Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Second Semester Is Here!

Polyglot Press
January 27, 2015
Each edition of the Polyglot Press is archived

There are so many great things going on, accomplishments being celebrated, challenges being met and online treasures being found. Please share!

·         Hats off to Spanish teacher Michelle Ballard at Forest Hills High who in addition to teaching is also the Cheerleading Coach. Her team will compete soon at Cheer for A Cure at Sun Valley High School January 31.  http://cheerforacure.org/give/yellowjacketcheersupportsacure .  In addition, she is on a school Meals Committee to make sure students have enough to eat on long weekends and that athletes have meals after late night competitions.
·         Congrats to Spanish teacher Christina Bachiller who won the Excelsior Award at Weddington High http://wdhs.ucps.k12.nc.us/news/jump.php?news_id=382457

Professional Development
·         Monday, February 9, 2015 Images, Visuals, Pictures 4:15 – 5:15 p.m. at the PDC Room 207. Learn copyright and the use of images found on the Internet, searching for images with appropriate usage rights, locating and understanding the Terms of Service & Private Polices, citing sources of images, inserting images by Lisa Phillips,
·         February 28, 2015FLANC Proposals Due - deadline to present at the FLANC conference Fall 2015. http://flanc.org/?sec=conference&page=proposal
·         Saturday, February 21, 2015 FLANC Spring Conference at UNC-Wilmington, Wilmington, NC -  8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. one-day, K-20 conference will be highlighting the "Best of FLANC" from the Fall 2014 Conference. $75 - $95 Option for 1 CEU with homework. Online registration is through February 10. Registration on site is an option. http://flanc.org/?sec=conference&page=spring
·         Friday – Saturday, March 5 – 6, 2015 SCOLT Conference in Atlanta, Georgia (Southern Conference on Language Teaching) See http://www.scolt.org/images/PDFs/Conference/2015/2015_SCOLT_CONFERENCE_SESSIONS_AT_A_GLANCE_No-Number-1-10-15.pdf for full schedule
·         March 24 – 25, 2015 World View’s Spring Seminar: Latin America and North Carolina The annual Latin America and North Carolina Seminar provides general and concurrent sessions for understanding issues in Latin America as well as best practices in serving Latino/Hispanic populations in our schools and colleges. This seminar is for all educators of every grade-level and discipline.  http://worldview.unc.edu/our-programs/seminars
·         Browse the UCPS Staff Development Opportunities at  https://sdm2.ucps.k12.nc.us/application/controllers/section/section_search.php?action=clear
·         NC DPI Online Professional Development Modules - There are many courses for CEUs that are modules created by NC DPI. They are found at https://rt3nc.org/lib/cover/modules%20flyer%202014.pdf   They are listed on the UCPS Staff Development page also.  If the course is not yet listed in our Staff Development Registration Manager, then you have put in a prior-request form. Courses are self-paced, mini-courses, MOOClets and facilitator led.

Improve Your Language Skills by Connecting with Native Speakers Online
·         The Mixxer - The Mixxer is a free educational site for language learners hosted by Dickinson College.The Mixxer is designed to connect language learners around the world ... http://www.language-exchanges.org
·         Italki Not free.  For Spanish only. Highly recommended. Also features language teachers that you can do a free trial with and then hire if you like to give you lessons. https://www.italki.com/?ref=howlearnspanish
·         Busuu https://www.busuu.com/enc/ and Duolingo https://www.duolingo.com/ are both free and both have online learning and access to native-speakers from around the world

It helps to promote your world language program, its activities and accomplishments. See about posting updates from your world language program on your school website.
·         Tyler Vaughan is pictured here receiving recognition as the Cuthbertson Middle School Teacher of the Year. Mr. Vaughan has been the Spanish teacher at CMS for five years. He graduated with a K-12 degree in Spanish Education from Appalachian State University in 2010 and is a Union County native. At school, he is involved in many leadership committees and constantly seeking to support students through challenging, yet fun instructional opportunities. Outside of school he is very involved in the community through coaching soccer  http://cms.ucps.k12.nc.us/news/jump.php?news_id=381135
·         The Union County Education Foundation awarded Cuthbertson Middle School’s Pascale Perreau, French teacher, with a $500 mini-grant. The mini-grant will be used to help students experience authentic aspects of the French language and culture. Mrs. Perreau’s eighth-grade yearlong French class corresponds with pen pals in St.Andiol, France. