Friday, November 4, 2016

Contributions to this newsletter are cherished!

November 4, 2016

Contributions to this newsletter are cherished! Thanks to the generous teachers who have sent info and to those who let me steal it when I visit. We are so much stronger when working together. You can find all issues archived at

1.      Write yourself an encouraging letter! Great idea from Adam Brown at WHS to be used before the benchmark. Students write themselves a letter with advice: breath deeply, remember what you studied, envision your notes, listen to it in your head, etc.
2.      Use Voki for student or teacher recordings. You can introduce a topic or create a listening activity. See what WMS Natalie Korda’s students did with greetings and introductions Students can add their own recording also.
3.      Got Penpals?  You pay about $1, per student, to get them matched.  Then, they send you a list of students, on tear apart papers says Natalie Korda of WMS.

·        November 4 – 201, 2016 National French Week 2016
·        November 14 – 18, 2016 International Education Week This is THE week to include study abroad into your lessons, warm-ups or homework. Get students to plan on studying (and traveling) overseas now and in the university.

Professional Development
·        October 12, 2016 October 12 WL PD - IF you attended, be sure to sign up in NCEES for the course # 3666 called UCPS World Language Professional Development and for the session #9485. Complete this form  on what you learned AND how you will apply that learning to your instruction. Once complete, make a pdf of the online form and email it to  
·        Tuesday, November 22, 2016 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. WLES Implementation Webinar: Essential Standard #1: Interpersonal Communication. Learn CEUs through UCPS activities commenting on the webinar and in completing an extension activity. Details
o   January 24 - Essential Standard #2: Interpretive Communication
o   February 28 - Essential Standard #4: Culture
o   April 25 - Essential Standard #3: Presentational Communication
o   May 23 – TBD Details
·        February 25, 2016 FLANC Mini-Conference UNC-Wilmington
·        July 19 – 28, 2017 World View Trip to Costa Rica & Nicaragua estimated $2,750* fee includes: Round-trip airfare; 6-night home stay accommodations; 3-night hotel stay; All meals in Costa Rica, as well as daily breakfast and one dinner in Nicaragua; Ground transfers & transportation in Costa Rica and Nicaragua (per itinerary); Entrance fees to cultural, historical sites and ecological sites; “Spanish for Educators” language lessons; Activities and collaborations with local schools and colleges; Services of local guide/translator;

Study Abroad for Students
·        CBYX StudyAbroad in Germany: The 2017-2018 CBYX application is now available at Please note that our application due date this year is December 4, 2016.
·        The Kennedy Lugar YES Abroad program is a U.S. government-sponsored program for high school students or recent graduates to spend a year abroad – FOR FREE!!! Students live with host families, study in a local school, etc. No prior language experience is necessary. The program is to countries with significant Muslim populations: Morocco, Jordan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Ghana, Turkey, Indonesia, Senegal, Thailand, Philippines, India, and Malaysia. It’s a program where the U.S. government helps you out later by showing you opportunities for college scholarships and careers. Find out more at:   The deadline to apply is Dec. 1 (and it’s not the kind of thing students can do at the last minute).

Basics: What does Maestra Nesbitt remind us about language learning?
·        “Proficiency and communication should be the goals of an effective program.” ACTFL
·        “Comprehension precedes production.” Gass, Van Patten, Benati
·        “Students acquire more easily when the affective filter is low.” Krashen
·        “Proficiency is achieved through compelling, contextualized, comprehensible input.” Lightbrown & Spada, Krashen, Ellis,
·        Don’t Start Class without Them:
o   Videos with the sound turned off provide awesome moving visuals (i.e. stories, movements, actions) with context! MovieTalk (as presented by Andrew Rosene from CHS at Kick-Off) is a great technique for language teaching and learning. Martina Bex explains the technique here 
o   MES-English has colored flashcard-style visuals on multiple topics
o   Free pictures with Pixabay:
o   In Google docs, slides and draw, just click on Insert then Images. Any image you search from is usable copyright free and editable.

·        Yabla Resources –As you discover resources in Yabla that match your classroom goals, proficiency level and content, PLEASE share them so that they can be linked with our courses and thus help all UCPS teachers integrate this listening comprehension practice into their classes.. This will help all of us to 'mine' for good materials and quickly disperse them to colleagues. Submit your discoveries at See what others have shared at
·        Storyboard That – Looking for a way for your students to write an engaging story with attractive visuals? Try
·        Syllabi in Canvas - Did you know that the Syllabus in Canvas can be set-up such that anyone can see the syllabus? This is a great feature for parents. If you are actively using Canvas, parents can also see every assignment you create with its due date. Parents can support students in getting work completed in Canvas. 
·        Writing on Google Docs and PDFs on your SmartBoard – Have you had problems with ‘SmartInk”this year? Some people haven’t been able to write on PDFs or Google Docs this year. Here is a solution from MRMS/HS ITF Brittany Gendron. “A workaround is to use SmartNotebook’s transparent view (instead of using SmartInk). When you open SmartNotebook, it will pull up a blank notebook page. You can then go to View, Click onTransparent Background. Click that and you can write on whatever is up on the computer (desktop, PDF, etc.). This guide from SMART and this video demo (3min) are helpful.
·        Tech Tips from PRHS ITF Darleen Morris shared at the October 12 WL PD:
·        Slideshow templates that integrate with Google Slides or PowerPoint:
·        Button maker:
·        Icons for buttons:
·        Canvas user guide (VERY user friendly):

R-Rated Films
o   Like Water for Chocolate (Spanish)
o   Lucie Aubrac  (French)
o   Das Boot (German)
o   Comedian Harmonist (German)
o   Goodbye Lenin (German)

