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Monday, September 2, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Resources Discovered Summer, 2013
Polyglot Press
Connected to World Language Teaching Resources
Discovered Summer, 2013
There are SO MANY resources online these
days. Perhaps you will find some of these useful for your instruction. “Browsing’
the internet for hours on end this summer, there was a lot to unearth.
The Polyglot Press is archived at http://polyglotpress.blogspot.com/
AND now posted to the UCPS WL Edmodo site. You can join by setting up a free
Edmodo Group is open to UCPS WL Teachers and is a great place for you to share
resources, lessons, viewpoints.
items are enlarged and highlighted in UCPS green.
Pedagogy –
Increasing the Use of the Target Language in Classroom
Interaction http://www.oomroom.ca/resources/knop_article.PDF
Search for some of the publication titles listed in Lori
Ranger Ramirez’ resume http://www.miscositas.com/RamirezCV.pdf
The Practice of Using and Teaching with Open Educational Resources Explore the practice of implementing OER
into teaching and learn specifically about integration of COERLL’s popular
French curriculum, Francais
interactif, into foreign language classrooms. Webinar notes at https://blog.coerll.utexas.edu/category/finding-oer/
Discussion of repositories where these resources exist. All rights reserved vs.
Some rights reserved. Learning occurs in an organic environment. The factory
style of education doesn’t exist anymore. Past learning style of a linear order
for learning is archaic. There are multiple orders for reaching a goal. Free
and Open are really different. Open is deeper than no cost. It is tied to the
values of open access. The value of the content is how we use the resources.
Technology –
What Tools Are Permitted for My Age Group?
Tools for the Under 13 Students mgleeson.edublogs.org/2012/07/05/web-2-0-for-the-under-13s-crowd#.UdwV3jXZoFo.twitter
Tools for Students to Practice the Target Language
Quizlet – flashcards, audio dictation for
students to spell, memory games, multiple choice quizzes, fill-in-the blank
Technology –
Interactive Tool for Surveying the Students
Mancilla writes, ‘wanted to share this web 2.0 tool Tricider https://tricider.com/en/t/ it
looks really neat and I think teachers or students could use this in the
classroom to brainstorm or in my case encourage communication in the target
language. Another neat tool I've learned about in my class is Socrative http://www.socrative.com/how-it-works It gives
students instant feedback.’
Cartoon creators
Technology -
Creating Listening Files for Students
Do you want your students to hear grammatical
or cultural explanations in English? Use www.podcastomatic.com to read online files to your students. This tool might
be useful to help students who prefer to listen rather than read or who want to
listen to information while multitasking on other topics. Simply teach students
to insert the URL for your online information. This online service will then
‘read’ the source to the student with computer-generated speech. Try it.
Teachers can create files for their students
in any language with Voki’s colorful
avatar (computer generated and customizable character) by either typing in the
message for the avatar to read or by adding a recording with your own voice via
telephone, online recording or uploading an audio file
Teachers can quickly create audio files in
Vocaroo for students to listen to over and over. Students can access these
files with the URL or QR codes or by uploading it from your Moodle or Edmodo
PowToons - Get your free membership! - Create unlimited
Powtoons. - Unlimited social sharing of your videos on PowToon.com - Up to 30
YouTube Exports per month. - Each Powtoon is up to to 5 minutes long
Global Connections
o SVMS Social Studies teacher Carolyn Frye connects her students to French culture
via epals. Read how her students exchanged culture boxes with students in
France http://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/news/jump.php?news_id=375467
Open Source Resources
Open Source Resources for Teachers – Join Curriki for free at www.curriki.org Follow Curriki on Twitter, a “global
community working together to create quality open source materials that will
benefit teachers and students everywhere”
“The ability to work across
cultures is no longer a nice-to-have skill set for elite executives; every year
it becomes more essential to finding any job at all,” especially for small and
mid-size businesses, http://news.thomasnet.com/IMT/2013/07/11/do-small-businesses-need-to-be-multilingual/
What Different Languages
Think Animals Sound Like (a dog, cat, rooster, a cow and a pig) – to let your
students know how we differ http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2013/07/what-different-languages-think-different-animals-sound-like/
Chinese Resources
There's a robust textbook companion website for Step Up Chinese at
that includes: Open-access
student resources such as Pinyin pronunciation guide, complete audio program,
chapter-by-chapter vocabulary flashcards and listening activities. These would
be good online practice for students.
