Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13 Update

Staying Connected to World Language Teaching Resources

At the NC ASCD conference last week, Rebecca Garland, Chief Academic Officer for the NCDPI referred to this year as drinking water from a fire hydrant, when referring to the number of new initiatives. For World Language teachers that equates to:
·         Shifting to COMMUNICATION as the GOAL
·         Technology Integration - in teaching, practice and assessment
·         Literacy Support: Reading, Speaking and Listening, Writing, Language – Focus on Informational Text AND Literature
·         Assessing and practicing all four NC WL Essential Standards
·         No MSLs but a shift to portfolios to document what a student can do in the language

What is a polyglot? A person having a speaking, reading, or writing knowledge of several languages.

Thanks to the many items shared for the newsletter. This newsletter is archived at

·         Welcome to Lynn Frazier who has joined the staff at Marvin Ridge Middle to teach eighth grade Spanish and Global Studies.
·         Welcome also to Anjella Tabor-Smith who joins the staff at Weddington High to teach Spanish.
·         Forest Hills has one agreed-upon grading for the department. In order to account for all NC WL Essential Standards their grading breakdown is as follows: Tests/Projects 30%, Quizzes 20%, Written assessment 15% (to go into NCWise as “classwork / homework category), Oral Participation 20%, Speaking Assessment 15% (to go into NCWise as “General Assessment”)

·         February 10, 2013 Chinese Spring Festival begins in China and lasts for 15 days. This is referred to as Chinese New Year in the US. The new year is the Year of the Snake, also called the Little Dragon. Those born in 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1089, 2001 and 2013 are born in the year of the Snake. The New Year’s Eve reunion dinner for family is a feast with auspicious dishes such as fish   the most awaited moment will be the New Year’s Eve reunion dinner where family members gather at home to feast on auspicious dishes such as fish that symbolize年年有余(“May there be surplus yearly”), dumplings that equates to fortune cookies, brown sugar glutinous rice signifying年糕 (“Progressing every year”).
o    Year of the Snake resources (shared by Jimmie Quesinberry)
o    Chinese New Year songs 
·         February 12, 2013, Tuesday Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans and other French-heritage cities. Mardi = Tuesday, Gras = Fat. This is the last day of merriment and festivities prior to the start of the Christian period of Lent that culminates with Good Friday and Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.
o    Mardi Gras and parade schedule New Orleans
o    French terms for Mardi Gras
·         Feb 22 – 23, 2013 8:00 p.m.  Tiempo Libre Cuban music group performing at the Blumenthal Theatre hit
·         February 24, 2013 Chinese Lantern Festival (end of the Chinese Spring Festival)
·         March 4 – 10 National Foreign Language Week Theme "Foreign Languages: They Nourish the Brain!"
·         March 13, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Thursday Global Citizenship Through Travel: An Evening with Rick Steves, Travel Writer and Popular PBS Host (Rick Steves Europe) Venue: Westin Charlotte Hotel (601 S. College St.) Networking and Check-In: 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. (wine served; cash bar available)   Presentation: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Cost: $10 (Full Time Students - No Wine) / $30 (WACC members - 1 Glass of Wine) / $ 45 (Non-Members  - 1 Glass of Wine) Sponsored by World Affairs Council of Charlotte

Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning

·         = TELL The mission of the TELL Project is to define what effective language teachers do and facilitate their growth to prepare for, advance and support language learning.  – Observation Forms The TELL Project is a collaborative endeavor of Sharon Deering, Greg Duncan, Thomas Sauer and Alyssa Villarreal

