jennifer Edenfield, Spanish teacher at Parkwood High, who already has her summer trip to Cochabamba, Bolivia planned.
National Foreign Language Week
· March 5 – 11, 2012 National Foreign Language Week –2012 Theme – “You’re Connected – Now Communicate” http://www.lacitycollege.edu/academic/honor/amg/nflw.html
o Are you smarter than a world languages teacher – Quiz http://www.discoverlanguages.org/files/public/DL_teacherquiz.pdf
o Listen to a short podcast on languages audio essays--conversational in tone, light and anecdotal in style-- that encourage language study and invite listeners to look further into the subject of each essay. Titles such as: What language did Adam and Eve Speak? Is Spanish Taking Over the U.S. U.S. http://www.discoverlanguages.org/i4a/pages/Index.cfm?pageID=4258 ? ? How Do Babies Learn Their Mother Tongue? What Causes Foreign Accents? Did German Almost Become the Language of the
o Tell your students why they should become a world language teacher http://www.discoverlanguages.org/i4a/pages/Index.cfm?pageID=4498
o Invite a community member or staff member to your classroom!
o You Tube Resources – If you search You Tube for National Foreign Language Week – you’ll find this NFLW 2012 clip by Cuthbertson Middle Spanish teacher, Tyler Vaughan!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvJO_nh6k94
§ There are others: perhaps yours will be on You Tube soon??!!
· Looking for presentation ideas? Try
o Criss Cross Mango Sauce www.ccmangosauce.com for music and “Spanish and Latin culture through music, stories and fun.”
o JAARS – www.jaars.org 888 773-1178 Located in Waxhaw, NC, this multilingual group offers free presentations on: “How to dub films into other languages”, “Monolingual demo – How to do translations into languages you don’t know”, “How planes fly”.
Professional Growth
· March 22 – 24 2012 SCOLT Conference (Southeast Conference on Language Teaching). Atlanta. http://scolt.webnode.com/a2012-conference-information/ Rooms $99 each. March 7 room reservation rate deadline.
· March 27 – 28 Latin America and North Carolina, This World View seminar offers insights into Latin America and support for all K-12 and community college educators facing the challenges and opportunities of our growing Latino student population. Help your Latino students succeed in school by learning about Latin America, critical issues facing Latino students, and new teaching strategies to support students and their families. Registration: $175 per seminar, reduced to $325 for both (save $25) Four-person team: $600 per seminar (save $100) Program and hotel information: http://worldview.unc.edu/programs/spring-seminar Register Online: http://worldview.unc.edu/registration
· March 28 – 29 Complexity and Vibrancy of Africa This day-and-a-half program will engage K-16 educators from all grade levels and disciplines in learning about an important world region. With over 45 countries, several independent island nations, and more than 1 billion people, Africa is a continent rich in diversity. The program will explore historical and contemporary issues related to this continent and strategies for integrating African themes into teaching. Registration: $175 per seminar, reduced to $325 for both (save $25) Four-person team: $600 per seminar (save $100) Program and hotel information: http://worldview.unc.edu/programs/spring-seminars Register Online: http://worldview.unc.edu/registration
· April 5 - May 16 Online Globalization Course for K-12 Teachers and Administrators This six-week online course immerses educators from all disciplines and roles in an exploration of the rapid global changes in government, economics, environment and health, culture and technology. Participants are required to read, discuss and reflect on the most important issues facing America and the world today. Contact Dr. Rachel Clarke if interested.
· April 21, 2012, Saturday FLANC Spring Fling Workshops Asheville, NC With five concurrent sessions in a single (1) day format, FLANC offers the ‘Best Of FLANC” sessions that scored the highest ratings at the annual Conference (Winston-Salem 2011). You will need to arrive Friday night or leave very early Saturday to take in all the workshops in this one-day event.