Video - Shopping in Shanghai
| <="" span=""
style="font-family: SimSun; color: windowtext; text-decoration:
none;">: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpxX-E7ATGg
Video - Snacking in Shanghai | <="" span=""
style="font-family: SimSun; color: windowtext; text-decoration:
none;">: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBnQBNbXbyM
Video - Scenes of Shanghai | <="" span=""
style="font-family: SimSun; color: windowtext; text-decoration:
none;">: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9D4UqbG0s8
Video - School in Shanghai
| <="" span=""
style="font-family: SimSun; color: windowtext; text-decoration:
none;">: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVc2F-j_Muk
Video - China - Zhongguo: A Taste of the Middle Kingdom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyasH8OG_CM
French Resources
LangMedia: French in
Canada, French in France, Luxemburg, Martinique, Morocco, Senegal - Videos, scripts, translation, photos of basic topics in
Spain: lodging, restaurants, transportation, laundry, emergencies, restrooms,
trash, pharmacy, post office, banks and money, etc.http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu/collection/lm_french.html
Les Miserables –
playing at the CPCC Halton Theater November 15 – 24.
Video -
Le Maroc - Pays de tradition, pays de merveilles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqprC77bQno
German Resources
LangMedia: German in
Germany - Videos,
scripts, translation, photos of basic topics in Spain: lodging, restaurants,
transportation, laundry, emergencies, restrooms, trash, pharmacy, post office,
banks and money,etc. http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu/collection/lm_germany/ge_index.html
Air Force cadets have
home stays in Germany – “The biggest language
challenge is using the local Pfaelzisch dialect, since the cadets learn
Hochdeutsch, or High German, at the academy, the cadets said. Subtle but
confusing differences include jo for “yes” instead of ja, or nett for “not”
instead of nicht, said Forrest Lowery, a junior who wants to be an A-10 pilot.”
Spanish Resources
Advocacy – Motivation
o Spanish and English in the American South – Thought provoking six-minute video about
Spanish-speaking immigrants coming to NC, being bilingual, the value of being
bilingual, the US as a bilingual nation. This might launch interest and
discussion on learning a second language. Valuable for first days of a
semester. http://www.learnnc.org/lp/multimedia/10194
Social Networking
Sites for Spanish Teachers:
Proficiency Level Training – Spanish Samples Here
you will find video recordings of Spanish learners of different levels
answering several questions, a written transcript of what they say, and
exercises that will guide you interactively to notice features about their
talk, as well as answers to those exercises. The purpose of the site is to: http://laits.utexas.edu/spt/
Foreign language proficiency is a term used to refer to a
person's ability to communicate in the target language. The proficiency level
of an individual is not static. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing are
language skills that are evaluated when assessing proficiency. This website
focuses on speaking, although dialogue also involves listening and
Guide for Spanish – 60,875 entries http://www.forvo.com/languages-pronunciations/es/
Novice Level Spanish
Black and white
outline of Diego Velazquez’ Las Meninas – good for labeling with family
relationships, colors, clothing, vocab work etc. http://www.cyberspain.com/colorme/netscape/pinta52.htm
Adivina (Guess it)
Addicting Videoclips
of students describing a new vocabulary word each day. Great listening and
vocabulary activity for novice mid students and above. Teaches circumlocution to second language students http://www.fundacionlengua.com/en/guess-it/sec/181/
Day of the Dead
planning – Students
or teachers can build their own altar
while describing, building, writing about the altar to which they can add
candles, food, etc. http://latino.si.edu/DayoftheDead/
LangMedia: Spanish in
Spain – Videos,
scripts, translation, photos of basic topics in Spain: lodging, restaurants,
transportation, laundry, emergencies, restrooms, trash, pharmacy, post office,
banks and money, etc. http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu/collection/lm_spain/sp_index.html (Novice Mid / Novice High) http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu/lm_collection.html
Simple Spanish Songs http://www.brycehedstrom.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/SONGS_ALL_SPANISH_STUDENTS_NEED_TO_KNOW.pdf
o Mi vida loca Spanish for beginners from BBC. These
video episodes are interactive. You have to pay the taxi driver, give him the
address, etc. There are audioclips incorporated for words and phrases and a
human phrasebook. In addition, there are pauses built in in which you should
respond and check the audio file to see if you are correct. http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/mividaloca/ A teacher’s guide is
included as well as a syllabus.
