Friday, January 6, 2017

Happy New Year 2017 - BRRR

January 6, 2017
A NEW YEAR? Where will we go? Let’s go there together, improving and growing one day at a time. You can find all issues archived at


·        Xiaohong HuMueller at MRHS took her advanced Mandarin students to compete in Learning Through Languages High School Research Symposium @UNC Thursday and got recognized by Best Visual!!
·        Pascale Perreau and Lingyu Liao from CMS organized their Chinese and Mandarin classes to compete in teams against each other in the cafeteria. They used trays with three Perrier plastic water bottles filled with sand in races.
·        For National French Week Heather Buskard organized a school-wide competition where all CHS students could guess how many Skittles were in the clear glass Eiffel Tower container.
·        Before Christmas break Piedmont HS hosted a party for deaf and hard of hearing elementary school students. John Tiller’s Spanish class performed the song Feliz Navidad in Spanish and sign language. Students learned Spanish sign language for the Spanish part and American Sign Language for the English part. One of the students dressed up as Santa Claus, too.
·        Laura Nicholson, from Piedmont HS, has her Spanish students write advise for teachers in Spanish using commands. Laura will share the student advice with the PDHS staff (i.e. Don’t give too much homework. Be patient. Get enough sleep. Be on time to class. Etc.)

·        Julie Carrazco from Sun Valley MS as she got married this January.
·        Lisa Helms (CHS) and Alice Shrader (MRHS) as they recuperate.

Dr. Houlihan posted information on his recent Listen and Learn meetings. You can find that document at Here are just a few topics specific to world language teachers:
Areas of Growth (How We Can Improve)
·        Dual Language—need to expand
Priorities Going Forward
·        Equity ... Currently, numerous examples of inequities exist within our academic programming such as dual language and technology integration …

·        Academic Programming ... We must develop a strategy to expand dual language and global education opportunities to students in all feeder patterns. We must expand/increase advanced coursework opportunities such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate.

Professional Development
·      Tuesday, January 24, 2017 4:00 p.m. Essential Standard #2: Interpretive Communication The NC DPI WL Webinars with UCPS follow-up activities earn 0.2 CEUs for each webinar and can be added to other UCPS WL CEUs for 2016-2017.  Register at
·      February 9 – 11, 2017 Northeast Conference on Language Teaching New York City
·      Saturday, February 25, 2017, 8:30 – 5:00 p.m. FLANC Spring Mini-Conference UNC Wilmington Registration is open
·      Tuesday, February 28, 2017 4:00 p.m. Essential Standard #4: Culture The NC DPI WL Webinars with UCPS follow-up activities earn 0.2 CEUs for each webinar and can be added to other WL CEUs for 2016-2017.  Register at 
·      March 14, 2017 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. DPI World Language Quarterly Update Webinar Sign-up at All materials such as the PowerPoint slide set, along with a recording of the broadcast, will be posted on the Professional Development wikipage approximately 1 week following the webinar.
·      Tuesday, February 28, 2017 4:00 p.m. Essential Standard #4: Culture The NC DPI WL Webinars with UCPS follow-up activities earn 0.2 CEUs for each webinar and can be added to other WL CEUs for 2016-2017.  Register at
·      Saturday, April 22, 2017 9:00 – 3:00 Foreign Language Association of Virginia, Lexington, VA FLAVA Spring Conference
·      Tuesday, April 25, 2017 4:00 p.m. Essential Standard #3: Presentational Communication The NC DPI WL Webinars with UCPS follow-up activities earn 0.2 CEUs for each webinar and can be added to other WL CEUs for 2016-2017.  Register at
·      Tuesday, May 23, 2016 The NC DPI WL Webinars Topic TBD with UCPS follow-up activities earn 0.2 CEUs for each webinar and ca
·      DIY Resources:
a.      Core Practices for World Languages - A Free Overview
b.      Scaffolding to Help Students Stay in the Target Language
c.      ACTFL offers learning modules online. See
d.   LangTalks -   
·        March 26-28, 2017 (SCOLT) Southern Conference on Language Teaching - Conference Orlando Florida
·      Saturday, February 11, 2017 (South Carolina Foreign Language Teacher Association) SCFLTA Un-Conference Lexington, SC $50
·      Saturday, April 27 9:00 – 3:00 Foreign Language Association of Virginia Spring Conference Lexington VA
·      June 25 – July 8 2017 T&E Faculty Development Course:
·      Course Title: "Refresh, Renew, Restart: Aligning Task Based and Project Based Pedagogies with Teacher-Approved Technologies" Salamanca, Spain 
·      Course Title: "Refresh, Renew, Restart: Aligning Task Based and Project Based Pedagogies with Teacher-Approved Technologies"
·      July 17 – 21, 2017 Annual TPRS Conference San Antonio, TX
·      July 24-27, 2017 TELL Collaborative in Austin Texas Embracing a participant-driven model of learning, the TELL Collab is a professional learning experience that allows educators to engage in the very practices of effective learning they are expected develop in their own language teaching environment. Over the course of the experience, participants will be challenged to become active learning leaders in a variety of settings that ask them to explore, model and share effective language learning practices identified in the TELL Framework.

