Turning the Tables On Language
Teaching and Learning
June 2, 2014
compliments to the many fine things that are occurring around the county in
world language classrooms. This has been quite a year. In terms of learning
curves, many mountains have been climbed. In terms of adapting to changing
winds, many ships have changed course.
Congrats to the many mountain climbers and sailors.
Out and About
Kahoot: Lots of teachers are
using Kahoot for vocabulary practice and formative assessment
– Alejandra Elliott made this game
as her first practice with Kahoot for Spanish 3 at Marvin Ridge https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/88e84183-b641-4d75-8e97-97382ed7df39
Note – There are lots
of public Kahoot games already made:
Realidades 2 https://create.kahoot.it/#public/kahoots?filter=1&tags=Realidades
Realidades 3 -
https://create.kahoot.it/#public/kahoots?filter=1&tags=Spanish 3
Allez, viens
https://create.kahoot.it/#public/kahoots?filter=1&tags=allez viens&audience=School&kahoots=quiz&cursor=
Deutsch Aktuell
Aktuell &audience=School&kahoots=quiz&cursor=
Ginger Polk’s Spanish 2 and 4
students at Parkwood HS created books in
Spanish that will be printed and sent to a school in the Dominican Republic.
Walter Bickett Education Center was in need of
Spanish children's books so Charlotte
Hancock’s Spanish students at Sun
Valley HS diligently worked on making children's books in Spanish, no higher than a 1st grade
reading level (as requested) and that also entailed a moral lesson. The books
were recently delivered in person and students
read their books to the children and ate snacks with them, etc. As Charlotte
says, this is about “students utilizing
what I teach them in my classroom and putting it into practice in the real
world, and making a positive impact on the world around them at the same time.”
Hernández’ Spanish 4 students have
used Photo Peach http://photopeach.com/
for writing projects. In the examples
below, students addressed issues of ecology and in some cases focused on
subjunctive commands as messages for solving environmental issues. Enjoy these student works at http://photopeach.com/album/13fdha3?invitecode=472ca2a128;
and http://photopeach.com/album/bctfmy?invitecode=2fdb63b3e3
and http://photopeach.com/album/w8gvqu?invitecode=f2501cebab
§ American author and poet Maya Angelou died May 28, 2014 at age 86. She is
said to have spoken French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic and the African language
Professional Development
June 2, 8
p.m.– World Languages Twitter
Chat #WLchatNC.
Jun 2, 2014 to Jun 23, 2014 Technology in A Foreign Language Class provided by the Canvas Network
.There is a free online course. . The course information is at - https://www.canvas.net/courses/technology-in-a-foreign-language-class The course is about integrating
technology into foreign language classes. The first two weeks will
be dedicated to discussion and assignments and week three will be dedicated to
a final project. This course will provide Web sites and programs that may be
used in traditional and online foreign language classes. The focus is placed on
all skills, especially speaking and listening. There is an expectation of
3 – 5 hours of course work per week.
August 6, 2014,
Wednesday, Learn More about Edmodo
at EdmodoCon. Their
annual educator conference for educators from around the world learn
about new ways to use technology and share creative ideas for
integrating Edmodo in the classroom. EdmodoCon is an 11-hour virtual
event that will be live streamed. You may come and go throughout the day
as you please, and all sessions will be recorded for viewing at your
Technology and World
Language Instruction:
o The Digital Foreign Language Classroom - How Mooreseville HS
French Teacher Uses Technology in the WL Classroom – Students record a speaking
sample at the start of the course so that they have a comparison for their
growth. Mooreseville HS has a one-to-one platform. Teacher addresses differentiation
and reteaching. 4 minute video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvB08FLPxll
o ACTFL position paper on the Role of Technology in Language Learning Interesting quotes:
§ “There is currently no definitive research to indicate
that students will acquire a second language effectively through technology
without interaction with and guidance from a qualified language teacher.”
§ “ACTFL also recognizes the pivotal role of a qualified
language teacher to incorporate and manage the implementation of technology so
that it effectively supports the language learning experience.”
§ “Further, all language learning opportunities whether
provided through technology or in a traditional classroom setting, should be
standards-based and help develop students' proficiency in the target language
through interactive, meaningful, and cognitively engaging learning experiences,
facilitated by a qualified language teacher.”
you are still interested in Flubaroo
to automatically grade multiple
choice and fill-in-the –blank quizzes that are created in Google forms, go to
the three minute video for a quick tutorial http://www.flubaroo.com/instructional-videos
Global Resources
The Asia Society has very interesting World
Language rationale, rubrics, I can statements and performance outcomes at http://asiasociety.org/competence/foreign-languages-are-global-competencies
Chinese Resources
Nuli - Students can
practice their reading skills with http://nulinu.li/
They can select which characters they know from common vocab lists or HSK
lists. Students then practice multiple choice checks where you choose the
correct English translation. The computer also checks your comprehension of the
characters you know in a variety of phrase or sentence combination.
China File ChinaFile is a new
English-language, not-for-profit, online magazine about China published by the
Asia Society’s Center on U.S.-China Relations. ChinaFile publishes original
reporting and analysis in print, photography and video. ChinaFile’s work
appears in The New York Times, the Atlantic and the The New York Review of
Books among other publications. We also translate and archive outstanding content
from a growing list of partner publications in China and around the world. http://www.chinafile.com/
French Resources
Digital Dialects – simple interactive
practice for lower levels: numbers, colors, conjugations, dates, etc. http://www.digitaldialects.com/French.htm
German Resources
National Soccer League webpage http://www.bundesliga.de/de/ (found using Schoolnet)
Spanish Resources
– mnemonic device for learning reasons for the subjunctive http://www.brighthubeducation.com/learning-spanish/33236-verbs-use-the-wedding-acronym-for-the-subjunctive/
created by Alice Shrader (¡Gracias!)
Preterit vs Imperfect PPT created by Alice Shrader https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aiRb8nTtmdMKcmFEQ0g-8osE7DOU-HxpsXtnJCXayA4/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
Advanced Spanish ALL subjunctive
created by Alice Shrader https://docs.google.com/a/ucps.k12.nc.us/presentation/d/1MItovfli8c-Ix_T_D4MlxwB0FpapY9VhrIHTj0ZMB38/edit#slide=id.p
Notes in Spanish
audio files – Inspired Beginners http://www.notesinspanish.com/category/beginners-podcast/
Notes in Spanish
audio files – Intermediate http://www.notesinspanish.com/category/intermediate-spanish-podcast/
Spanish current event
articles at
three levels with interactive features (Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced) Anahi Brusa from Monroe High suggests ‘Mire el video introductorio’ http://www.practicaespanol.com/es/didactica-proyecto-practica-espanol/art/17/
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