Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Spring Fever

March 23, 2016
Your contributions to this e-newsletter are very welcome.

·         Congrats to Martha Hernández who applied and was accepted to take Forest Hills High students to the Nuevolution exhibit at the Levine Museum of the New South and to attend a Saturday training for teachers. The museum is paying for entrance fees and the bus for her students!

Professional Development
·      March 24th, 2016 3:00 – 4:00 pm ET Principles of Contemporary Language Teaching - Part 2 “These days, you'd be hard pressed to find a language teacher who doesn't claim to be teaching communicatively. But what does "communicatively" mean? How do you know whether you're really teaching communicatively? This week Bill Van Patten examines another underlying principle of contemporary language teaching: If you're going to teach communicatively, you’d better have a working definition of communication.” Following last week's discussion on the nature of language, we’ll talk about the nature of communication and how that should inform the decisions we make. Join us as we once again invite our listeners to rethink some of the basic notions of language teaching. This is a must-listen online show! Tune in live on Thursday at 3pm. Past shows are archived.
·      March 24, 2016 8:00 p.m. Twitter chat #globaledchat will focus on teaching Africa. The discussion starts at 8pmET/5pmPT.  
·      April 8 – 9, 2016 TELL Collaborative Nashville will bring together world language educators to explore, model, and share effective language learning practices identified by the TELL Framework (TELL = Teaching Effectiveness for Language Learning). The two-day professional learning experience will include a mixture of collaborative sessions to help teachers identify their own professional learning goals and to support administrators in their efforts to implement the TELL Project with their teachers. From Friday, April 8, 2016 at 8:00 AM until Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 3:00 PM (CDT) Lipscomb's Idea Center - 3252 Aspen Grove Drive. #9. Franklin, TN 37067 $105.44 – $137.09 For more
·         April 9, 2016 8:30 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. AATSP & AATF Mini-Conference “Globalization in the Curriculum: Bringing Together K– 20 Language Learning”. Keynote speaker – Dr. Mary Lynn Redmond. Wake Forest University. The price for the Spring Conference is $25, which includes continental breakfast and lunch. For planning purposes, they ask that your check be received by April 4th. There will be on-site registration. Winston-Salem, NC For details on French presentations,
·      Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 4:00 – 6:00 Second Language Teaching and Language Learning Disabilities. PDC Room 205 There is a long continuum between learning disabled and gifted students. What do the individual difference look like in the second language classroom? What can we do to support learners with weak language learning skills? This workshop by Donna Podgorny is based on research by Dr. S Watts (UNC-C), Dr. A Milstead (Samford U) and the book Foreign Languages for Everyone (Konyndyk). Bring your classroom stories and an interest in improving our craft. Pizza will be served. 2 Academic Content CEU hours are available.
·      Tuesday, April 26, 2016 Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning PDC Room 205. Lead by Donna Podgorny, attendees will analyze the components of the TELL project, the checklists and surveys offered. While TELL documents are the focus of the workshop, teachers will experience stations and hopefully be able to apply what they learn to their classrooms. Pizza will be served. 2 Academic Content CEU hours are available.
·      Tuesday, May 10, 2016 4:00 – 6:00 Rating with (WL) Rubrics  PDC 205.Teachers will have hands-on experience in applying rubrics (UCPS and others) to UCPS student benchmark samples. Guided by Donna Podgorny, teachers will grade samples from various writing and speaking assessments then discuss the various criteria. Canvas WL rubrics will be shared. Please bring sample student work, especially from UCPS benchmarks if you use them. Pizza will be served. 2 Academic Content CEU hours are available.
·         June 13, 2016 to June 17, 2016 Catching up with Your Students: Digital Learning – Cullowhee,  NCCAT 14165
·         June 13, 2016 to June 17, 2016 Relevant Literacy Instruction: It’s More than Just Books – Ocracoke, NCCAt 14166
·         July 11 – 29 Summer Graduate Institute for Foreign Language Teachers: one, two and three week courses for CEUs or Graduate Credit. Spanish: Indigenous Languages and Literature and Culture in Latin America and Curriculum and Materials Design. French: History of Comedy in French and Curriculum and Materials Design. All classes in French or Spanish. App State. Apply by June 15 but courses may fill sooner.