· June 25-29, 2012 AP French Language and Culture Training UNC-Charlotte The AP French instructor is Dr. Jean-Pierre Piriou was new to UNCC last year but they are happy to have him again this year. Fees, registration form, etc can be found at http://education.uncc.edu/cstem/k-12-stem-teacher-programs/advanced-placement-summer-institutes-apsi/course-description Dates - http://education.uncc.edu/cstem/sites/education.uncc.edu.cstem/files/media/APSI%20schedule%20and%20fees1%202-6.pdf Registration http://education.uncc.edu/cstem/k-12-stem-teacher-programs/advanced-placement-summer-institutes-apsi/registration
· July 9 -12, 2012 AP Spanish Language and Culture Training UNC-Charlotte. The AP Spanish instructor is Ms. Alicia Lewis who was new to UNCC last year but they are happy to have her again this year. Fees, registration form, etc can be found at http://education.uncc.edu/cstem/k-12-stem-teacher-programs/advanced-placement-summer-institutes-apsi/course-description Dates - http://education.uncc.edu/cstem/sites/education.uncc.edu.cstem/files/media/APSI%20schedule%20and%20fees1%202-6.pdf Registration http://education.uncc.edu/cstem/k-12-stem-teacher-programs/advanced-placement-summer-institutes-apsi/registration
· November 16 – 18, 2012 ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo in Philadelphia, PA. http://www.actfl.org/files/ACTFL2012/Ads/ACTFL_Conv2012_FullPgAdSponsors_BW_PRINT.pdf
ACTFL Updates
· The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) has released the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 for Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading and that the ACTFL Guidelines website has been published at http://www.actfl.org/profguidelines2012. The ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines have been revised for 2012 with updated descriptions of what individuals can do with language in terms of speaking, writing, listening and reading in real-world situations in a spontaneous and non-rehearsed context. The Guidelines website is a new and exciting feature that supports the text of the 2012 Guidelines with glossed terminology and annotated, multimedia samples of performance at each level for Speaking and Writing, and examples of oral and written texts and tasks associated with each level for Reading and Listening.
Black History Month
· Dennise Nelson, Spanish teacher at East Union Middle, shares this resource for Black History Month http://www.history.com/topics/black-history-month/videos#origins-of-black-history-month
Language Learning Strategies
· Student survey – created by the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, this document is a great ice breaker for students to analyze how they learn a language and what they can do to take more action towards learning a second language. http://www.carla.umn.edu/maxsa/documents/LanguageStrategySurvey_MAXSA_IG.pdf
WL Advocacy
· Your language students will be impressed if they see the replay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEzvKCPgkjw of the televised presidential bilateral meeting today between US President Obama and Chinese Vice President Xi (president-to-be). They can follow the interpreter to Mr. Obama's left, listen to him speak, watch him take notes, see how an interpreter works, etc. Coincidentally, the translator, Mr. Jim Brown married the roommate of Sharon Tian, Porter Ridge Middle School Global Studies and Chinese teacher. Ms. Tian's roommate is a native of China who grew up in Brazil. There is a blog post about how Mr. Brown came to learn Mandarin and how he continues to perfect his skills as a translator. http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2007/12/20/4375909-mystery-interpreter-reveals-disappearing-act Small world! By the way, Vice President Xi has one daughter who is a sophomore at Harvard.
· The Offensive Translator – a funny look at an inept translator and some stereotypes of language sounds. Thanks to Dennise Nelson, Spanish teacher at East Union Middle for sharing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY66ZJ0TFUI
Language Learning Resources
· Culture and languages across the curriculum (CLAC) maintains a website for language learning resources http://www.resourcesforlife.com/docs/item555
· Word Champ - The Language Learning Network for students over 13 or teachers http://www.wordchamp.com/lingua2/Home.do
Chinese Resources
· Schools in China – A series by the BBC (Thanks to Nina Chen, Chinese teacher at Cuthbertson and Weddington Middle for sharing). Each is about ten minutes. There are many other than these that will pop up in the right side bar on You Tube.
