October 14, 2016
Hispanic Heritage Month hosts its last events. Octoberfest is
planning for 2017. Filipino History Month lasts
through the month of October.National
French Week is coming November 4. Contributions are welcomed for this newsletter that is
archived at http://polyglotpress.blogspot.com/
Congratulations to Matt Tiller of Piedmont HS who presented Pride and Prejudice in the Classroom: Making Connections with Rural
Students at the FLANC Conference, October 7, 2016.
Tania Monsalve SVHS and Julie Carrazco SVMS presented at the October 12, WL PD
Very exciting news! Xiaohong HuMueller’s Mandarin student at Marvin Ridge HS was
accepted to US-China Strong Student
Ambassador program http://uschinastrong.org/
Mandarin teachers celebrated Confucius Classroom Day K – 12 with
mooncakes, sports and games.
Congratulations to Dennise Nelson who is
organizing Celebrating Hispanic Heritage
Month Parents night: Thursday October 20, 2016 Where: East Union Middle
School Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm. For students and staff: Friday October 21, 2016
Time: 10:15 – 3:20
Thanks to the following who have joined the
UCPS World Language Teachers Leaders to address ASW, Curriculum, Benchmarks and
more 2016-2017: Michelle Ballard
FHHS, Adam Brown WHS, Fernando Flores MRHS, Morgann Lyles PRHS, Tania Monsalve SVHS, Daisy Rodríguez PWHS, Daniel Sellner CHS/WHS, Matt Tiller PDHS
October 16, 2016
rescheduled 12:00 – 7:00 p.m Hola
Charlotte. Musical performances, culture zones, kid zones, food North Tryon
St. between Trade St. and 7th https://holacharlottefestival.com/
Extended to November 27 ¡NUEVOlution! Exhibit:
Latinos and the New South Levine Museum. Videos, interactives. http://www.museumofthenewsouth.org
October 16, 12:00 – 7:00
p.m. Hola
Charlotte Festival Performances, Kid Zone, Latino Cuisine, North Tryon between Trade and 7th https://holacharlottefestival.com
October is Filipino History Month https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipino_American_History_Month
15 Facts You
Should Know about Filipino Americans https://www.buzzfeed.com/kevinnadal/fil-am-history-facts?utm_term=.gsKyQBYvj#.agABJDGQO
November 10, World Affairs Council of Charlotte hosts Academic World Quest. Sponsor a HS Team! http://worldaffairscharlotte.org/education/academic-worldquest/
336 days until the 184th Munich Oktoberfest (09/16/17 - 10/03/17)
Hispanic Heritage
USA Today Article Hispanic heritage runs deep in the USA “Hispanic culture has been part of
"America" longer than the United States has existed.” Thanks to Patrick Chang at PRHS for sharing
this article http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2012/10/11/hispanic-heritage-immigration-america/1627823/
Scholarships for Hispanics
La Noticias – Applications for $2,500 colllege
scholarships are due in May http://www.excelenteawards.com/charlotte/Scholarship.html
The HSF Scholarship is designed to assist
students of Hispanic heritage obtain a college degree. Scholarships are
available, on a competitive basis, to:$500 to $5,000, based on relative need,
among the Scholars selected Available
January 01, 2017 Deadline March 30, 2017 https://hsf.net/en/scholarships/programs/general-college-scholarships
Becas Univision Scholarship Program - As part
of the Univision Educación campaign, Univision has launched their highly
anticipated program, Becas Univision in support of Hispanic students. These
scholarships are available for Latino students residing in the United States.
Available January 01, 2017; Deadline March 30, 2017 https://hsf.net/en/scholarships/programs/becas-univision-scholarship-program
The Gates Millennium Scholarship http://hsf.net/en/scholarships/programs/the-gates-millennium-scholarship
Biliteracy Seals –
More than
22 States Offer Biliteracy Seals http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/learning-the-language/2016/09/nearly_half_of_us_states_recog.html North
Carolina uses the term ‘Global Language Endorsement’. Hopefully, you publicize
this this ‘endorsement’ and encourage students to continue to improve their
second language skills at least through level 4. The Global Language
Endorsement in NC is attached as a seal to a student’s diploma and listed on
their transcript.
Yabla – Share your favorite Yabla videos in this
Google form to help you UCPS colleagues find the best and most applicable
videoclips soon. You can bookmark this form or go there with the link http://tinyurl.com/UCPSYABLA See what
others have shared at http://tinyurl.com/UCPSYABLAFAVS
Audio Assignment in Canvas – ITF Suzanne
McMahan from Sun Vallery MS / HS created an assignment that included screenshot
directions for how to use Vocaroo and upload the recording to a Canvas
Assignment. This assignment is located
in Canvas Commons so that any teacher can “copy” the assignment, modify it to
their liking, and use it with their students.
