Polyglot Press
Staying Connected to World Language Teaching Resources
March 18, 2013
to Stacie Thompson and Alice Shrader who both just renewed
their National Board Certification.
Please contact either if you are interested in this program. Alice teaches
Spanish at Marvin Ridge High and Stacie teaches Spanish at Cuthbertson High.
UCPS celebrated their accomplishments along with other teachers receiving or
renewing certification http://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/news/jump.php?news_id=372990. National Board Certification requires an
extensive series of performance-based assessments including teaching
portfolios, student work samples, videotapes and analyses of the individual’s
teaching ability and the level of student learning. Teachers also complete a
series of written exercises testing their subject-matter knowledge and their
understanding of how to teach those subjects.
Sarah Wade at MRHS uses QRCodes
for audio scavenger hunt around the
school halls. Students use phones to scan QRcodes that are linked to Vocaroo online recordings Sarah made
with definitions of their new vocabulary. The great thing is that this puts the
audio in the hands of the students who can listen again and again to catch as
many words as they can in the audio recording.
Here is one recording http://vocaroo.com/i/s1Cgkq5WGcyI The pair of students who first find all clues, write them
down and solve what word the audio defines gets extra pesos in Sarah’s
participation points.
Francy Zolke is one of twenty finalists in UCPS for UCPS Teacher of the Year. Francy
teaches Spanish at East Union Middle. She established their Spanish for Native
Speakers courses and Spanish 1 for high school credit. This announcement was
included in the district’s launch of their news station and on the ucps website.
http://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/news/jump.php?news_id=373049 The first
assigned task was the completion of a portfolio that included seven essays. The essays asked the teachers to
share their beliefs with regards to Community Involvement, Philosophy of
Teaching, Educational Issues and Trends, the Teaching Profession, and the
message they would convey if selected as the North Carolina Teacher of the
Year. A personal interview followed. Soon ten finalists will be announced.
wishes to Alice Shrader presenting
at TQShare Day! She will present “Engaging All Learners (and
Maintaining Control at the Same Time)”
to Jessica Martinez and Anahi Crichigno for
their Skype Videoconference. They
connected their WHS and MHS AP Spanish students to share advice on how to be
successful in an AP class and to ask questions about the AP exam.
to the French 4 students and Lisa Helms
at Cuthbertson High’s "music video
contest" on
their lip sync performance of Les
Misérables for National Foreign
Language Week. http://youtu.be/EDi_OfMosr4
thanks to Janeva Bailey and Xiaohong HuMueller of Cuthbertson and
Marvin Ridge High who attended the Race to the Top Regional Spring Update
Workshop with the DPI WL Consultant.
Best wishes to Marlena James (Monroe HS), Sibyll Spoons-Salazar (Weddington HS), Soledad Townsend (Parkwood Middle) and Amanda Mancilla (Central Academy) who will be attending the World View Seminar
on Latin America and NC
Professional Development
March 15, 2013 1:30 – 4:25 p.m. TQShare Day at Monroe High School. Presentation topics look great
and include the following:
o Achieving Audience: Digitizing
Student Voices in the 21st Century Classroom https://sites.google.com/a/ucps.k12.nc.us/achieving-audience/
o Androids in Education
o Arts Integration within the Common Core
o Authentic Social Studies
o Bullying: Old School vs. New Age
o Choice Led Classrooms
o Choice Stations in Kindergarten
o Common Core Strategies for Success in
9-12 English
o Data driven writing instruction, what
teachers and kids need to know
o Engaging 21st Century Learners
o Engaging All Learners (and Maintaining
Control at the Same Time)
o Get A Life!
o Going Global with Technology
o How to Implement CrossFit into Your
Physical Education Program
o Implementing Reading Recovery with
Limited Funds
o Instructional Rounds for Teacher Growth
o It’s All About Leadership
o Kinds Helping Kids Meets PLCs
o K-12 Social Studies – Creating a
Vertical Vision
o Let’s Go Somewhere! Virtual Filed Trips
and Google Lit Trips
o Listen, Think, Speak and Link – Blending
Critical Literacy with Technology
o Moodle Upgrade! What? Why? When? And
o Olympic Weigthlifting Tips and
Techniques for Use in the Classroom
o Outcomes-based Assessments: The Silver
Bullet for Student Success
o Overcoming Obstacles in a PLC
o Overview of the Global Schools Process
o Playing Around with Literacy
o PLCS Using Reading and Math Data to
Differentiate Instruction
o Putting It All Together
o Student-Created
Digital Textbook Mode
o The
Technology Side of High School
o Using
Information Text with Early Readers
o Using
Movement to Teach Math
o Using
Tagxedo – Visual Word Cloud Technology
o Virtually
Possible – Building Online Opportunities
o Walk
A Mile in My Moccasins
o Writing
for Teachers Who Hate Teaching Writing.