·         Friday, April 1, 2016 through Sunday, Oct. 2, 2016 Los Jets: Playing for the American Dream The lobby case exhibit will feature photographs and artifacts that tell the story of Los Jets, the 2004 men's soccer players from Siler City's Jordan-Matthews High School, the first predominantly Latino sports team to win a statewide championship in North Carolina. Admission is free. North Carolina Museum of History
·         May Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month In 1992, the official designation of May as Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month was signed into law. The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869.

·         Objectives  - “The lesson's performance objectives are clearly stated in student-friendly language and posted in the classroom  for the duration of the lesson, encouraging students to take responsibility their own learning.” ACTFL has sample “Can do statements” These objectives are known also as ‘language targets’ in that they focus on what the student should be able to do in the language. “Students are engaged in activities designed to meet the daily performance objectives as part of a curriculum that is rigorous, relevant and based on the North Carolina  World  Language Essential Standards.”
·         90% Target Language Use – “ACTFL states that teachers and students should speak in the target language at least 90% of the time at all levels of instruction, with teachers using visuals, gestures, and manipulatives to indicate meaning. Students participate in activities that require them to use language for meaningful purposes. They are required to use vocabulary and structures they have memorized in meaningful ways in order to communicate with others by writing or speaking.” “The teacher  brings a richness and depth of understanding to the classroom    and demonstrates content knowledge by using the target  language at least 90% of the time as reflected in instruction, materials, and interactions with students.” “If the teacher uses English it appears that  its use is for purposes that could not be carried  out in the target  language, such as establishing and maintaining a positive and flexible learning environment.”

UCPS Global Scholars
New 2016 UCPS Global Scholars posters and flyers have been sent to MS and HS principals with copies for principals, guidance counselors, world language teachers and social studies. Please get to know the available and qualifying courses and instructors at your school. Please encourage students to set this as a goal. UCPS Global Scholars must complete two world language courses but can added additional world language courses in the same language as part of their required six elective credits.
·         The Global Scholar video is found at
·         The Global Scholar flyer is found at

·         The NC Board of Education approved a Global Language Endorsement to go into effect for students: 1) pass an external exam approved by the NC DPI establishing “Intermediate Low” proficiency or higher per the ACTF proficiency scale, 2) complete a four-course sequence of study in the same world language, earning an overall GPA of 2.5 or above in those courses, 3) establish “Intermediate Low” proficiency or higher per the ACTFL proficiency scale using the Credit by Demonstrated Mastery policy.  Please note that the student does not have to earn credit in four WL courses. The student just has to pass level IV.
·         There are 17 languages offered in NC public schools.

UCPS World Language Learning K – 3
·         You will enjoy the new SPLASH webpage about immersion education in UCPS There is also a four minute video by Unionville principal Sharyn Von Cannon about her Phd research and her school.
·         DPI has launched a Dual Language Immersion wiki with resources, program models, research findings, links to NC programs etc.  There are currently over 100 dual language immersion programs in North Carolina. In Fall 2005, there were seven. Languages of instruction include Cherokee, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Japanese and Spanish. The expansion of dual language immersion programs is aligned with the January 2013 NC State Board of Education’s Task Force on Global Education and in particular to Commitment 2.1 Leading-edge Language Instruction “Institute a plan for statewide access to dual language/immersion opportunities beginning in elementary school and continuing through high school. 

Tech Tools – Creating Comics (Thanks to Carren Heartley, MRHS Media Coordinator)
· allows for uploading photos to create a cartoon.
· - Create comics, storyboards, projects and slides. 
· - Teachers can make a quick six block black and white line drawing storyboard for students to fill in details in the speech bubbles. Likewise, no log in is needed so students can write their comic story themselves from scratch.

Resources – All Languages
·         SCOLT Conference Wiki – Enjoy many presenters presentations from the recent Southern Conference on Language Teaching in Charlotte
·         NCAA Brackets – Use the blank brackets for multiple ‘competitions’ to see which song, video, drawing, cartoon, picture, story, tweet, etc. wins “March Madness”.  Break students into four regions to vote for the best in each play-off. Follow the winners up through the brackets to the Final Four. Then let the whole class compete to see which regional winner becomes the champion. From the blog of Brackets found also at

French Resources
·         Tony Parker speaking about basketball in French
·         All You Need to Know About “Tout” – video in English explaining tout, tous, tout le monde, tous les jours, tous les ans, etc. by Comme une Française. YouTube video 5:49 minutes