It will be helpful for students and teachers who don’t use Canvas and/or
the recording options often. Because the student directions are embedded in the
assignment, the teacher doesn’t really have to know how to do that part.
o To access the assignment, teachers will go to COMMONS on the left panel,
search for “Audio Recording Directions” and this image should appear.
o Click on it.
o Choose the course you want to import this audio assignment into.
o It will then show up in the Assignments tab in their course.
o You can then add modify as needed with recording instructions then you
can make this into a live assignment in your Canvas course.
Google Translate - An Infusion of
Artificial Intelligence Makes Google Translate More Powerful Than Ever https://www.wired.com/2016/09/google-claims-ai-breakthrough-machine-translation/
Have you tried Quizizz instead of Kahoot? Quizizz is also an engaging formative assessment tool. Deactivate the
timer and leaderboard if you want to take competition out of the equation.
Assign it for homework rather than play it live. Randomize questions and answers. View data per student or per
question. View the instant preview as you write questions. Goofy memes tell you
when you choose the right answer. You can customize your own memes for your
target language. http://learninginhand.com/blog/quizizz
What is a Performance Task? https://blog.performancetask.com/what-is-a-performance-task-part-1-9fa0d99ead3b#.siu1bdsfo
Why Should We Use Performance Tasks?
(Part 2) http://www.learningpersonalized.com/use-performance-tasks-part-2/
Tweeted by Superintendent @AgHoulihan
World Lang Performance-Based Tasks
(Central Jersey) http://globalteachinglearning.com/cjwlpdi/assessment/assess.shtml
ACTFL / Annenberg Video about Performance in an Advanced French Class http://learner.org/vod/vod_window.html?pid=2019
Language Teaching and Learning and Special Education Needs http://www.specialeducationalneeds.com/home/languages
Chinese Resources
Great conversation
starters and greetings in Mandarin Hint: Ni hao ma? (How are you?) is not
the most common. http://www.yoyochinese.com/blog/How-To-Make-Small-Talk-In-Chinese-Conversation?utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=Chinese_Small_Talk&utm_medium=email
Brian Gray’s Blog Weddington Middle School
Assistant Principal Brian Gray kept a blog during the UCPS teachers’ trip to
teach English at the High School Affiliated with Nanjing Normal University’s
JiangNing Campus Summer 2016. MRHS Principal Donna Cook lead that trip. You can
read that blog at https://briangrayblog.wordpress.com/#sthash.eLgfOUUg.dpuf
CMS Mr. Webb post on Teaching at the Sino-American Bilingual Summer Camp at Nanjing
Normal High School in Nanjing China and
the side trip to Guilin http://tinyurl.com/jl7hp2x
French Resources
D'où viennent-ils? Interactive map showing
number of foreign students enrolled per county in NC. Focus on French-speaking
countries. http://goglobalnc.org/global-engagement/snapshot/cross-cultural-competence/
Spanish Resources
Pictotraductor - Create your own pictures for storytelling
in Spanish. Thanks to Amelia Stine for sharing
Curated foreign language
videos for
teaching purposes, http://watchknowlearn.org ASL, Chinese, French, and
Spanish. Thanks to Amelia Stine at Sun Valley HS for sharing.
Spanish 1+
o 30
kilómetros en bicicleta para trabajar - Have you seen this video about a 90 year old Chilean woman who has
been riding her bike to and from work for years? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnyaCTS0HUI (11:02 minutos) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9BzNT5PkI8 (21:08 minutos). You could use it for cultural reasons and add
your own comprehensible explanation of her story. Try the ‘MovieTalk’ strategy.
Spanish 1 – ¿Dónde montan en bicicleta? “Chile en el Top Ten mundial en el uso de
bicicleta” http://www.publimetro.cl/nota/cronica/chile-en-el-top-ten-mundial-en-el-uso-de-bicicleta/xIQmeE!WNZ37oMHbbbI
o Tweed Run Santiago 1.0 (Chile) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIM4KYSqiVg 2:35 minutos sin hablar
o ¿De dónde son los
estudiantes de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte? – Interactive map showing number of foreign students enrolled per county
in NC. Focus on Spanish-speaking countries. http://goglobalnc.org/global-engagement/snapshot/cross-cultural-competence/
Spanish 3
Friday Kahlo – lectura y audio con banco
de palabras. Se puede bajar como PDF para imprimir o para enlazar a su página
web. http://www.sipuebla.com/frida-kahlo.htm
o Online Quiz in Spanish
about bicycle riding habits https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfi7-E3ralruwcqGMCglD1WXtjwk8Nw79jq-Wa-n75E72Ok6g/viewform
en la historia de los Oscares – lectura y audio con
banco de palabras. Se puede bajar como PDF para imprimir o para enlazar a su
página web. http://www.sipuebla.com/mexicanos-en-los-oscares.htm
4+ Ventana a mi Comunidad / Tseltales –
“Mi entorno” Serie de videos ‘Ventana a
mi Comunidad’. Una producción de Videoservicios Profesionales SA de CV para la
Coordinación General de Educación Intercultural y Bilingüe de la SEP, México,
para difundir la diversidad cultural del estado de Chiapas. http://ventana.ilce.edu.mx YouTube video 5:10 minutos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHp0Zaib_Gc