Professional Development
·         February 27, 2013 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (EST) Webinar: Internationalizing Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum
Tech Tools
·         Changing Our Ways – With the arrival of Google Chromebooks next year for grades 6 – 12, we will be transitioning to online tools. Students will have minimal storage space on their Chromebooks. Google docs and Google Sites will be more used next year by all. Microsoft Window products will not be on student laptops, nor will Audacity or Photostory. As we begin the transition, you may want to become familiar with more 2.0 tools online>
o    Instead of student computers having SmartBoard Notebook 11 software, try this online platform that can open existing files, create files, etc. with many of the same Notebook 11 attributes  
o    Instead of student computers having Audacity for student recordings, try  ,  ,  ,, , ,   
o    Instead of student computers having Word, Excel or Power Point, try “Document”, “Spreadsheet” and “Presentation” in Google Drive.
o    Visit the Chrome Web Store. Under “Education” you will see “Foreign Language” There you can add language learning tools to your personal Google choices.   
§  ¡Qué Honda!
§  Chinese Tutor
§  Explore and find others… J
·         Concept Maps can be created in a click.  (in English)
·         Discovery Education which includes Discovery Streaming. The website is . Through this website you are able to access full length videos by subject area and grade level. Not only are videos available, you also have access to curriculum resources, pre-made teacher guides, and much more. You can search by curriculum standards along with the option of an advanced search. Go ahead and add it to your favorites, I'm sure this will become a frequently visited site. Once you are at the website, you will need to create your own account. On the main screen you will need to choose the Passcode / New User  tab and enter 778E-3ADB which will allow you to create your own user account through the Union County Public Schools account.
o    French – 4 entries; example: Standard Deviants School: The Flaky Pastry World of French: Program 06: Pronouns and Past Tense (25 minutes)
o    Spanish – 2,580 entries: Standard Deviants School: The Salsa-Riffic World of Spanish: Module 06: Ser and Estar
·         Make great headers and titles for Moodle, Power Point, Word, etc.: colors, shadows, flashing, bubble letters, etc.  Try  shared by Francy Yubely Zolke.

Global Topics

French Resources
·         Tres bien – Google Chrome free site and app –
o    Lessons – greetings, grammar, pronouns, intermediate, travel, etc.
o    Verb Conjugation Trainer - practice recognizing and checking verb conjugations
o    Games – Whack a Word, Hangman, Concentration, etc.

Spanish Resources
·         Anahi Crichigno, of Monroe High, recommends the following  site for info on correct Spanish
§  Estados Unidos y el español
§  Tu, el y mi (los acentos)
§  ¿Consumerismo o consumismo?
§  ¿Había o habían?
o    La galería de horrores  
§  Abrido
§  Baber pollo mañana
·         Dianne Mays, of Marvin Ridge Middle, recommends this “web site in Spanish that is great for Chapter 3B There is an interactive food pyramid for kids that would be a terrific listening activity (or opening activity) if you scroll down a little.  The chef describes the types of foods that are in the pyramid, and the script is below the pyramid.

Shifts in WL Teaching and Learning
·         What students CAN DO as opposed to what they know ABOUT the language - Alice Shrader shared the following:

·         “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” Alvin Toffler.
·         “It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.” Gabriel Garcia Marquez
·         "Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things." Flora Lewis
·         “… it is the physicality, the theatricality of foreign language study that shock me. To speak French you need a different mouth. Ta-Nehisi Coates

Friday, February 1, 2013

"Oh, the times they are a changing"

Polyglot Press
Staying Connected to World Language Teaching Resources
February 1, 2013

Month 2 of the “new year” has arrived. The hours of daylight are increasing. New students fill our classrooms. Many changes are underway getting ready for the new HomeBase online data and instructional tool. DPI is looking into what will constitute ‘evidence’ of student growth and achievement en lieu of ‘common exams’ or ‘Measures of Student Learning’. Multiple choice tests are ruled out as a a state 'common exam' for world languages. The focus is on proficiency in the second language classroom and what a student can do with the language. This is an exciting time as we focus more and more on the communicative aspects of language acquisition.  The February DPI WL workshop on Rubrics should be good. These newsletters are archived at Here's hoping all are doing well and thriving!

