Turning the Tables On Language Teaching and
21, 2014
While many important ingredients stay the same, teaching and
learning are changing swiftly. Enjoy the resources shared below. You are
invited to share your own success tales. The one-to-one laptop initiative has
changed us and our students. Learning what old and new things are working in
your world language classroom benefits all of us.
What a thrill to hear the instructional
technology facilitator learned how to use Kahoot from East Union Spanish
teacher Francy Zolke. He tells the
story that he saw her using it in class, then shared it with 7th grade math
teachers for whom multiple Kahoots were created for students to practice with
for EOC. Then the sixth grade teachers heard about Kahoot and have loved
it. Go Francy!
Martha Hernández took some
students from the Forest Hills High Spanish Club to present at a cultural fair
at Wingate Elementary.
Harry Braun recently organized
a visit of German 10th grade students from Krefeld, Germany. This
summer, Harry will lead his Marvin Ridge High students to Germany to connect
with their counterparts.
Professional Development
May 8, Thursday,
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Free webinar- Classroom
management in a one-to-one classroom. How is it different? This free webinar
focuses on the one-to-one classroom. Best practices and concerns will be
addressed. Sign up at http://www2.prometheanworld.com/tcleonetoone
Need CEUs? You can
complete these free online modules from NC DPI
o 2012-2013 Modules https://center.ncsu.edu/nc/course/category.php?id=34301
§ Connecting with Our 21st
Century Learners
§ Digital Literacies in the 21st Century
§ Introduction to Data Literacy
o 2013-2014 Modules https://center.ncsu.edu/nc/course/category.php?id=34311
§ Responsibilities of the 21st Century Educator
(using the 21st Century Framework)
§ Universal Design for Learning
Monday – Thursday, April 21 – April 24, 2014 Learning Revolution
Conference. Online and free. The theme
for this conference is "What Are We Learning About Learning?" As the
Internet shifts the boundaries of when, where, and how we learn, we believe our
learning worlds will increasingly overlap. LearningRevolution.com Attend live or watched archived presentations
at https://www.youtube.com/user/learningrevolution20/
Comments will be at @learnrevproject
and Topics include:
Monday, April 21
7:00 pm KEYNOTE - Ian Jukes on
"What 21st Century Learning Really Looks Like"
8:00 pm KEYNOTE - Bronwyn Stuckey on
"The Minecraft Experience - Curating Learning"
9:00 pm KEYNOTE - Bernard Bull on
"Eight Laws of the Self-Directed Learner"
Tuesday, April 22
o 9:00pm KEYNOTE - Mark Treadwell on "The Neuroscience of Learning
– A Model for how the brain learns"
Thursday, April 24
11:00 am - Improving Modern Language Speaking Proficiency
- Harry G. Tuttle, Ed. D
1:00 pm
as a Framework for Moving Towards Education 3.0 - Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D., Online Faculty- Educational Technology
§ Teaching Another Country's Culture With Mobile Devices -
Harry G. Tuttle, Ed. D
§ What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)? - Judy Ha, Training
and Development Manager
2:00 pm - Do students see technology the way
we do? - Mrs. Maha Hassan
3:00 pm - How to Assess Project-Based Learning (PBL) - Jessica Chung, Assistant Director, Education
3:00 pm - How to Assess Project-Based Learning (PBL) - Jessica Chung, Assistant Director, Education
4:00 pm Digital Citizenship: A
Whole-Community Approach - Kelly Mendoza, Sr. Manager of Professional
5:00pm KEYNOTE - Steve Wheeler on
"Students driving change: how learners are making the difference in the
digital age"
Digital Resources in Schoolnet
Hopefully, by now
you have perused the free materials in Schoolnet. There are more than
500 for Spanish that have been chosen by NC Spanish teachers and aligned to NC
Essential Standards. There are many Latin resources, limited resources for Chinese,
French and German. Schoolnet video tutorials:
How to Search for Instructional Materials in Schoolnet –
Home Base https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmMkEczLTAs
How to Search for Instructional Materials from SAS in
Schoolnet – Home Base https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnNO1ld2oGs
How to Search Instructional Materials by Standards in
Schoolnet – Home Base https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lND0Fbtt-Ic
How to Add Your Own Materials to Instructional Materials
in Schoolnet – Home Base https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQCAx1RgXv4
DPI Updates
ASW: The ASW pilot continues. http://ncasw.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/ The ASW process is the Standard 6 measure for educators in: Advanced Placement, Arts
Education, Healthful Living, International Baccalaureate, World Languages, and
other specified content areas.
The ASW process will be the way that these teachers will link the measurement
of student growth to teacher effectiveness for Standard 6 of the NC Educator Evaluation System (NCEES)
beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. Modules 1 – 8 have been released for those who want to familiarize
themselves with the process. http://ncasw.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/TrainingModules
In the current method, teachers would save student or student group work
samples that could demonstrate growth from Point A to Point B in the course.
