What has changed this year in your classrooms? Pedagogically, we are in the midst of a shift to what
students can do with the language that is supported by what they know about the
language. We leave behind the approach that focuses on what a student knows and
ignores the use of the language.
Performance Assessments and Performance-Based Tasks: 1) require and expect students to use language in
real-life situations (Norris et al., 2008; Sandrock, 2010); 2) demand that
students develop an understanding of
what real-life situations are like in the language; and 3) are based on
performance or the active construction of language rather than a demonstration
of passive understanding only. http://larc.sdsu.edu/podcastmedia/MaloneWebinarPPT-5-11.pdf
§ Welcome to Ashlee
Hampton, a recent UNC-C grad who has joined the
staff at Marvin Ridge to teach Spanish.
§ Congratulations to
Daniel Sellner and his wife on the birth of their first
child, Helen.
US Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, declared in 2010, “Americans need to read, speak and
understand other languages.”
Lead with Languages -
Great video by ACTFL to motivate students or to start a new semester http://vimeo.com/77166262
The Languages We Are Learning Now http://onpoint.wbur.org/2014/01/13/foreign-languages-chinese-economy
45 minute NPR On Point radio show recording from January 14, 2014. Guests: Marty
Abbott, executive director of the American Council on
The Teaching of Foreign Languages. “The
focus in language learning is on communication.” Michael Geisler,
vice president for language schools, schools abroad and graduate schools at
Middlebury College. Professor in linguistics and languages and professor of
German.John Challenger, chief executive officer of
Challenger, Gray & Christmas, an international job placement consulting
firm. Nicole Wilson,
vice president of language learning products at Rosetta Stone “The ideal use of Rosetta Stone is in a
blended environment with a teacher…. Increased use in a communicative approach
has facilitated language learning.” Clive Thompson, Contributing editor at WIRED. “~Businessmen now acknowledge that if you
want to sell a product, you learn the language of the buyer.”
What No World Language Teacher Ever Said - #saidnoWLteacherever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOiLr2aaBVk
Lessons Learned While
Out and About
§ To Promote 100% of
Students with Charged Laptops Everyday
o Chris Knapp has warm-ups that require laptops. She also
offers activities where students choose activities online that are of high
interest to them.
o Katie Kane has students orally record their written
warm-up work each day. They are told to
be able to use the online voice recorder that they can master best and to
beware that technology doesn’t always work.
§ To Practice
Interpersonal Communication
o Alejandra Elliott likes the ‘situation cards’ for
Realidades that are found in the Teachers’ Resource books.
o Edna Castiblanco Bass has students stand in concentric
circles for oral practice with a partner. She varies whether the inside or
outside circle rotates, which direction students rotate, which circle starts
the conversation, etc.
o Tyler Vaughan takes his students to the Cuthbertson
Middle School ‘pit’ and has them line up in two long lines. Eight grade
students need to practice carrying on a conversation with the partner for 90
seconds. He times them and then has them move up or down the line to the next
partner to practice again for 90 seconds.
o Daniel Sellner requires that the practice of asking
questions is shared equally. To avoid one person dominating or just following,
after one person answers a question he or she must answer a question.
§ To Create Listening
Comprehension Practice
o Pascal Perreau creates her own flashcards in Quizlet for
her students to practice with.
o Lisa Helms has her students complete the Scatter Games in
§ To Promote Creativity
and Connect Learning to Doing
o Martha Hernandez’ Spanish 2 students made clothing store
dioramas complete with store names, ‘clothes’ on hangers or in the store
windows complete with prices and sales.
§ To Create Parent Support
o Lingyu Liao hosted an evening session of Chinese 101 where eighth grade students taught parents Chinese language,
characters, culture, martial arts and Chinese foods.
§ To Support Student
Writing, Creativity and Tech Use
o Yubely (Francy) Zolke’s eighth grade students created
digital popup books with Zooburst http://www.zooburst.com/
§ To Enhance State Assessment Examples
o Charlotte Hancock
continues working on a NC DPI World Language committee adding resources for all
WL teachers. Investigate them at http://wlnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/AEs+for+World+Languages
§ To Offer Students Online Practice with Immediate Feedback
o Gabriela Grello and
others report that their students like using Duolingo. There are online and
smartphone apps for Duolingo.
§ To Post an Honor Code in
Multiple Languages – Include it in your Course Information
Sheet http://bit.ly/WLHonorCode
o Many schools have some version of the ‘honor code’.
What Are Your 2014 Goals?