DPI Race to the Top Regional March 12, 2013 Spring RESA WL workshop handouts are posted at http://wlnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/2012-2013+RESA+Sessions
April 22, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. DPI World Languages Webinar. Sign up at
Submit questions at http://tinyurl.com/WLWebinarQuestions
June 6, 2013 3:30 – 4:30 p.. DPI World Languages Webinar This
webinar will address professional development thus far and will provide an
update on the Student Growth Portfolio Pilot. Sign up at http://wlnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/2012-2013+Webinars
Interested in working on National Board Certification? UCPS support is mentioned at http://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/nbpts/index.php World Language teachers from MS and HS would
refer to World Languages: Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood” http://www.nbpts.org/userfiles/File/EAYA_WLOE_AssessAtaGlance(1).pdf
(this group of girls had an awesome and interesting presentation of
web 2.0 tools available for World language teachers)
I also love this lady's blog although
she wasn't at the conference I love her ideas and have used them. (I also
follow the other blogs she recommends)
DPI Updates
From DPI SGP Training
Two points in time
Tools for measuring
Two evidences
Method or tool for recording
Comparison of two evidences
Something specific to measure
§ Scoring:
Does not meet expectations, Meets expectations, Exceeds expectations
Student Growth Data
in NC
contributes to the data for Standard 6 of the NC Teacher Evaluation. This data
can come from four sources:
Developed Courses
Courses Focused on
§ World Language
Teachers teach courses that:
are “courses focused performance”
“varying amounts of instructional time and program configurations”.
Student Growth Portfolio Pilot
launched February 25, 2013 to walk through the process of gathering student
data to demonstrate student growth and provide data for Standard 6 for teachers
of Healthful Living, The Arts and World Language. A decision will be ready in July, 2013 as to how student
growth will be measured for these areas.
Teachers Collaborate
Statewide via #NCed Twitter Chat – this is a bi-weekly forum for NC educators
to connect with other educators who have similar interests. 1st chat is
Tuesday, march 26 from 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. Topic: The 4 Cs of 21st Century
Learning. Lead: Andrew Thomasson, Gaston County. Visit https://www.smore.com/gg3f to learn more
New Educator
Effectiveness Webpage http://www.ncpublicschools.org/effectiveness-model/ This represents a
new division at DPI.
of Interest: Per the DPI Section Chief whose responsibilities include ESL
instruction, “There are 297 languages
spoken in NC”
for a ASC-ReLanPro digital language lab
for your school. “ASC-ReLANpro is offering a 3 year scholarship to
have 21st Century Cloud Language Learning in your school*. Teachers, tell us the following in 500 words or
less: 1. Why do you want a 21st Century online language lab? 2. Who would it serve? 3. How would you use it? 4. What appeals to you about the ReLANpro Cloud
Learning system?
5. Which system
would you prefer; ReLANpro Mobile or ReLANpro. NET? Why DEADLINE:
Submissions must be made on or
before April 15, 2013 SEND TO:languagelabs@ascd.us Decision: The winner will be notified on or before May 15, 2013.
are your best tech tools per NC WL standard? Would you be able to share what
you are using? There is a document begun in Google docs titled World
Language Tech Tools per Standard Please add if able. The email was sent to
all UCPS WL teachers.
Do your students need to
hear what the language should sound like
even when you are not there? Try http://www.naturalreaders.com/
Choose French, German, Spanish. Accepts up to 200 characters at a time. Choose
male or female activities. Download Free Natural Reader 11. Change speed of
speech also.
Google translate can read target language text aloud but for
limited number of characters. Try http://translate.google.com Usually blocked in UCPS for students but
students can use at home.