Each work sample needs to illustrate growth for a clarifying objective within their
NC standards. WL teachers would need to choose a clarifying objective per strand
(CLL, COD or CMT) and per standard representative of the classes he or she
World Language webinar on April 17 focused on the ASW process. The question arose about using multiple choice test
results for student ASW samples. It was clarified that most WL standards focus
on what a student can do and as such, ASW samples would not be grammar tests. It
was mentioned in the webinar that before the end of school, draft WL Principal Briefs will be
released to help principals better understand the what to look for in observing
a NC WL classroom. The coming draft ties the statements in the TELL Project to the NCEES.
The Governor’s
Teacher Network application period has been extended until April 30, 2014. http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/rttt/gtn/
Tech Tips
Start learning one
app or tech tool that is useful for your students and your teaching style.
Try using Kahoot
with YouTube videos https://getkahoot.com/. Link to the video you want students to
watch in the target language. Include which sections you want played by
including the start and stop time in the set up. Students then watch the
videoclip and ask comprehension questions you create in Kahoot.
Google Cloud
Clean-Up Tip from UCPS Tech Dept.
o Suggest that students who are
seniors or who are leaving UCPS download any files from their Google Drive that
they want to keep. They will not be accessible without a UCPS Google account.
Use your standards and
objectives to guide what tools you need. For example:
o Presentational Communication:
§ Voice Thread https://voicethread.com is great for both
speaking and writing. Likewise, a teacher could upload a video for students to
watch and comment on.
§ http://online-voice-recorder.com and http://vocaroo.com enable students to record their voice for ads,
announcements, opinions, speeches, etc. for presentational speaking
§ https://tricider.com/en/t can be used as a
platform for student opinions, ideas and brainstorming. Once the first post is
made, then each person returns to read other’s posts. Ultimately, students can
vote on their favorite and give feedback.
o Interpretive Communication:
§ http://quizlet.com
enables students to practice reading and listening for comprehension at the
word level.
§ Other sites have listening/
viewing passages with scripts, subtitles, etc. Spanish teachers and students
can use the video archives for SPINTEX http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/spintx/home,
Spanish Proficiency Exercises http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe/,
LangMedia has practical listening topics
in 40+ languages at http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu/
The "Language by
Country" Collection features authentic, country-specific
video, audio, and still images from thirty-five countries in twenty-five
languages. The materials cover practical topics such as greetings, buying food,
eating out, phone calls and transportation.
Global Awareness
Monday, April 28 6:30 to
8:30 p.m. Marvin Ridge High celebrates their seventh
annual International Bazaar,
presented by the World Language Department and the PTSO. As part of the
international week, the MRHS PTSO will host a Global Author Panel on Wednesday
with topic discussion on the MRHS Community Book Read about the Middle East.
May is Asian/Pacific
American Heritage Month http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_Pacific_American_Heritage_Month
Congress passed a joint Congressional Resolution
in 1978 to commemorate Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week during
the first week of May. This date was chosen because two important anniversaries
occurred during this time: the arrival of the first Japanese immigrants in America on April 11, 1843 and the completion of the transcontinental railroad (by
many Chinese laborers) on May 10, 1869. In 1990 Congress voted to expand
it from a week to a month long celebration. In
May 1992, the month of May was permanently designated as “Asian/Pacific
American Heritage Month.”
Presentational Writing
Journal writing is one way
for students to grow in self-expression and writing fluency. Typically, in journal
writing students write for a given time period or length on a topic provided by
the teacher. Journals are read by the teacher but not graded. Teacher comments
focus on ideas, reactions, shared beliefs, etc. Journals offer the possibility for
teachers to strengthen their teacher –student relationship and to get to know
each other better. Spanish teacher Amanda Mancilla of CATA shares the following
suggestions from Ken Steward, NC AP Spanish teacher and ACTFL board member http://www.actfl.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/ACTFL06handouts/Session146-KenStewart-Handout1.pdf
Other ideas on journaling in WL classes
are at http://www.beta-iatefl.org/1496/blog-publications/journals-in-the-foreign-language-classroom/
and http://voices.yahoo.com/journals-foreign-language-classroom-88616.html
Power School
How can students check their grades in Power School? UCPS video tutorial is found in UCPS TV Media Library at
Chinese Resources
Global Chinese VIF lesson: What do people eat for Chinese New Year?
French Resources
Alice DiPom at Monroe High shares this
YouTube read-aloud of Le Petite Prince
with audio in French and subtitles in French, English and Spanish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mVBaKd45jk
Spanish Resources
§ Gabriel García Márquez died April 17. He was a Colombian novelist, short-story
writer, screenwriter and journalist, known affectionately as Gabo throughout
Latin America. The Nobel prize-winning author of One Hundred Years of Solitude was 87 years old. http://www.themodernword.com/gabo/
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