Coffee Break Spanish – free online audio interview
for beginners to intermediate Spanish learners. Podcasts include replies to a
topic question (such as “¿Qué ves cuando te miras en el espejo?”), cultural
discussion (i.e. traveling to Bogotá) and answers to listener questions (i.e.
What is the difference between ‘v de vaca’ vs.
‘uve’?) http://radiolingua.com/category/shows/coffee-break-spanish/
Teacher slide show on
Weather, Sports, Present Progressive and Demonstrative Pronouns (Interactive feature
for emailing results does not work but if students click they can copy and
paste their answers to email on their own.). http://mld.ursinus.edu/~jarana/Ejercicios/instructors/tiempo_deportes/sld010.html
Spanish Cognates
§ Cognates by endings, nouns, etc. http://www.esdict.com/English-Spanish-Cognates.html#.Ueu1eNKyB2A and
§ Cognate lesson for English Language Learners using a
digital thesaurus
http://www.visualthesaurus.com/cm/lessons/spanish-english-cognates-in-the-ell-classroom-friends-or-foes/ and
§ Cognate Lesson for English-Language Learners with chart
for organizing types of cognates (page 12) http://doc.achieve3000.com/article/UsingCognates.pdf
o Sample Novice High – Intermediate Low Spanish recordings
– Watch these
videos that focus on student performance and communicative ability. There are activities
linked to address theories of language acquisition. http://sites.la.utexas.edu/actividades-spt/category/capitulos/capitulo-02/
Videos in Spanish: Videos in Spanish by Lori
Ranger Ramirez at www.miscositas.com and http://www.youtube.com/MisCositasTV
Vocabulary and grammar points:
o History/Culture:
o Folktales
and Stories:
o El Caribe - Puerto Rico y la República Dominicana:
§ In-flight movie: Republica Dominicana, Cultura en el
Caribe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHo1bgJnkCg
La América Central:
§ NEW! Un viaje virtual al bosque lluvioso de Panamá: http://youtu.be/yhpz8RpkItw
o Mexico:
§ In-flight movie: Teotihuacán, Xochicalco, Chichén Itzá: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASuuDryPV6c
§ In-flight movie: La Ciudad de México: Arte y
arquelogía: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vqEUwseIAk
in English (ESL):
Intermediate Low and
above Spanish Resources
o Libro digital Herramientas
de español - Online Advanced Spanish Book by Enrique Yepes Boudoin College http://www.bowdoin.edu/~eyepes/newgr/ats/
BBC Intermediate Spanish
Crossword Puzzles each clue is written and in audio. Some audio clues
include the answer. Topics include: For
the Level 5 and above student. Topics include: Salud pública,
Las fiestas españolas, Propiedades inmobiliarias, La cocina española, Las
rebajas, Navidades en España, http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/news/crossword/flash/
Cambio 16 – Online news magazine on politics, economy, culture and
society from Spain http://cambio16.es/
Mi Pequeño día – printable PDF online weekly magazine aimed at native
speakers ages 8 – 12, similar to Highlights magazine in English. Interesting
topics on nature, etc. Some reading activities have comprehension checks (i.e.
matching the correct forest to the explanations on forests in Puerto Rico) http://especiales.elnuevodia.com/mipequenodia/
Muy Interesante - online
news magazine in Spanish from Spain with videos. Best for intermediate low and
above. Topics of interest are: Science, Nature, Technology, History, Health,
Culture www.muyinteresante.ed
o Grammar Explanations in English as Audiofiles – 5 – 8 minutes recordings that are good for
independent work or homework. Topics include: Ser vs estar, Preterite vs
Imperfect, Subjective in Noun Clauses, Subjunctive in Adverbial Clauses,
Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses, Substitutions for True Passive http://open.umich.edu/education/lsa/spanish277/fall2011/materials
o Online BBC Self-Graded Spanish Test – Three levels: Beginner, Post-Beginner,
Intermediate. Includes ‘speaking tests’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/gauge/
"Life Is Calling" Peace Corps Spanish Public Service
Announcement (great sample of conditional tense ¿Hasta dónde irías? ¿Cruzarias
la calle, ¿Cruzarias el mar? ¿Por cuánto tiempo irías? ¿Irías si pudieras usar
tu conocimiento? )
Madrileños por el Mundo: hour-long in
Spanish videos made by a reporter who travels the world interviewing natives of
Madrid, Spain and learning about their new residence.