Jan. 7, 2 - 4 pm Three Kings Program Museum of the New South, Charlotte, Free ¡Ven y disfruta en familia el Día de Reyes con música, bailes, actividades familiares! Tendremos Rosca de Reyes y chocolate caliente.  Come and celebrate Three Kings Day (Epiphany) with music, dance and family activities! We will have hot chocolate and Kings Bread.

o   Middle School: Students will not possess cellular phones or electronic/media devices except pursuant to an authorized purpose or as an instructional tool under the guidance and direction of a staff member during a school activity, from the first bell of the day through the last dismissal bell. Except as identified above, cell phones must be turned off and out of sight (in book bag, pocket, or purse) at all times. Use of a cell phone is defined to include, but is not limited to phone ringing, talking on phone, taking pictures, browsing, gaming and text messaging.
o   High School: Students will not use cellular phones or electronic/media devices during instructional time except pursuant to an authorized purpose or as an instructional tool under the guidance and direction of a staff member during a school activity. Students may use cellular phones or electronic/media devices during non-instructional times, including class change and lunch, so long as the use is not disruptive to the school environment and the cellular phone or electronic/media device is used in a safe and responsible manner.
·      Bitmoji - Create your own personalized avatar at Thanks to Laura Nicholson at Piedmont HS for sharing. Her Spanish 3 students all learned to create them for a recent project.
·      Find Pictures for Open Use Via Copyright Free Websites:
o   Google Images: Find Pictures with Proper Usage Rights & Permissions:
§  1: Search the object you’re looking for in Google, then select images.
§  2: Select search tools.
§  3: Select “Usage Rights” and then “Labeled for reuse with modification” or “Labeled for reuse.”
o   Pixabay
o   PhotosforClass

Chinese Resources
·        1,500 High frequency Chinese words in order of frequency
·        iearn Global Projects Book in traditional Chinese
·        China in Plain English: The Center for Global Education's China Learning Initiatives presents the second series in its China Straight Up project, China in Plain English. This 11-episode series follows two US males as they make their way through China—neither of them speaks Mandarin. Through their adventures and misadventures, we learn about China through a new and fascinating lens.  The series can be used in classrooms in many different ways. For teachers and students, it can foster discussions that help build students' Chinese skills. For example, beginners can be asked to come up with the right questions in Chinese that Howie and Greg should have asked. More advanced students can discuss in Chinese what they would do in a similar situation—in a country where they don't understand the language. For more general audiences, China in Plain English is a way to show that travel in China is totally possible, even with very little knowledge of the language. China in Plain English is an 11-episode series, with each episode lasting 3-4 minutes. The episodes will be released weekly beginning in January 2017. Be sure to check back each week for the latest episode!