·      Welcome to new Sun Valley HS Spanish teacher Donna Kos.
·      Congrats to Ron Crider, French teacher at Porter Ridge High – a student approached Mr. Crider explaining that he wanted to learn French. The students and the teacher met every week after school working diligently on the French 1 curriculum. The student took the French 1 exam and was placed in French 2. What a way to meet a student’s personal academic goals and make a difference volunteering his time is such a way.
·      Charlotte-based E E Waddell (Immersion) Language Academy Wins Prestigious National Award

Professional Development
·         February 20, at 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. DPI World Languages Webinar: Proficiency-Based Rubrics To register To submit questions before the seminar
·         February 21, 4:15  - 5:30 p.m. Middle School World Language Teachers Alliance: Performance Indicators, Activities and Assessment. Please bring an oral sample and a written sample of student work. PDC / MTC Room 114 721 Brewer Drive, Monroe, NC
·         February 28, 2013 Proposals Due to Present at FLANC Fall Conference 2013 are due. Be a teacher leader! Share your skills. Lead the profession. Submit proposals here
·         NC Education Modules for teachers are available through NC Education at   The most recent released modules include:
o    Connecting with Our 21st Century Learners
§  Digital Literacies in the K-12 Classroom
§  Introduction to Data Literacy
§  Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects
§  North Carolina School Executive Standards and Evaluation Process
§  Understanding Young Student Behavior in the Classroom
o    March 19 – 20, 2013 Latin America and North Carolina: The 2013 Latin American and North Carolina Seminar offers insights into Latin America and support for K-12 and community college educators facing the challenges and opportunities of our growing immigrant student population.
o    March 20-21, 2013 Europe in Crisis? Dispelling Myths About the European Union The 2013 Europe and the European Union Seminar offers insight and resources on teaching Europe in the classroom and includes sessions on the importance of the European Union, Muslims in Europe, Education in Europe, and other topics of interest. 
·         January 30, 2013 8:00 p.m. China National Symphony Orchestra - Halton Theatre CPCC Charlotte
·         February African American History Month in the US - Each year since 1928, the Assoication for the Study of African American Life and History has provided a theme for Black History Month. This year's theme, "At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality: The Emancipation Proclamation and the March on Washington," corresponds with the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, and the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. It easy to connect to freedom and equity movements in the target country.
·         February 6 (National) Digital Learning Day How can you participate?
o    Assemble a collaborative team of teachers in your school, including your Instructional Technology Facilitator and/or your School Library Media Coordinator.
o    Create a video that highlights what innovative digital learning looks like for your students
o    Upload your video to our Digital Learning Day Edmodo Group no later than Feb. 15, 2013 (group code: 6wytyp).
o    The winning teams will receive 3 complimentary registrations to either NCSLMA 2013 or NCTIES 2014 and will be recognized during the conference.
·         February 9 11:00am-4:00pm Chinese New Year Celebration (Spring Festival), Cabarrus Chinese American Association (CCAA), along with Chinese Community Network will host one of their most popular annual events Saturday at 3355 Cox Mill Road; Concord; Cultural Show 2:00 p.m. $8.00 in advance $10 at the door.   
·         February 10 – Year of the Snake begins - Spring Festival in China (called Chinese New Year in the US)
·         Feb 22 – 23, 2013 8:00 p.m.  Tiempo Libre Cuban music group performing at the Blumenthal Theatre hit
·         March 4 – 10 National Foreign Language Week Theme "Foreign Languages: They Nourish the Brain!"
·         March 13, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Thursday Global Citizenship Through Travel: An Evening with Rick Steves, Travel Writer and Popular PBS Host (Rick Steves Europe) Venue: Westin Charlotte Hotel (601 S. College St.) Networking and Check-In: 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. (wine served; cash bar available)   Presentation: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Cost: $10 (Full Time Students - No Wine) / $30 (WACC members - 1 Glass of Wine) / $ 45 (Non-Members  - 1 Glass of Wine) Sponsored by World Affairs Council of Charlotte

Performance-Based Tools  
·         What is Integrated Performance Assessment?
·         West Virginia has adapted some of the LinguaFolio materials. Visit Note the language attractive language inventory that could be used when first starting a course.
·         LinguaFolio is available in eformat and as Word documents. Both versions can be found at   

