Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring Might Be Here

March 20, 2017

Spring is here!  The weather may be unpredictable but great instruction and accomplishments are certain. This newsletter is archived at
Best Wishes
·        Anahi Brusa from Monroe High School and her husband Ezequiel Brusa from Sun Valley High School welcome their new born son Marcos

·        Parkwood Middle School hosts International Festival. Meihui Wang coordinates the dance lessons by Xiaosong He from Little Locus Dance Troupe leads PWMS students in My Little Apple pop dance. Spanish immersion students from Western Union Elementary School perform plays in Spanish
·        Congrats to Weddington High School world language teachers on National Foreign Language Week activities: Family Feud, Soccer competition, Door decorating competitions, Hall decorations.
·        Congrats to the Marvin Ridge High World Language department that invited all teachers to Terrific Talent Tuesday to teach: Latin American dancing (Fernando Flores and Alejandra Elliott), Indonesian dancing (Leah Smith and Xiaohong HuMueller), how to make fondue (Ann Haddon) and how to make crêpes (Dawn Jones).
·        Dora Sanchez, previous Monroe High School teacher, returns to MHS to sub for Anahi Brusa. Bienvenida Dora.
·        Dennise Nelson’s Spanish 1 students from East Union are penpals with Soledad Townsend’s Spanish 1 students at Parkwood Middle school. Dennise Nelson and Soledad Townsend have coordinated this successful exchange. Students write for a purpose and for an audience. The adage that “in 2017, there is no reason for students not to be able to communicate with other speakers or learners in the language” is played out.
·         Congrats to the teachers who taught Christmas carols and whose students sang to other classes: Meihui Wang’s 7th graders sang in Chinese at Parkwood Middle French students with Ann Haddon and Dawn Jones also sang carols in French at Marvin Ridge High.
·        Penpals are thriving at Cuthbertson Middle where Pascale Perreau’s students are communicating with students in Africa and France. The pals near  Africa are on the island of La Réunion, in the town of St Pierre.  The Middle School is Collège Les Tamarins. The pen pals in France are in  Epouville, France. The Middle School is Collège G. Brassens. Pascale found her penpals on epals.
·        French students with Pascale Perreau at Cuthbertson Middle have enjoyed guest speakers: a high school student named Mathilde Kuss from Divonne-les-bains at the border of Switzerland and Mrs Studney from L' île Maurice.

·        March 15 – April 7, 2017 UNCC-International Film Fest
·        March 29 (Wednesday) 6:30-8:00 PM. Opening ceremony for UNC Charlotte's Confucius Institute in the McKnight Hall of the Cone University Center free and open to the public but registration is required

Professional Development
·        Telecollaboration (2 grad credits, online) Online PD for world language teachers (The University of Colorado Boulder) LGTC 5040: Telecollaboration refers to the practice of pairing students or groups of students to native speakers of the target language through video conferencing tools for the specific purpose of increasing their language and cultural proficiency. In this course, you will learn about the companion methodology and instructional approaches to make such exchanges successful. 8 week course, starts April 1st through May 27th, 2017 ($760) For more information and to register,

·        ACTFL launches “Lead with Languages” - The unprecedented national effort backed by diverse representatives from education, business, government and nonprofit sectors. New studies support growing demand for language capabilities, yet fewer than ten percent of americans speak a second language.

·        “Function and meaning should be primary in language learning and teaching. Language learners should be given the skills needed to accomplish real world tasks in meaningful ways.”” A common misconception of communicative, task-based, or functional approaches to language teaching and learning is that grammar and accuracy are ignored. However, the absence of accuracy from the learning process is not the intention. (See:, 

Games for WL Classrooms – Thanks to Brooke Souther at Weddington High School for these games.
·        Bluff Divide the class into 2 teams. You need a list of questions between 20-30 and write down the numbers on the board. Team 1 picks and number. The question is read aloud to Team 2. If a student on Team 2 knows the answer, he/she stands up. Team 1 picks a player standing on Team 2 to answer. If the student gets the answer correct, they earn the amount of points for the students standing (5 people standing = 5 points). If they are incorrect, they lose that amount. Continue playing until all questions have been used.
·        Bluffketball – Play like Bluff above but If the student is correct, they can shoot a  bean bag into a bin, basket or trashcan for 5 addition points.
·        Family Feud This is a great way to make language learning, student opinions, student activities and the like meaningful and realistic. Play Family Feud! Here is the template You need to survey a group in advance of the activity. Your students then have to think about what the surveyed group could have chosen for responses. Students are actively involved in listening and reading comprehension as well as speaking in the target language. Be sure to teach them some great oral responses for their reactions to the survey results. “I can’t believe it.” “No way!”, “I knew it.” “I am a genius.”Etc.
·        Graphic Organizers – Help students organize new information, sequences, descriptions, time lines, comparisons, etc. It is easy to create your own in the target language  

·        Looking for Yabla resources that are useful in UCPS? View some that have been shared at Sort per language to find what you can use.
·        Do you have useful Yabla video links to share with others? Please enter the information here
·        Yabla accounts are valid through the school year and the summer. If you received any emails from Yabla about your account subscription ending. Please ignore. They had some glitches in automated emails being sent incorrectly.