French Resources
·        Yabla: French 4+
o   Le jour où tout a basulé – Nos bébés ont été échangés in 8 parts
o   Le jour où tout a basulé – Notre appartement est hanté in 4 parts
·        The Value of Learning French:
·        Detective Game for interviewing others using the passé composé

German Resources
·        German video series for “Easy Languages”
·        Upcoming Plans and Easy Activities
·        What do Germans think about the European Union?  

Spanish Resources
·        Yabla:
o   Spanish 1+ Kitesurfing en Venezuela
·        Cuba - with the death of Fidel Castro, teachers are looking to bring the country and / or history alive.
o   Viva Cuba is a simple story in DVD of two ten year olds in Cuba, their friendship and their parent’s opposing views on life in Cuba. It seems to be unrated but there is a brief scene of the children getting undressed.
o   YouTube has many clips about Fidel. You might enjoy Cubana de Playa del Carmen habla sobre la muerte de Fidel Castro or Cubana-española deja sin palabras a los voceros del régimen castrista en su propio canal
o   The ACTFL list serv recommended this book for teachers: Cuba una histora: (La Otra Historia de América Latina) (Spanish Edition). Se encuentra en Amazon:
·        Español 1 – Capítulo 2A – Easy Languages ¿Qué te gustaría estudiar? 5:15 minutos en YouTube en español
·        Español 1 – Capítulo 4B  Easy Languages  Video clip from the streets of Lima – ¿Cuáles son tu planes para hoy? 5:08 minutos en YouTube en español Thanks to Jessica Martínez de WHS for sharing this site.
·        Español 1 – Capítulo 5A: Easy Languages How would you describe yourself? 6:18 minutos en YouTube en español
·        Español 2 -  Easy Languages ¿Qué quería ser cuando era niño? 4:23 minutos en YouTube en español
·        Español 2 – Easy Languages Childhood Memories
·        RTVE – News, shows and cartoons from  
·        Ejercicio de escuchar: Ya ha comenzado el curso 2010-2011   video en español 3:13 minutos. Great for Movie Talk in Spanish 1’s school chapter.
·        Discussion Activities for Beginning Spanish: Great listening comprehension activities for using the SPINTX videoclips of native-Spanish speakers in Texas. This resource has pre, during and post-listening activities. Find a topic for your content: Studying Abroad (p. 6), Family (p. 9), Family Relationships (p.11), Growing Up (p. 13), Studying Abroad (p. 16), Professions and Occupations (p.18), Sports (p. 21), Deciding A Major (p. 24), Celebrating Your Heritage (p. 27), Personal Relationships (p. 30), School Dress (p. 30), Ser Bilingüe (p. 36), Hablando de retos (p. 38), Comunidades (p. 40)
·        Don Quixote de la Mancha – download a free PDF of an adaptation of the book Thanks to Tanie Monsalve of SVHS for sharing.
·        HispaNoticias is a tool to help middle and high school Spanish students apply the cultural concepts introduced in Spanish class for a real-world purpose. Click on the Spanish level and then countries, regions and themes to access articles in English and Spanish, many of which include audio and video support. Questions follow each article to support comprehension. Current events from around the Spanish-speaking world!
o   ¡Voy a Guatemala! una preguntas escritas y un poco de vocaublario, YouTube 6:42 minutos en español ; Spanish 2 – Capitulo 9B – repaso de productos de tecnología Capítulo 2A – repaso de elementos de limpieza y salud (toiletries); Capítulo 2B – repaso de ropa; Spanish 3 – Capítulo 1 – volcanes, caminatas, camping, etc.
o   De paseo a Culebra (Puerto Rico)  actividades y vocabularo; Domingo, 24 de julio de 2016 YouTube video en español 0.47 minutos en español  Catamaran Playa Flamenco, Culebra, Puerto Rico YouTube video 5:12 minutos en español
o   La carta de Zara – una niña pobre de Turquía. YouTube video 15:30 minutes con subtítulos en español