§ Madrileños por el Mundo: Alabama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zAykp-NEic
§ Madrileños por el Mundo: Cali,
Colombia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIQeTHmYsy0
§ Madrileños por el Mundo: Carolina
del Sur http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUuJoyc38GQ
§ Madrileños por el Mundo: Dia de
los Difuntos (visit to Guanajato y Michoacan, Mexico)
§ Madrileños por el Mundo:
Guayaquil http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1gv1s7W4Qc
§ Madrileños por el Mundo:
Montevideo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97uRj6jKDTQ
§ Madrileños por el Mundo: Paraguay
§ Madrileños por el Mundo: Puerto
Rico http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o84tdk_lp8M
§ Madrileños por el Mundo: Quito http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8ouqPsh4xM
§ Madrileños por el Mundo: Virginia
o Españoles en el Mundo: Fifty
minute videos in Spanish. Espacio emitido por la televisión pública española TVE
§ Españoles en el Mundo: Chile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTeFzEYgvng
§ Españoles en el Mundo: México,
D.F. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TD2gY1YGfc
§ Españoles en el Mundo: Norte de
Chile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63ihwiY5nY8
§ Españoles en el Mundo: Paraguay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfwKIzeBhCM
§ Españoles en el Mundo: Patagonia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4pSn6d9gZM
§ Españoles por el Mundo: Perú http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omtEXr6XGlo
1,000 of the Most
Common Words in Spanish – flashcards http://www.flashcardmachine.com/1000-most-commonspanishwords.html
Open Course Library
Spanish III
Advanced Spanish
o Cuentos populares de
Castilla y León (Spain) – seven famous
children’s stories told with audio and drawings. Text is included. http://www.fundacionlengua.com/cuentos-populares/index-en.php
o LearnSpanish audio
recordings on AudioBoo http://audioboo.fm/Learn-Spanish
Follow the series of weekly audio newscasts for advanced students called “This
Was The Week”. Sample for week of July 28 at http://audioboo.fm/boos/1524664-that-was-the-week-28-07-2013-in-spanish
Spanish Grammar, Libro
digital Herramientas de español, Online Advanced Spanish Book, A
concise outline of essential grammar structures based on , John
Turner's All the Spanish Grammar You Really Need to Know http://www.bowdoin.edu/~eyepes/newgr/ats/index.html
o Current Events from
Spain - Sign up to receive interactive current events
in Spain the form of news articles from Practica español. Each article includes current events for level A, B or C with a
written and audio format and sometimes a relevant news videoclip. Included also
are reading comprehension questions, grammar notes, a comment / question
section and sometimes spelling, punctuation and / or synonyms practice http://www.practicaespanol.com/es/normas-uso-comunidad/art/2046/
o Spoof on Frida Kahlo and Pablo Picasso paintings http://zachary-jones.com/zambombazo/miaucoles-cathlo-los-dos-gatos-picatso-is-this-a-kiss/
o Machu Picchu - Peruvian Restaurant in Pineville http://www.machupicchupineville.com/ 315 S Polk St; Pineville,
NC 28134; 704 909-7104
o Viva Chicken - Peruvian Restaurant near CPCC http://www.vivachicken.com 1617 Elizabeth
Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28204
o Virtual Dali – includes paintings, posters and photos per
time periods from 1910 – 1983 http://www.virtualdali.com/
Planning for National
Hispanic Heritage Month – have your students browse programs for studying Spanish
abroad http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/lprograms/
They could post their preferred destination and school on VoiceThread, Google
Presentations, a wiki, etc.
§ The International Student Economic Value Tool - Follow overseas study per US state http://www.nafsa.org/Explore_International_Education/Impact/Data_And_Statistics/The_International_Student_Economic_Value_Tool/
Compare how many students study
abroad per state per year and the calculated economic value.
Great Quotes
= Life2
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