Spanish Resources
·         The LiveBinder “Spanish & World Languages Teaching Resources: A digital Library.”  at is created by Dr. Claudia Lorrotta. This massive assortment of resources will so many resources! Please explore: speaking skills, writing skills, listening skills, digital storytelling, reading skills, vocabulary and grammar skills, integrated skills, AP Spanish, Interculturalidad, Curriculum, Assessment, Approaches, Flipped Classrooms, Teaching Resources, Professional Development, Mobile Apps, Classroom Management, Web 2.0, Movie and Video Collections, MOOCS, Infographics, Authentic Resources, Presentational Skills, Bilingual Education. Thanks to Secondary Ed Director Brad Breedlove for finding this resource.
·         Spanish 1Felicidad es moverse, moverse es felicidad for present  progressive  practice  You Tube video with song 'Estoy feliz porque estoy ...corriendo, pintando, patinando, bailando, etc.' Good for studying the present progressive. (0:59 mins. - español) Gracias a Amanda Mancilla CATA.
·         Spanish 2 Comparisons of Equality – Mary K Thomas of Piedmont HS created the following activity to help her students learn how to compare things that are ‘equal’ It is saved at under Spanish 2.
·         Spanish 2 Videoclip Esta es María This excellent one minute video was made by John Mateo Tiller and Mary K Thomas at Piedmont HS to help prepare their Spanish students for listening, taking notes, comparing another person to themselves, writing up such a comparison, recording such a comparison.
·         Coca-cola: Y si nos levantamos? YouTube video (1:41 mins. - español) En esta edición vemos la nueva campaña de Coca-Cola contra el sobrepeso: ¿Y si nos levantamos?. Temas: ¿Crees que hay relación entre el consumo de refrescos  azucarados y la obesidad?, Salud, verbos reflexivos (“siéntate”, “os quedáis”, “nos levantamos”, “os levantáis”), vosotros (“salís”, “conquistaros”, etc.) from Zachary Jones. Gracias a Amanda Mancilla CATA.
·         Los Jets: Playing for the American Dream. In a small southern city, a group of "outsiders" will show the world what it means to be a champion. This is the real story of Los Jets -- a North Carolina high school soccer team made up almost entirely of young Latino men whose parents immigrated here in search of a better life. Some of whom are still waiting for that dream to truly be theirs. Follow their journey to compete to win the state championship as they defy odds, face adversity, experience defeat, and taste victory on and off the field. The film has been divided into 33 videoclips from one to four minutes on YouTube 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

National Foreign Language Week 2016

March 7, 2016

·         Welcome to Celixón Suárez who is the long term Spanish sub at Cuthbertson Middle School. 
·         16 UCPS WL teachers attended the SCOLT conference this February in March: Christin Ohrel, Ron Crider, Patrick Chang, Elvia López, Gabriela Grello, Danilo Loor, Amanda Mancilla, Leah Smith, Sara Wade, Alejandra Elliott, Rosana Gonzales, John Tiller, Martha Hernández, Mitzi Berry, Michele Ballard, and Donna Podgorny. Follow the SCOLT tweets at #SCOLT2016
Professional Development
·      March 23-24, 2016 Europe at a Crossroads World View Spring Seminar. Sessions such as Germany’s Role in Europe, What is the European Union and Why Is It Important?, The European Union and the Economic Crisis  $175 per person
·      April 8 – 9, 2016 TELL Collaborative Nashville will bring together world language educators to explore, model, and share effective language learning practices identified by the TELL Framework (TELL = Teaching Effectiveness for Language Learning). The two-day professional learning experience will include a mixture of collaborative sessions to help teachers identify their own professional learning goals and to support administrators in their efforts to implement the TELL Project with their teachers. From Friday, April 8, 2016 at 8:00 AM until Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 3:00 PM (CDT) Lipscomb's Idea Center - 3252 Aspen Grove Drive. #9. Franklin, TN 37067 $105.44 – $137.09 For more
·         April 9, 2016 AATSP & AATF Mini-Conference Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC  AATF website
·         NCAAT Free PD in the mountains of Cullohwee, NC or at the beach in Okracoke, NC
o    June 13–17: Cullowhee Catching up with Your Students: Digital Learning
o    June 13–17: Ocracoke - Relevant Literacy Instruction: It’s More than Just Books
o    July 5–8: Cullowhee - Genius Hour for Teachers: Digital Teaching and Learning in Action
o    July 11–15: Cullowhee - The Active Classroom: Using Movement to Enhance Literacy and Learning
o    July 18–22: Cullowhee Success From the Start: How to Survive and Thrive Your First Three Years in the Classroom
o    July 25–29: Cullowhee The Canvas Connection
o    August 1–5: Cullowhee - Get Your PBL On! Designing Project Based Learning in Digital Format
o    August 30–September 2 Cullowhee - Literacy for Non-Literacy Teachers Cullowhee
·         October 7 – 8. 2016 FLANC Conference, Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center, Durham, NC “Empowerment, Transformation and Social Justice”.
·         November, 2016 ACTFL Conference Boston, MA.