Common Core
·         One major shift in the Common Core: Language Arts is to more non-faction.
·         The Common Core Framework and World Languages: A Wake-Up Call for All An article in the ACTFL journal : The Language Learner by Dr. Audrey Henning-Boynton and Dr. Mary Lynn Redmond of Wake Forest University http://www.  For more on the Common Core and world language instruction go to see:
o    “Educational failure puts the United States’ future economic prosperity, global position, and physical safety at risk,” warned Condoleeza Rice and Joel Klein, chairs of the Independent Task Force of the Council of Foreign Relations.” March 2012
o    “What is key with the term global is the fact that there is a wide array of languages in addition to English comprising our global community. Effective language teaching and learning is an indispensable component to support this latest framework and iniative (Common Core).”
o    “It is important that language educators move students from simple to complex language usage as they develop the ability to communicate in authentic contexts”.
o    “It is clear that learners without strong language instruction in addition to English will be at a severe disadvantage in terms of being prepared for our global economy and society.”
o    “Successful schools in world language instruction have:
§  Administrators who support a rigorous curriculum of languages in addition to English.
·         Strong leaders keep language learning focused on the deliverable of students able to use language in meaningful ways at high levels of proficiency.
·         This goal must lead to curriculum, instruction, and assessment aligned with high levels of proficiency in whatever languages are being taught.
§  Well-trained language teachers who maintain high standards for all.
·         (Well trained teachers)… employ best practices that are performance-based, moving the students forward toward increased language proficiency.
·         Teachers must create a rigorous, evidence-based curriculum.
o    The Council on Foreign Relations made a call to implement educational expectations and assessments in subjects vital to protecting national security. … The lack of preparedness poses threats on five national security fronts: economic growth and competiveness, physical safety, intellectual property, US global awareness, and US unity and cohesion.”
o    The authors point to the ACTFL Performance Descriptors to help educators plan instruction and assessment and help learners identify what they need to know and be able to do to improve language performance. You can download the document at

Position Papers
·         Language Education We Can Use: “But with respect to international education and language learning, more of what we are doing today wouldn’t be better. In fact, it might be worse. For too many years, we have maintained a language-learning strategy that simply does not work. In programs using outdated pedagogies focused on grammar and translation and coupled with low expectations, students take foreign languages with goals that seemingly include everything except actually learning to speak the language.” Young and Buxton propose that “students will not leave these classes with advanced language proficiency. What they will obtain, however, are the language skills needed to travel in countries that speak the language, an understanding of other countries and cultures, and an awareness of the global issues that impact both those countries and our own.” “The good news: We can redeploy the existing world-languages course platform, teaching positions, and support resources to implement a language-learning and international education agenda that will actually achieve results.” David Young is the chief executive officer of VIF International Education, a Chapel Hill, N.C.-based company that works with states, districts, and schools on international education. J.B. Buxton is the founding principal of the Education Innovations Group, in Raleigh, N.C., and a former deputy state superintendent of education and governor’s education adviser in North Carolina.
·         Foreign Language Enrollments in K-12 Public Schools: Are Students Prepared for A Global Society?
o    In 2007-2008, 22.36% of NC students enrolled in World Language classes
·         Education for Global Leadership: The Importance of International Studies and Foreign Language Education for US Economics and National Security
·         A View from the Top: A Report from the North Carolina Summit on Languages and Cultures

Tech Tools
·         Word Reference is the bilingual online dictionary permitted in UCPS. Choose the languages to translate from and to.
·         Create fancy lettering for your Moodle page, Edmodo, etc. with
·         Add  active (ticking) analog clocks to your webpage or Moodle site for cities around the world
·         Presentational Communication (writing) tool – Make Beliefs Comix cartoon maker
Global Awareness- Curriculum Connections

·         Africa/Global: Half of World's Food Lost to Waste

·         ACTFL video on value of learning multiple languages
·         Be Tough – Take a Foreign Language!
·         Why Shouldn’t I Use Google Translate?