o Episode 2: Part 1 of 6 –http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGVwpLNKLWg&feature=related (Comparison of three schools in a small town – Chungchow. (Changzhou? End-of-year tests. ES students – washing dishes in cafeteria; students talking about school; becoming a Young Pioneer (first step in joining Chinese party), Communist Youth League and high school graduation at age 18; prep for GaoKau university exam, English teacher talks about importance of exams, Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world,
o Episode 2: Part 2 of 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkmCj1j631c&feature=related (English competition for high school students)
o Episode 5: Part 1 of 6 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdMD8G9rWRM&feature=related (Commercialism and Communism are colliding. Spring Festival hopes to hold society together)
· BBC Chinese - resources & worksheets, email tips, tv & radio; http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/chinese/
French Resources
· BBC French – resources & worksheets, email tips, tv & radio; http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french
German Resources
· BBC German – resources & worksheets, email tips, tv & radio; http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/german
Spanish Resources
· BBC Spanish – resources & worksheets, email tips, tv & radio; http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish
· Innovative College Study Abroad – helping students gain language skills, cultural skills and sports management industry work experience: Innovative Internship Program Targets Dominican Republic Baseball Industry - The Dominican Republic Sports & Education Academy (DRSEA), and the North Carolina IERC Education Foundation (IERCEF) today announced the creation of a pilot program to place interns from U.S. colleges and universities in the baseball industry in the Dominican Rep. http://prlog.org/11806932
Tech Tools
· EdSurge-instruct 020712 Twitter chat
“What tools are helpful for teaching foreign languages? What tools could help ESL students gain mastery in their first language?” Culture, culture, culture. That was the message from participants in our Twitter chat (#esinstruct) on language technology. @jimspanish summed up several comments when he noted: "we believe culture is as important as learning the language." Authentic dialogue--or better, chats with native speakers--really help, added @mexifornio. Skype and gchats are ways to connect students across borders. Two resources friends shared outside of the chat that emphasize culture exchanges include this free site for connecting teachers who are looking for international-partner classrooms and The Flat Classroom project, which uses projects to knit together classrooms across international boundaries. Watching movies with the subtitles in the target language is a tried and true strategy, added @mindyeve. @PlaySay observed that the growing number of tools means that teachers can try to match technology to the different learning skills of various students. Here's an infographic that categorizes the hardest languages for English speakers to learn http://infographiclist.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/etoolsforlanguageteachersnotfrenchbutwow_4e5ba33c93add.png Several of those in the chat are entrepreneurs building products: one in a "pre-beta" form that looks promising is LookingGlassLearning or Loogla http://loogla.com/ Off-chat, several people pointed to specialized language site including this interactive site for learning Latin, a site that specializes in less commonly taught languages http://www.openlanguages.net (think Swahili) and a passel of resources cordoned off by the famed Defense Sciences Institute http://www.dliflc.edu/products.html
“What tools are helpful for teaching foreign languages? What tools could help ESL students gain mastery in their first language?” Culture, culture, culture. That was the message from participants in our Twitter chat (#esinstruct) on language technology. @jimspanish summed up several comments when he noted: "we believe culture is as important as learning the language." Authentic dialogue--or better, chats with native speakers--really help, added @mexifornio. Skype and gchats are ways to connect students across borders. Two resources friends shared outside of the chat that emphasize culture exchanges include this free site for connecting teachers who are looking for international-partner classrooms and The Flat Classroom project, which uses projects to knit together classrooms across international boundaries. Watching movies with the subtitles in the target language is a tried and true strategy, added @mindyeve. @PlaySay observed that the growing number of tools means that teachers can try to match technology to the different learning skills of various students. Here's an infographic that categorizes the hardest languages for English speakers to learn http://infographiclist.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/etoolsforlanguageteachersnotfrenchbutwow_4e5ba33c93add.png Several of those in the chat are entrepreneurs building products: one in a "pre-beta" form that looks promising is LookingGlassLearning or Loogla http://loogla.com/ Off-chat, several people pointed to specialized language site including this interactive site for learning Latin, a site that specializes in less commonly taught languages http://www.openlanguages.net (think Swahili) and a passel of resources cordoned off by the famed Defense Sciences Institute http://www.dliflc.edu/products.html
Product | Practice w/ native speakers? | Cultural exchange or immersion? | Price |