Flipping the Classroom?
o Follow #fliplang chat on
Twitter on the last Wednesday of each month at 8pm EST with Kristin Ponterelli (@srapontarelli) and Heather Witten (@SraWitten). http://spanishflippedclass.blogspot.fr/
o Following language chats on Twitter #langchat The fore
o Follow or chat on Twitter #langchat ( world language chat)
Thursday nights from 8-9 PM EST
o Follow @srapontarelli and
@SraWitten on Twitter.
Attend the SCOLT Conference in Memphis? SCOLT
– Memphis http://www.scolt.org/ 2014 SCOLT
Conference in Memphis, TN Memphis Hilton
- March 13 – 15
Learn a Tool for Presentational Speaking and / or
o Digital
Create an Online Platform for Students to
Exchange Information and Opinions
o Padlet.com – students post thoughts, ideas,
brainstorming (writing only)
o VoiceThread – students post responses, opinions, etc. in
writing or in speaking
Read some world language blogs?
Your Own YouTube Channel?
and Use Five New Apps on Your SmartPhone http://webwonders.pbworks.com/w/page/52067018/Mobile%20Apps%20for%20Language%20Learning
Learn a Tech Tool to Reward Classroom
Participation: ClassroomDojo
Professional Development
February 3, 2014 Monday, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Monthly NC – WL Twitter Chat organized by NC DPI and FLANC. Use the
hashtag #WLchatNC There is a 5-minute video to show the uninitiated how
to join the conversation and become part of the online Professional Learning
Network or PLN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PjKAIh3II.
February 19, 2014 Wednesday, 3:30-4:40 pm Eastern Time Assessing Vocabulary with Dr. John Read;
Language Acquisition Research Center
Free – Sign up http://bit.ly/Mmcikf
March 1, 2014 (Saturday) 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. – FLANC Spring Fling – UNC Asheville http://bit.ly/FLANCSpring2014 $75 for FLANC members, $95 for non-members.
There is no conference hotel but there are many hotels in Asheville. http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotels-g60742-Asheville_North_Carolina-Hotels.html
March 5 – 7, 2014 NCTIES (NC Technology in Education Society) Conference Raleigh http://www.ncties.org/events/index.html
March 22, 2013 Saturday
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. "Unlock Students’ Potential-Developing 21st
Century Skills Using Emerging Technologies" FLICC (Foreign Language Instructors in Community
Colleges) invites all World Language educators and ESL/EFL instructors
from grades 8-12 and community colleges to an ACTFL workshop on
Saturday, March 22, 2014, at Alamance Community College in Graham, NC. the
FLICC website at www.fliccnc.org. Advance registration is required by March 7. For
CEU questions, contact Shannon Hahn at hahns@durhamtech.edu. For further
questions, please contact Sara Juarez, Chair, at juarezs@durhamtech.edu or
Sylvia Nikopoulos, Treasurer, at Sylvia.Nikopoulos@cpcc.edu.
March 24 – 25 Latin America and North
Carolina Seminar by World View Our
annual Latin America and North Carolina Seminar provides general and concurrent
sessions for understanding issues in Latin America as well as best practices in
serving Latino/Hispanic populations in our schools and colleges. This seminar
is for all educators of every grade-level and discipline. Registration is $175
for one seminarhttp://worldview.unc.edu/programs/seminars/
April 3, 2014 Thursday, 3:30-4:40 pm Eastern Time How Do We Access
Task-Based Performance? with Dr. John Norr
Language Acquisition Research Center
Free – Sign up http://bit.ly/1lhGpIP
June 23-25, 2014 Flip Conference 2014 - Virtual or
face-to-face http://flippedlearning.org/domain/18
July 14-23, 2014 2013 Costa Rica Study Visit with World View https://worldview.unc.edu/programs/international-study-visits/2014-costa-rica-study-visit/
Upcoming Events
January 31 – February 14 Chinese New Year:
Year of the Horse
February – African-American
History Month: Resources in MoodlePro on World Language
Teacher Resources (password same as always for those polyglot teachers in UCPS)
February 7 Winter Olympics Count down to the February
7 Opening Ceremonies of the Winter Games in Sochi, Russia. The first Winter Olympic Games were held 90
years ago this month — from January 25 to February 5, 1924 — in Chamonix,
France. http://www.sochi2014.com/en NBC Learn
and the Science of Engineering at the Olympics http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/winterolympics/
March 4, 2014 Tuesday, Mardi Gras
April 12 – 20 2014 Semana Santa http://www.vercalendario.info/es/cuando/semana-santa-espana-2014.html
DPI – World Languages
ASW (Analysis of Student Work) – NC DPI’s Plan for Creating Data for Standard 6 in the
NCEES. The link to the ASW wiki is http://ncasw.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/home
for those who want to see what the
Spring 2014 pilot is about.