Practice Your Language Skills or Learn Another
·         Busuu lets you hear new language phrases, practice new language phrases as a conversation, hear your voice, learn with visuals, find native speakers to correct your writing and speaking. AMAZING. People are online 24/7. You should not recommend this to students because of the internet danger of connecting to strangers but teachers will find this tool awesome for their own purposes. Join on your own or accept my invitation and I earn points towards a free ‘Travel Class’  Basic classes are free

Chinese Resources
·         Chinese artist Ei WeiWei featured on CBS News CBS Sunday Morning Show (Thanks to Meryl Baumgarten for sharing)
·         Scripts for traditional western children’s stories from WV: The Little Red Hen, The Ugly Duckling, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Baby Bumblebee, Row Your Boat, Old MacDonald, Happy and You Know It,  Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Little Miss Muffett, There Was An Old Woman, Farmer in the Dell, The Mitten, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus, The Lion and the Mouse, Going on a Bear Hunt, The Three Little Pigs, in English, pinyin and characters
·         Next Made-in-China Boom: College Graduates “If they went to China for brawn, now they are going to China for brains,”

French Resources
·         School supplies videoclip ad from France - Rentrée des classes : Les fournitures scolaires tendance!
·         School Supply needs from Albert Camus School in France
·         Slide Show: Qu’est-ce que tu as dans ton sac?
·         US boy - Jena Lee clip officiel avec paroles You Tube Toni Theisen past ACTFL TOY   – Integrated Performance Assessment:1.  Interpretive Phase Task: Listen to the song US Boy; Interpersonal: 2. Interpersonal Phase Task
With a partner discuss the stereotypes and indicate which ones are true or false. Elaborate.
3. Presentational Phase Task Choice 1: Create a video about your school to clear up the stereotypes and give a true view of an American school. Choice 2: Create a video about school in France; Choice 3: Your choice
·         Toni Theisen’s (past ACTFL TOY) high school French classes wikispaces
o    Quelle heure est-il dans les pays francophones? 6 ticking clocks from francophone cities : Dakar, Rabat, Djibouti, etc.
·         Follow Toni Theisen on Twitter @tonitheisen
·         Toni Theisen’s (past ACTFL TOY) – French 5 / AP wiki page
·         Scripts for traditional western children’s stories from WV: The Little Red Hen, The Ugly Duckling, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Baby Bumblebee, Row Your Boat, Old MacDonald, Happy and You Know It,  Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Little Miss Muffett, There Was An Old Woman, Farmer in the Dell, The Mitten, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus, The Lion and the Mouse, Going on a Bear Hunt, The Three Little Pigs, in English and French
·         Numbers in French – videoclip

German Resources
·         Love quotes translated into German Twitter @LoveInGerman
Spanish Resources
·         Scripts for traditional western children’s stories from WV: The Little Red Hen, The Ugly Duckling, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Baby Bumblebee, Row Your Boat, Old MacDonald, Happy and You Know It,  Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Little Miss Muffett, There Was An Old Woman, Farmer in the Dell, The Mitten, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus, The Lion and the Mouse, Going on a Bear Hunt, The Three Little Pigs, in English and Spanish
·         What is Yerba Mate? YouTube – Great for food units

·         Los lenguajes son de todos y de nadie en particular. Pertenecen, a quien los hable y a quien los escuche.” Octavio Paz; Premio Nóbel de Literatura, 1990
·         “We must improve language learning and international education at all levels if our nation is to continue to lead in the global economy; to help bring security and stability to the world; and to build stronger and more productive ties with our neighbors.” US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
·         “The US must continue to learn from the best practices of other countries in order to deliver a world-class education that prepares American graduates to be linguistically literate and culturally competent.” Committee for Economic Development, March 2011
·         “Ideally, travel broadens our perspectives personally, culturally, and politically. Suddenly, the palette with which we paint the story of our lives has more colors.” - Rick Steves, Travel Writer and Popular PBS Host