Friday, June 10, 2016

PolyGlot Final Edition 2015-2016

June 10, 2016
Your contributions to this e-newsletter are very appreciated.
This is the last PolyGlot Press of 2015-2016!
There are endless opportunities for professional growth this summer.
Happy Summer!

·         Congratulations to Elvia López, Spanish teacher at Porter Ridge High and previously at Sun Valley High who will be retiring in June.
·         Congrats to Amanda Mancilla who welcomed the Mancilla’s third baby, Edith Cora into the family May 3.
·         Best wishes to Danilo Loor, German / Spanish teacher at Central Academy who is relocating to teach Spanish in Virginia.
·         Special wishes go out to Rosana Gonzales, Spanish teacher at South Providence School, who was successfully operated on for the removal of nine benign tumors.
·         Best wishes to Yadiraliz Hawks, Spanish teacher at Monroe High School, who will undergo surgery this June.
·         Many thanks to Wanda Santiago, longterm sub at CATA for Amanda Mancilla.  


·         Laughter – A Necessary Medicine  On Assignment | The Kids' Table: Technology | Dateline NBC  Enjoy this YouTube video on young children’s guesses about tech tools from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.

Professional Development
·         Camp Musicuentos Southeast – Chapel Hill, North Carolina - Join Sara Elizabeth Cottrell – AND Laura Sexton- AND Bethanie Carlson-Drew on July 6-8, 2016 for the all-new site this year, Camp Musicuentos Southeast, at the Hampton Inn Carrboro/Chapel Hill (370 E. Main Street #100, Carrboro, NC).  This workshop will follow the three-day format described above and includes lunch.  For discounted lodging information, call Lynsi Newton at (919) 969-6988. This workshop is probably limited to 25 participants on Wednesday and Thursday and 30 participants on Friday.
·         The University of Colorado is offering a fully online course (3 grad credit) on Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Methods starting June 18th. Tuition is $960 and they have scholarships available. The scholarship covers 50% of the tuition. They are also offering a fully online course on Digital Games and Language Learning (2 grad credits, fully online) and a course on Teaching Languages Online (2 grad credits, fully online).  Questions? Contact Edwige Simon at Director of the Elevate Program.
·         Center for Advanced Research in Language Acquisition
o    Using the Web for Communicative Language Learning and Professional Development-online course July 11-August 14, 2016
o    Using Technology in Second Language Teaching July 11-15, 2016
o    Creativity in the Classroom: Fostering Student Learning Through Creative Language Experiences July 11-15, 2016
o    Teaching Language Through the Lens of Social Justice-NEW and almost full! July 11-15, 2016
o    Developing Assessments for the Second Language Classroom July 18-22, 201
o    Improving Language Learning: Styles- and Strategies-Based Instruction July 18-22, 2016
o    Focusing on Learner Language: Second Language Acquisition Basics for Teachers July 18-22, 2016
o    Culture as the Core in the Second Language Classroom July 25-29, 2016
o    Content-Based Language Instruction and Curriculum Development July 25-29, 2016
o    Developing Materials for Language Teaching July 25-29, 2016
o    Teaching Heritage Languages and Learners-NEW! July 25-29, 2016
o    Special Opportunity! CARLA tech: Transitioning to Teaching Language Online (TTLO) June 13-July 3, 2016 (3-week online course)

Summer PD DIY Options
·         Comprehensible Input: Meaningful Language – Krashen Input Hypothesis;  three video clips –
o    5 Ways to Incorporate Comprehensible Input into Project-Based Learning – CALICO article
·         Methods for Staying in the Target Review the summaries from past Langchat sessions:
·         Feb '11:  Increase your Students' Usage of TL in Class 
·         May '12: Maximizing TL Use in the Classroom
·         Oct '12: Strategies for Staying in TL with Beginners
·         May '14: Increasing your TL Use in the Classroom
·         Jan '15: Strategies for Using TL in the Classroom
·         Oct '15: Stay on TL for Classroom Management  (Thanks to Sara Elizabeth Cottrell’s entry in the ACTFL SIG discussion board)