Proficiency Expectations Posters: a set of proficiency outcome posters were posted
to the World Language wiki, athttp://wlnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/Proficiency+Posters. This can be used in classrooms or
in communication with stakeholders to illustrate what students will be able to
do with the language being learned once they complete a course.
The Proficiency Expectation posters for levels 1 - 8 for
alphabetic languages is at: http://bit.ly/ProfExpectationPostersAlpha
The Proficiency Expectation posters for levels 1 - 8 for
logographic languages is at: http://bit.ly/ProfExpectationPostersLogo
Proficiency Expectations posters for levels 1 - 2 of heritage languages is
at: http://bit.ly/ProfExpectationPostersHeritage
Sorry - there is no poster for Classical languages or the
exploratory or beginning programs we have at the middle schools.
This spring, a set of Administrator Briefings are being drafted which will include a
short overview of a World Language program paired with an observation form aligned
to the NCEES standards.
Education: Students Ready for the World webpage launched http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/globaled/
NC School Report Cards Released - For those who want to learn
how state’s public schools performed in the last school year, the North
Carolina School Report Cards offer a one-stop information source that puts a
comprehensive collection of data right at your fingertips. The 2012-13 Report
Cards, now available at www.ncreportcards.org, feature state-, district- and
school-level information about student performance and attendance, class size,
school safety, teacher quality and classroom technology. For more information,
visit www.ncpublicschools.org and select the appropriate link under “News.”
World Language Teachers and their Use of Technology:
White Paper by Rosetta Stone http://resources.rosettastone.com/CDN/us/pdfs/ProjectTomorrowWhitePaper1.pdf
Personalize education. Give students
what they need, when they need it, and provide technologies that facilitate
Expand access to quality courses, materials,
and teachers
Enable new models of learning in home, class,
and school: blended learning and flipped classrooms
Oral Comprehension and Target Language Input: Spanish Example – Video: How to Ask a Story (with TPRS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSctZluvv60
Staying Current Around the World – Follow front pages of newspapers around the world http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages
Global Updates (monthly)
from World View
o Defining Global Competency;
360 cities – Panoramic views of cities sights around the world. http://www.360cities.net/map#lat=-33.45708&lng=-7.59764&zoom=3
Global Resources in UCPS:
o UCPS Secondary Ed Global Resources http://seced.ucps.k12.nc.us/second_languages/GlobalEducationTeacherResources.php
Students Using Online Translators - Suggestion from Sra Witten’s blog – “I … ask students not "Did you use a
translator?", but "Why did you use a translator?". Then, it
eliminates a lot of the angst and we skip right to the tears. I always
reiterate to my students that I never give them an assignment that I don't
think they can do......that I have prepared them for. Usually, students confess
that they didn't really work on it like they should have and were in a panic at
the last minute.” http://spanishflippedclass.blogspot.com
Converting PDF files to Word - free conversion tool , so you can edit them; https://www.pdftoword.com/
Insert Comprehension Checks into New and Existing Videos with Educanon
Chinese New Year Commercial Will Move You to
Tears: Huffington Post Canada http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/01/28/chinese-new-year-commercial-bernas_n_4682814.html
20 Things to Know about Chinese New Year:
Huffington Post Canada http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/01/28/chinese-new-year-commercial-bernas_n_4682814.html
11 Things You Should Know About “Chinese New
Year” (CNN) http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/27/travel/11-things-lny/
French Resources
Le Système de Scolarité en France http://www.carla.umn.edu/cobaltt/lessonplans/attachments/71/chart-systeme.pdf
German Resources
World Cup - FIFA page in German http://de.fifa.com/index.html?language=de
Spanish Resources
Juegos Olímpicos – wikpedia en Espñol http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juegos_Ol%C3%ADmpicos_de_Sochi_2014
World Cup - FIFA page in German - http://es.fifa.com/index.html?language=es
Who in Hollywood Speaks Spanish? http://rutanblog.blogspot.com.es/2013/12/es-el-momento-de-estudiar-espanol-en.html#!
Tapas de español: pequeñas clases
de lengua para aprender y disfrutar – por Profe De Ele Videos cortos (~4
minutos) en español con explicaciones gramaticales: ej. Demostrativos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G_brwG9GXM
Levels 4+ Calendario de las grandes citas deportivas del
2014, con el Mundial de
fútbol de Brasil a la cabeza http://www.practicaespanol.com/es/calendario-grandes-citas-deportivas-2014-mundial-futbol-brasil-cabeza/art/8454/