What is a Google Chromebook? See how they are being piloted at Monroe and
Porter Ridge High Schools https://sites.google.com/a/ucps.k12.nc.us/achieving-audience/future-audiences-chrome-book-pilots
Need a shorter URL? If you want to get a shorter URL (web address)
to your students, you can shorten them at http://tinyurl.com/ and http://goo.gl/ . What
is a URL shortener and why would you want one? http://tinyurl.com/38amx5s
NC WL ES Standard 3 - Presentational Writing and
Try Toondoo’s cartoon maker with
colorful characters and conversation bubbles http://www.toondoo.com Search the completed
projects for ideas, samples and perhaps reading projects in the target
FLANC – Foreign Language
Association of North Carolina
FLANC newsletter, The Catalyst, is
posted at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B980BlyItyH7NEM4V3dyUlR5SEE/edit?usp=sharing
Teacher Leaders
Teacher of the Year; SCOLT Teacher of the Year: Carmen Scoggins (shared by CATA
Spanish teacher Amanda Mancilla who attended Carmen’s presentation at FLANC)
comparison of levels
of language learning to skiing http://scogginsc.wix.com/connectfour#!skiing/c1jye
Lesson Plans
Chinese Resources
of Interpersonal Practice with Chinese
Teacher-Student Either / Or Practice http://www.schooltube.com/video/a4c8f263651ee19b93b3/Annick%20Chen%20Part%201
Beijing Royal School – Daily Schedule This is where the UCPS
China Bridge students stayed July 2013. http://bellisinchina.wikispaces.com/Beijing+Royal+School
Bodi International
– Xi´an. This is where the UCPS China Bridge students stayed July 2013. http://www.bodiedu.com/en_index.asp
questions in Chinese – find answers in
Yahoo China “Knowledge + Answers” http://ks.cn.yahoo.com/ or HongKong http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/ or Taiwan http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/
Flash Card Machine flashcards
- Chinese Made Easy 2 – Unit 2 Holidays http://www.flashcardmachine.com/holiday-chinese-madeeasyunit2.html
French Resources
questions in French – find answers in the Yahoo
France Questions Réponses forum http://fr.answers.yahoo.com or Yahoo Québec Questions Réponses form http://qc.answers.yahoo.com/
UN Resources http://europa.eu/ Choose the language
for the webpage: French http://europa.eu/index_fr.htm Visit Le coin des
enfants http://europa.eu/kids-corner/index_fr.htm Material pédagogique
Global and Civic
Awareness: Moroccan Cohort St. Louis, Missouri, educators collaborated with
Moroccan peers, and in October, visited Morocco for shared learning, teaching,
and some fun. Global Awareness and Civic Education (GACE) exchange program
coordinated by the Center for Civic Engagement and Democracy, St. Louis
Maryville University in collaboration with the Moroccan Center for Civic
Education. They met with teachers, educators, MOE policy makers in Casablanca
and the US Embassy in Rabat. US teachers taught in their partners' schools in
the Greater Casablanca. The head of the delegation gave a presentation on the
US educational system and the teachers' preparation at the Casablanca Teacher
Training Institute. The delegation also visited Rabat, Fez and Marrakesh as
part of their cultural activities. View US teachers teach civics classes
in Morocco at elementary, middle and high school. View schools and the cultural
interactions. Listen to Moroccan students’ English in Rabat, Casablanca, Fez
October 2012. See the street scenes and market places..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbP5ikt5cU8
La Vache Qui Rit Maroc – ‘Flashmob’ Moroccan mall http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfMubAAl1LA
German Resources
Spanish Resources
Power Point
Presentations and Prezis for Spanish 1 with Realidades 1… shared by Amanda
Mancilla (CATA) after attending the FLANC mini-conference. http://senoritabarragan.com/for-teachers/power-point-presentations/
Write questions in
Spanish – find answers in Yahoo España Respuestas forum http://es.answers.yahoo.com or Yahoo México Respuestas http://mx.answers.yahoo.com or Yahoo Argentina Respuestas
http://ar.answers.yahoo.com or Yahoo USA en español
Respuestas http://espanol.answers.yahoo.com
Mayflower School –
Santiago, Chile
(sister school with Charlotte Country Day) http://www.mayflower.cl/espanol/noticias.htm IB
program http://www.mayflower.cl/descargas/noticias/noviembre_2012/asignaturas_ib.pdf
Scholastic books in
Spanish http://shop.scholastic.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/en/teacherstore/nav/Subject/Foreign%20Languages%20and%20ESL/197
Students can compare
clothing styles, names, photos and prices in various target countries:
Mancilla (CATA) shared the following links from the FLANC Mini-Conference in
Greenville, NC March 2. https://sites.google.com/site/webquestafes - a webquest about
illegal immigration from Africa to Spain - for upper level or native
speakers, could be modified for lower level classes
Hugo Chávez dies – March 5, 2013 NYTimes http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/06/world/americas/hugo-chavez-of-venezuela-dies.html?pagewanted=all
o "como a Ho Chi Minh, Lenin y Mao
Zedong" El Mercurio, Chile http://diario.elmercurio.com/2013/03/08/_portada/index.htm
o “Chávez, el Perón del
siglo XXI” http://www.el-nacional.com/bbc_mundo/Hugo-Chavez-Peron-siglo-XXI_0_149987222.html
o “Murió Chávez – Dejó todo arreglado” headlines in Caracas,
Venezuela newspaper El Universal http://www.eluniversal.com/
Hugo Chavez funeral –
Jesse Jackson gives eulogy, UC actor Sean Penn attends, Iranian president
Mahmoud Almadinejad and Cuban President Raul Castro attend http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/08/17234923-dramatic-exit-heads-of-state-gather-for-hugo-chavezs-funeral?lite
o La Venezuela chavista despide a su
líder en un funeral épico – http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2013/03/08/actualidad/1362754291_401435.html El
País, Spain
o Sean Penn asiste a funeral de Chávez – El
Universal, Mexico http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/908803.html