·         March 7 – 11, National Foreign Language Week
·         March 21, 2016 Flamenco Ballet performs in Hickory NC. 9:50 a.m. Latin America, 11:15 Soul of Spain
·         Through October, 2016 ¡NUEVOlution! Latinos and the New South “A bilingual, interactive exhibit that explores the ways Latinos are shaping the South and the South is shaping Latinos. Charlotte and Atlanta top the Nielsen list of fastest growing major Latino metro areas nationwide, up over 400% since 2000. In North Carolina alone, more than two dozen small and mid-sized municipalities are now over 20% Latino. Over the past 25 years, the South has abruptly emerged as the nation’s most vibrant area of Latino growth.”  Levine Museum of the New South, 200 E 7th St, Charlotte, NC 28202 Open 10;00 – 5:00 Monday – Saturday; 12:00 – 5:00 Sunday MetLife has grants to provide transportation for UCPS students especially Monroe MS, Monroe HS, East Union MS, Forest Hills HS, Sun Valley HS and Porter Ridge MS. Contact Kamille Bostick or 704-333-1887ext 233
·         MayAsian Heritage Month – Poster in French from Canada
·         May 5, 2016 - Cinco de mayo – Battle of Puebla in Mexico celebrates conquest against French invasión.
·         May 14, 2016Dragonboat Races, Charlotte Asian Festival, Ramsey Creek Park, Lake Norman

·         North Carolina’s public school dropout rate slightly increased in 2014-15. The state’s dropout rate rose to 2.39 percent from 2.28 percent the previous year. The .11 percentage point increase was the first increase in the dropout rate since 2006-07. 11,190 students dropped out of school as opposed to the 10,404 students the previous year.  •  Students dropped out most frequently at 10th grade (30 percent), followed by 9th grade (28.1 percent).•  Males accounted for 62 percent of reported dropouts, which was down from the 62.7 percent reported last year.
·         The College Board recognized two school districts in North Carolina on its 6th Annual AP Honor Roll. Elizabeth City-Pasquotank County School District and Union County Public Schools each increased access to AP course work while also increasing the percentage of students earning scores of 3 or higher on AP exams. North Carolina public schools have focused on providing greater access to Advanced Placement courses and exams in recent years.  

·         FLANC Gold Nuggets - Your colleagues have shared with you what they learned at the FLANC Conference in our World Language course in Canvas Please take some time to read and discuss their summaries of the most important things they learned with your department. They are wonderful ambassadors to share.
o    Andrew Rosene explains what is and what isn’t interpersonal communication adding games like Password, Poker and Information Gap activities.
o    Ann Haddon includes explanations of IPAs (Integrated Performance Assessments)
o    Daniel Sellner includes useful and favorite activities of NCSU students: Stand Up It, Predict and Verify and Family Feud.
o    John Tiller created a video about Música Urbana.
o    Mary Velásquez shared activities you can include at the drop of a hat like Word Scrambles, Acrostics, What’s in the bag? Etc.
o    Ron Crider’s video and list of favorites includes, Question in an Envelope, Surveys and Rewrites.
·         SCOLT Conference 2016 Presentations
·         Circling is a method of asking questions in the target language to increase exposure to the target language in a meaningful and comprehensible fashion. Do you know how to circle?
·         Conjunction Words – Make an anchor chart that includes the words that expand the length and complexity of sentences… because, while, when, where, but, and, or, so, then, if
·         Academic Vocabulary – What is considered to be the academic vocabulary that students should have in each grade level?
·         “Recent research into second-language acquisition (SLA) has moved away from traditional, behaviourist theories to focus on the importance of input and interaction in the target language, the idea being that interaction and immersion simulate the environment in which native languages are learnt. Also, research suggests that training in grammar and vocabulary alone does not result in linguistic competence (Rüschoff & Ritter 2001). Long's interaction hypothesis (1996) stressed the importance of both 'comprehensible input' and 'negotiated meaning' in the acquisition of a second language, the latter being concerned with the role of 'interactional adjustments' by the native speaker in facilitating acquisition. Little (2007) draws attention to the importance of learner autonomy in three interacting principles for success in language learning: learner involvement, learner reflection and target language use. Authentic contexts for communication are also a key factor. Chapelle (1998) points out that it's 'important that learners have an audience for the linguistic output they produce so that they attempt to use the language to construct meanings for communication rather than solely for practice'. She also stresses the importance of creating situations in which 'the learner is expected to attempt to use target language forms that may stretch his or her competence'. Other approaches emphasize the importance of social interaction and collaboration in language learning (Vygotsky 1978). Learners practise in a social context (with teachers, native speakers, other students), and through that interaction, knowledge gradually becomes embedded in the learner's internalized mental resources (Swain 2000, cited in Little 2007).