BYU 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year Spanish. Instructor-driven, all virtual curriculum -- no textbook or written supplements. | $$$ | ||
Hello-Hello Free online interactive language courses available on iOS and Android. Developed in collaboration with American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. | FREE (BETA) | ||
Imagine Learning English language acquisition for Pre-K, children w/ disabilities, and ELL. Research based curriculum. | $$$ | ||
K12 Spanish 1,2,3 and AP free for students enrolled in K12 online schools, or for purchase by independent learners. Also Fr, Ger, Latin, Chinese, Japanese. Accredited curriculum for academic credit. | $$ | ||
Lingueo Virtual immersion language learning with 1-on-1 video conferencing with native speakers and direct feedback. Provides context-specific instruction such as business, travel, or romance. | $$$ | ||
Michel Thomas Critically acclaimed method from "language teacher to the stars." CDs cover everything from basic phrases to conversational mastery. | $-$$ | ||
National University Virtual High School Spanish I, II, and III. Style geared towards independent learners and homechoolers. 10% off for district 'partnerships'. | $$$ | ||
PowerSpeak Spanish 1,2,3 and AP by semester or full year. Multiple implementation options for schools. Meets national standards and accredited for academic credit transfer. Interactive multi-media driven curriculum. | $$-$$$ | ||
Sombrero Time Comprehensive K-8 Spanish curriculum developed by parents in response to lack of suitable learning tools. iPad app also in development. | $$$ |
Supplemental language learning products
Compiled by EdSurge
Product | Practice w/ native speakers? | Cultural exchange or immersion? | Price |
Babbel.com Flashcard system like Rosetta Stone; iOS app; lower price; more limitations. | $ | ||
CAPL Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon. Provides Creative Commons licensed pictures that represent the true meaning and intent of a word in a given language. Covers words in English, German, French, Chinese, and Spanish. | FREE | ||
Digital Dialects 60 languages covered. Free online games for language learning. Covers numbers, phrases, spelling, pronunciation, and conjugation. | FREE | ||
Duolingo Takes advantage crowdsourcing language translations & language-learning site. As you progress through lessons, you help translate websites and documents. | FREE (BETA) | ||
Eleutian Founded in 2006. Operates 9 teaching centers in Western US; open 24x7. Heavily used in Asia; features 1:1 or group tutoring sessions with certified US teachers and uses Pearson's ELLIS system. | $$$ | ||
Forvo Supplemental tool for foreign language speaking. Provides pronunciation assistance through hundreds of recordings in native tongue. Completely user-generated and updated on a regular basis. | FREE | ||
iTalki A language social network and marketplace connecting learners to native speakers or language teachers. | FREE | ||
LangMedia Offers resources for learning languages less commonly available in US schools (e.g. Arabic, Bulgarian, Persian, Thai, and Urdu). Includes 'Culture Talk' feature, a collection of videos from native speakers intended to provide new cultural insights. | FREE | ||
Live Mocha Catered to users who prefer casual, conversational, 1-on-1 environments. Includes flashcards and interaction with native speakers. Take full advantage of social media discovery (called the "Facebook of Foreign Languages"). | $ | ||
Make Beliefs Comix Comic-strip creation tool allowing users to create custom comic stories in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portugese, or Latin. Includes teacher resources for classroom uses. | FREE | ||
Mango Languages Social "language exchange site" good for immersion experiences; not easy to monitor student actions. | $ | ||
Memrise Supplemental flashcard game for language learning. Includes audio pronunciations and video of words and phrases being used in proper context. | FREE | ||
MindSnacks Critically acclaimed iOS animated language learning games. Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Mandarin for English speakers. | FREE | ||
Open Culture List of free resources for learning 37 different languages. All resources can be downloaded to computer. | FREE | ||
Palabea No curriculum or course, but a complete set of tools to find a suitable language exchange partner. 1-on-1 video conferencing available for maximum cultural exposure. | FREE | ||
PlaySay Suite of iOS apps for context-specific language learning. Private Facebook beta that helps learners acquire languages by communicating those languages through pictures. Also includes Language Guide to search for context-specific language learning tools. | $ | ||
Quest Open-source system for creating and playing text adventure games. Covers reading and writing in English, French, German, Spanish and Dutch. No coding skills required to create a game. | FREE | ||
Verbling Easy way to connect with native speakers through live video chat. Facebook integrated. | FREE | ||
Voki Language teachers' LMS; lets students create custom avatar 'voki', add voice and share. | $ | ||
Wordplay A site to teach Spanish words and phrases through game play; started by Nolan Bushnell of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese fame. | FREE | ||
WordSteps Supplemental tool for foreign language vocabulary. Create your own dictionary from English, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, German, Japanese, Italian, or Portuguese, and practice through six different interactive activities. | FREE |