French Resources
·        Hachette Français langue étrangère - Ressources gratuites à télécharger
·        Yabla:
o   L’art éphémère à Paris Beginners can practice dates while learning about art exhibitions in Paris.
o   Lionel et Chantal à Frémestroff Beginners learn about a small French village near Strasburg that is bilingual 
·        French 4+ News in Slow French
·        AP French – Resources shared by Dawn Jones of Marvin Ridge HS
o   Les infos avec les questions de vrai ou faux
o   Les ressources pour les  thèmes d'AP
o   Les exercices d'écoute pour les niveaux avancé 
o   Les exercices d'écoute
o   Une fiche d'exercices a remplir en lisant les actualités
o   AP World Languages and Culture Interactive Online Modules

German Resources
·        Yabla:
o   German ID card – interesting for all levels for cultural if not linguistic reasons
o   Mark Forster– Au revoir (song) beginning level; name, house, live, etc.
o   Mark Forster - Bauch und Kopf  (song) How you believe is how you live. Stomach says yes to head. Good, bad, etc. ,
o   Verkehrsmittel -Transportation in Berlin - Difficulty level 1/5
o   Mercedes Benz – Hippie – Difficulty level 2/ 5
·        Humor: How German Sounds Compared to Other Languages YouTube 1:04 minutes

Mandarin Resources
·        Videoclip – Respect for the Elderly  Thanks to Qihui Huang for sharing  
o   Respect for the Elderly video – made in EdPuzzle - to analyze cultural value for filial piety; in English
o   Respect for the Elderly video – made in EdPuzzle – listening comprehension practice for beginners
·        Calligraphy Website – Dr. Zhao
·        Chinese 4+ -
o   Interview with Jiulin in Mandarin about learning Mandarin YouTube video 11:23 minutes Transcript
o   Interview with Anna Li in Mandarin about learning Mandarin YouTube video 8:00 minutes Transcript
·        The Secret Garden – Mandarin Companion Readers sample; 300 characters, free PDF Study resources and word lists at
·        The Country of the Blind –  Mandarin Companion Readers sample; 300 characters, free PDF Study resources and word lists at
·        The Sixty Year Dream Mandarin Companion Readers sample; 300 characters, free
·        Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Curly Haired Company Mandarin Companion Readers sample; 300 characters, free
·        The Monkey’s Paw - Mandarin Companion Readers sample; 300 characters, free

Spanish Resources
·        Spanish Music Database Shared by Sharon Birch in her blog at
·        Español Santillana's HispaNoticias is a FREE resource to help middle and high school Spanish students apply the cultural concepts introduced in Spanish class for a real-world purpose. Click on the Spanish level and then countries or regions to access a wealth of articles in English and Spanish, many of which include audio and video support. Questions follow each article to support comprehension.
·        Secondary Spanish Shared by Amelia Stine
·        Ruta ele - Revista digital de innovación educativa para profesores de E/LE   
·        Spanish 1+ song Manu Chao: Me gustas tú  How to use this song with Novice Mid Spanish students Lyrics and Use the scrambled lyrics for students to put into order
·        Spanish 2+
·        Días llenos de actividad - Interacción oral para prender verbos que indican actividades frecuentes, trabajar con el léxico adquirido, adverbios y
·        La ropa y las compras - Página web para comprar los materiales para la escuela (incluso uniformes, zapatos, etc.). La ropa es para niños y no hay fotos de ropa inapropiada. Gracias Mary Thomas de Piedmont HS por compartir esto.
·        Authentic Resources: Tecnología 8 - Reglas de seguridad para el uso del celular   video 57 segundos
·        Medical Spanish 1 & 2; Spanish 3
·        Salud infantil - Mi pediatra en twitter Salud infantil - Mi pediatra – página web
·        Zamba: Excursión al cuerpo humano: los músculos (Gracias a Amanda Mancilla de CATA)
·        Zamba: Excursión al cuerpo humano: los pulmones
·        Mundo de Zamba - La copa mundial - El fútbol y la nutrición
·        Spanish 2 (Cap 4A) & 3, Spanish for Native Speakers – good preterite vs. imperfect comparison
·        Página web para comprar los materiales para la escuela (incluso uniformes, zapatos, etc.). La ropa es para niños y no hay fotos de ropa inapropiada. Gracias Mary Thomas de Piedmont HS por compartir esto.
·        Entrevista con Raúl sobre su aprendizaje de inglés YouTube – 5.25 minutos Transcript
·        Entrevista con Henry sobre su aprendizaje de español  YouTube – 6:07 minutos
·        Yabla
·        Club de las Ideas: Seguridad en Internet - Spanish 2 and AP Spanish -
·        Club de Ideas: La escuela que queremos
·        Medical Spanish and Spanish 3+Salud: Ojos 
·        Spanish 3 - Los juegos olímpicos
·        Spanish 4+
·        Authentic Resources 6 Palabras confusas en el internet  video1:31 minutos
·        Authentic Resources Moana: una crítica video 1:22 minutos
·        Authentic Resources ¿Qué ven los niños en YouTube? video 2:00  minutos
·        Día de la Candelaria
·        News in Slow Spanish 
·        AP Spanish  
·        Temas sample pacing guide
·        Temas training videos
·        Los debates: reglas y una pauta (rúbrica) from Tom Soth
·        Estética – Un hombre sin techo ‘El alma de la plaza’ Video en YouTube 5 minutos
Ciencia y Tecnología – Nicolás Tesla

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