·         Incorporating grammar into activities rather than teaching grammar directly from Laura Sexton’s blog on project based learning in the target language (Examples for Spanish)
·         I / you conjugations: partners ask questions about preferences to plan responsibilities
·         3rd person & plural conjugations: progress reports to class--groups present what they have, need, are going to do next, and class creates a status report.
·         Adjective order/agreement: partner selection/role assigning--students describe who they want to work with, what jobs they think they should do, e.g. "Lilly es una estudiante popular y una buena líder para nuestro grupo."
·         Present progressive: simple circulating progress check--during independent work time, ask an individual what he/she is working on and what his/her teammates are working on at that moment.
·         Commands: pre-presentation feedback--groups share what they have with other groups, and those practice audiences tell them how to fix it.
·         Ser vs estar: resource summary--groups explain what sources they have found, grouping by category where possible (Estos sitios son de aficionados venezolanos), describing where they found the information (Están en YouTube) and perhaps how the author feels about the subject (Está confundido por los resultados.)
·         Saber vs conocer: list possible interpersonal resources--who do they know who could help, and what do they know that could help? They could ask each other if they know someone they could use too.

Global Resources
·         Features of Culture – Peace Corp worksheet

Resources - Thanks for Sharing
·         John Tiller, Piedmont High Spanish teacher shared some great resources:
o    Andrés Fernández blogs about his first year focusing on comprehensible input methods, specifically TPRS 
o    To practice interpersonal speaking and reading, create question and answers that match. Mix them up and hand them out to students who walk around the room finding a partner, asking their question, listening to their partner’s answer then deciding if it is a match or not.
·         Christin Ohrel, Weddington Middle French teacher shared a great resource she bought from teacher Discovery: Wicked Cool French Game Shows and Board Games There is a Spanish version and a German version that can be purchased as a binder, CDRom or digital download. Her students practice interpersonal speaking using a Four-in-a Row Board like the one at

Chinese Resources
·         Chinese Family Relationships –
o    Redefining China's Family: Elderly
o    Learn    Chinese in a minute: Members of the family.
·         Taoshu And Friends- Zodiac Animals 十二生肖
·         Body Parts You Tube video 2:41 minutes
·         Colors YouTube  Video on YouTube 2;34 minutes, with music, subtitles in pinyin and English, no spoken English
·         Big Bird Goes to China  (shared by Shannon Du)
·         Learn Mandarin with Elmo -
·         Utah 1st Grade Mandarin Immersion Key Vocab Words
·         Utah 2nd Grade Mandarin Immersion Key Vocab Words
·         Utah 3rd Grade Mandarin Immersion Words
·         Utah Miss Ma 4th Grade Mandarin Immersion Chinese Vocabulary

Spanish 1 Resources
·         Family Tree video clip – 6:11 minutes
·         La familia del Rey Juan Carlos – video clip 3:26 minutes
·         El árbol genealógico de María –
·         Árbol genealógico – Mi familia para imprimir

Spanish 3 – AP Resources
·         New Roots: Voices from Carolina del Norte! Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Chapel Hill (9).  This is a digital archive that contains the oral histories of Latin American migrants in North Carolina and the experiences of North Carolinians that have worked for the integration of new settlers into this southern state. Search in Spanish and English Topics include Lenguaje y comunicación (36) Activismo (15) Asuntos financieros (5) Asuntos Legales (5) Ciudadanía e inmigración (43) Comida y alimentación (3) Comunidades receptoras (20) Cuidado de la salud (14) Cultura (38)Derechos de los trabajadores y sindicatos (7) Economía (11) Educación (55) Experiencia migratoria (48) Familia (38) Guerra y violencia (4) Identidad (25) Integración y segregación (23) Medios de comunicación (4) Movimiento de jóvenes 'Soñadores' y Acción Diferida (8) Poblaciones indígenas (3) Racismo y discriminación (16) Salud (18) Separación y reunificación (7) Tecnología de telecomunicaciones (2) Trabajadores agrícolas (3) Trabajadores jornaleros (4) Trabajo y empleo (19)