·         May 6-7, 2016 SPCC 3rd Multicultural Festival. This free, family-friendly event is open to the public. Expect a variety of vendors, cultural dances, ethnic foods, crafts and more! Volunteers are needed.  Service hours are available. Volunteers work for a minimum of 3 hours also receive a t-shirt. There is also a “Poster Contest” in which participants can receive a $50 or $25 gift card.   There is tri-fold poster contest to feature a foreign country. Poster application is at SPCC, Old Charlotte Highway, Monroe, NC 28110. For more information, please contact Anjella Tabor-Smith at (704) 290-5891 or 4209

 Chinese Resources
·         Super Seven Verbs in Chinese - Location (to be at a place) zài在, Existence (to exist somewhere, "there is") yǒu 有/méiyǒu 没; Possession (to have something) yǒu 有/méiyǒu 没; Identity (to be something or someone) shì 是; Preference (to or dislike something) xǐhuān喜欢; Motion (to go somewhere) -- in Chinese, this is qù去; Volition (to feel like doing something) xiǎng 想

French Resources
·         Super Six Verbs in French est, il y a, a, aime, va, veut
·         Le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs
·         Amazon in French Let your students ‘shop’ for clothes, school supplies, sports equipment, etc. as mentioned in your curriculum.
·         Euro conversation tickets to monitor target language use and measure participation
·         Pinterest in French. Did you know Pinterest exists in 28 languages

German Resources
·         Amazon in German Let your students ‘shop’ for clothes, school supplies, sports equipment, etc. as mentioned in your curriculum.
·         Euro conversation tickets to monitor target language use and measure participation
·         Pinterest in German. Did you know Pinterest exists in 28 languages

Spanish Resources
·         Power Verbs - Focus on the basic ‘power’ verbs in your language:  Spanish; hay, está, es, hace, tiene, gusta, tiene, quiere, puede, necesita, va, Quizlet Or…. da, dice, es, está, le gusta, hace, hay, pone, puede, quiere, tiene, va, ve, etc. Teach, practice, reteach, post as anchor charts. Super Siete
·         Amazon in Spanish Let your students ‘shop’ for clothes, school supplies, sports equipment, etc. as mentioned in your curriculum.
·         Pinterest in Spanish. Did you know Pinterest exists in 28 languages?
·         Spanish 1 - ¿De dónde eres tú? Listening practice
·         Spanish 1 - Escribe el país Listening and Writing practice
·         Spanish 1 - ¿De dónde eres tú? Listening practice. Find the country
·         Spanish 1 - ¿Quién tiene? Classroom objects - explanation and cards 
·         Spanish 1 - Speed Conversating Question Cards
·         Spanish 1 – South American Geography Games- explanation and booklet
·         Spanish 2 -  Nacionalidades Mira el vídeo e identifica las nacionalidades que aparecen.  video 5.12 minutes
·         Spanish 2 - Listening Practice: Nacionalides y páises self-correcting; The student can work at his or her pace.
·         Spanish 2 - La ropa dice game
·         Euro conversation tickets to monitor target language use and measure participation
·         Mandalas del abecedario para imprimir en color o para colorear en blanco y negro
·         M&M's commercial in Spanish with English subtitles You Tube 30 seconds