Chinese Resources
·        The Chinese Language Teaching Net of Pennsylvania has a number of Chinese resources
·        The National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of Hawaii makes available unrehearsed, naturalistic video clips, ranging from less than one minute to eight minutes in length. Six topics are represented: personal information, commercial transactions, travel and leisure, health and sports, food, and school.    Filmed on location in Beijing, mostly at Peking University, these naturalistic video clips offer valuable source material for Chinese language teachers and learners at all levels.
·         Foreign teacher self-introduction YouTube 1:09 minutes in Mandarin
·        Interview with middle school students in Beijing YouTube video 9:06 minutes in Mandarin
·        Interview with primary school girls talking about classes YouTube video 2:14 minutes in Mandarin
·        Interview with little girl playing on Peking University campus  YouTube 4:01 minutes in Mandarin
·        Interview with Peking University groundskeeper YouTube 1:56 minutes in Mandarin
·        Interview with mother and child on Peking University campus YouTube 1:06 minutes in Mandarin
·        Another Peking University student self-introduction (female) YouTube 0:53 minutes in Mandarin
·        Another Peking University student self-introduction(male) YouTube 1:06 minutes in Mandarin
·        Peking University student self-introduction (male) YouTube 0:51 minutes in Mandarin

French Resources
·        Authentic French Resources
·        The gastronomic meals of the French You Tube video 9.42 Minutes in French
·        675 Tiered Activities – a binder full of activities recommended by Christin Ohrel
·        Cognate Frenzy en français recommended by Christin Ohrel

German Resources
·        GROW – German Resources on the Web
·        German Resources

Spanish Resources
·        Yes, We Are Latinos Reading, lesson, books and cultural topics in Spanish and English complied by Alma Flor Ada and Isabel Campoy English:  Spanish:
o   ¿Qué es ser latino?
o   Nuestras raíces indígenas
o   La inmigración Latina a EEUU
o   Cuba y EEUU
o   El orgullo de ser Boricua: Puerto Rico
o   De una isla a un continente: La República Dominicana
o   El ladino y la identidad cultural de los judíos sefardíes
o   Los campesinos migrantes
o   Las profundas raíces africanas
o   La presencia china y japonesa en Hispanoamérica
o   Hispanoamérica: Fuente de biodiversidad
o   Contribuciones de la creciente cultura latina
·        Lo que leo – catálogo de libros de Santillana
·        Día de los muertosThank you for not making this into a coloring activity. There is no time in our curriculum for students to color just color skulls (calaveras) for Día de los muertos. What can you do?
o   Have students create a cartoon strip with characters that talk about relevant sentences. (presentational writing)
o   Have students act out a skit with relevant sentences. (presentational speaking)
o   Have students practice relevant questions and answers with a partner. (interpersonal speaking)
o   Some relevant sentences:
§   ‘¿Celebras el Día de los muertos? ¿Cuándo celebran el Día de los muertos? ¿Dónde celebran el Día de los muertos? ¿Celebran el día de los muertos en ___? (Practice location of Spanish-speaking countries on a map.) ¿Los cubanos celebran el Día de los muertos? (Practice nationalities)
·        Cognate Frenzy Game - You could easily make your own. Thanks to Christin Ohrel for the tip.
·        How to Import Spanish 1 Blended Resources Thanks to PDHS ITF Darleen Morris for this Google Slide explanation
·        Authentic Spanish Resources
·        Spanish 1 - 3 Soy yo unit by Kara Jacobs and Maestra Nesbitt
o   Includes the popular song Bomba Estéreo Soy yo
o   After watching the video, you and your students can put a summary together in simple Spanish sentence by sentence in ‘textivate’ (an amazing site for language learners: $5 per month)
o   See how Maestra Nesbitt has used the song:
§  Vocabulary in pictures Note the phone of how her students are putting the song together in order with the picture-vocab cards
§  Artículo acerca del conjunto musical Bomba Estéreo de Colombia
o   Follow the topic on Twitter in Spanish #AsiSoyYo
o   Thanks to Julie Carrazco at SVMS for sharing
·        Spanish 1 - AccuWeather com Weather Video Latin American Spanish Forecast – Good visuals of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, city names and temperatures in the 20s and 30s. YouTube video 1:15 minutes Could be used effectively with Movie Talk pedagogy where classroom teacher uses comprehensible Spanish while the video’s volume is turned off.
·        Spanish 1: gestos
o   Etc…
·        Spanish 1 – 2
o   Using the movie La Misma Luna in Spanish 1 en español
o   Quizlet Flashcards
o   Examen - La Misma Luna / Inmigración / The Other Side - New Spanish 1
·        Medical Spanish 1
o   Gestos – ¡Ay! ¡Como me duele la garganta!
·        Spanish 2 – La rutina unit by Maestra Nesbitt
·        Spanish 2 - Las mañanas en mi casa – Para práctica o para prueba. Hecho por Alejandra Elliott PDF and Google Doc
·        Spanish 3 – Los artistas famosos Gracias a Fernando Flores que ha creado y compartido una actividad para sus estudiantes en que van por grupos de 3 a 6 para buscar información acerca de varios artistas famosos del mundo hispanohablante. Los muchachos tienen que usar un teléfono con una aplicación para leer los códigos QR que están en distintas paredes de la escuela.
o   Estos son los códigos que ustedes pueden imprimir y usar . Usando un teléfono celular por grupo, los estudiantes encuentran un enlace con información biográfica en español.
o   Las fuentes principales son y
o   Los estudiantes se sacan una foto en cada lugar donde encuentran un QRcode y después de leer sobre cada artista agregan la información necesaria en una hoja Google para entregar

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