Off and running we are! Hopefully, you are up and rolling with classes, students and materials. Please browse the info below for helpful information. Polyglot Press issues are archived in the blog
Professional Development
· September 18, 2012 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Flipping the Classroom free webinar from Colorado.. Spanish teacher, Heather Witten, will be focusing on classroom structure and lesson planning. She will try to incorporate some assessment, but might have to just post a video to the blog to cover this topic. If you have any specific concerns, please feel free to email ideas or questions to her in advance at and she will try to address them. There were 90 slots nationwide. Register soon if interested.
o Sharing what they know: The following colleagues have KINDLY volunteered in their google docs stat entries to share on the following topics. You might contact them directly about how and when you could connect so that they can share what they know. I will be happy to organize something if needed: BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO
§ Alice Shrader – Edmodo (student-friendly organizer like Facebook and Moodle combined), Moodle, Twitter as a tool for teachers to stay up-to-date
§ Daisy Rodriguez – what I have and will learn at the FLANC conferences
§ Debbie Moats – Help with NCWise grading
§ Dianne Mays – Audacity, Moodle, Smart Notebook 10
§ Harry Braun – Student exchange tips
§ Kathryn Snearly – Comic Life (NS WL ES #3 - writing), Glogster (NS WL ES #3 – writing and speaking), Windows Photostory 3 (NS WL ES #3 – writing and speaking) wikis and assignments ((NS WL ES #3 – writing mostly)
§ Paul Cummings – Smart Response (“clickers” for formative assessment and feedback)
§ Sherry Edwards_Logan – Contacts with native speakers of French and Spanish
§ Stacie Thompson – SmartResponse (“clickers” for formative assessment and feedback)
§ Sue Mead – Summer Travel (leading and organizing student trips abroad)
§ Wanda Parks – can share some of her SmartBoard activities
§ If you haven’t replied to the Google Docs yet, please go to:
· MS - .
· HS –
Motivating Students
· MS and HS students do not innately understand the value of learning any language other than English. Advocating for the importance of second language skills is a daily job for world languages teacher.
· Why Study Spanish – a new PowToon video by Jennifer Edenfield at Parkwood High School. Thanks for sharing. BRAVO
· Why Study Spanish? Is also a video in the Realidades 1 video program.
Implementing the NC World Languages Standards
· Target Language Use - “Research indicates that effective language instruction must provide significant levels of meaningful communication and interactive feedback in the target language in order for students to develop language and cultural proficiency ... ACTFL therefore recommends that language educators and their students use the target language as exclusively as possible (90% plus) at all levels of instruction during instructional time and, when feasible, beyond the classroom. “ (Thanks to Kathryn Snearly) for the quote. BRAVO
· Tech Ideas for Standard 2
o Understanding through reading - (check details and tech issues at your school)
o – Understanding through listening - This site permits students to choose the language and words they need / want to know how to say or understand orally. Thanks to the person that shared this in the Curriculum Day feedback.
· Tech Idea for Standard 3
o Presentational Communication (Writing) (check details and tech issues at your school)
o Presentational Communication (Writing) digital book creation (check details and tech issues at your school) Thanks to the person that shared this in the Curriculum Day feedback.
· Tech Idea for Student Portfolios
o Standard 1 - Interpersonal communication (recordings of student ‘conversations) Portfolios permit students and teachers to demonstrate student success for teacher evaluation artifacts, parent teacher conferences, student growth, etc.
o Standard 3 – Presentational communication (student writing samples and speaking samples) Portfolios permit students and teachers to demonstrate student success for teacher evaluation artifacts, parent teacher conferences, student growth, etc.
o Standards 1 and 3 – If students can create their own weebly site, they can upload writing, audio and video samples of their proficiency achievement and growth.
Chinese Resources
· Xiaoli Doty Wiki with lots of resources for teaching Chinese She is also a coach for NC Virtual Public Schools. Some of you may know her.
French Resources
German Resources
· German - Deutsch Aktuell Online Text and Teacher Resources -
Spanish Resources
- Spanish - Realidades – Textbook Online Companion for students and teachers
- Spanish - Conexiones – Textbook Online Companion for students and teachers
- Spanish – Realidades - Success Net – ONLINE TEXTBOOK
o To register for the online textbook, you will need the following access codes:
“Most Commonly Spoken Languages”
“Most Commonly Spoken Languages”
The Summer Institute for Linguistics (SIL) Ethnologue Survey (1999) lists the following as the top languages by population:
(number of native speakers in parentheses)
(number of native speakers in parentheses)
- Chinese* (937,132,000)
- Spanish (332,000,000)
- English (322,000,000)
- Bengali (189,000,000)
- Hindi/Urdu (182,000,000)
- Arabic* (174,950,000)
- Portuguese (170,000,000)
- Russian (170,000,000)
- Japanese (125,000,000)
- German (98,000,000)
- French* (79,572,000)
The following list is from Dr. Bernard Comrie’s article for the Encarta Encyclopedia (1998):
(number of native speakers in parentheses)
(number of native speakers in parentheses)
- Mandarin Chinese (836 million)
- Hindi (333 million)
- Spanish (332 million)
- English (322 million)
- Bengali (189 million)
- Arabic (186 million)
- Russian (170 million)
- Portuguese (170 million)
- Japanese (125 million)
- German (98 million)
- French (72 million)
The following list is from George Weber’s article “Top Languages: The World’s 10 Most Influential Languages” in Language Today (Vol. 2, Dec 1997):
(number of native speakers in parentheses)
(number of native speakers in parentheses)
- Mandarin Chinese (1.1 billion)
- English (330 million)
- Spanish (300 million)
- Hindi/Urdu (250 million)
- Arabic (200 million)
- Bengali (185 million)
- Portuguese (160 million)
- Russian (160 million)
- Japanese (125 million)
- German (100 million)
- Punjabi (90 million)
- Javanese (80 million)
- French (75 million)
However, in terms of secondary speakers, Weber submits the following list:
(number of speakers in parentheses)
(number of speakers in parentheses)
- French (190 million)
- English (150 million)
- Russian (125 million)
- Portuguese (28 million)
- Arabic (21 million)
- Spanish (20 million)
- Chinese (20 million)
- German (9 million)
- Japanese (8 million)
Thus, if you add the secondary speaker populations to the primary speaker populations, you get the following (and I believe more accurate) list:
(number of speakers in parentheses)
(number of speakers in parentheses)
- Mandarin Chinese (1.12 billion)
- English (480 million)
- Spanish (320 million)
- Russian (285 million)
- French (265 million)
- Hindi/Urdu (250 million)
- Arabic (221 million)
- Portuguese (188 million)
- Bengali (185 million)
- Japanese (133 million)
- German (109 million)
- English (115)
- French (35)
- Arabic (24)
- Spanish (20)
- Russian (16)
- German (9)
- Mandarin (5)
- Portuguese (5)
- Hindi/Urdu (2)
- Bengali (1)
- Japanese (1)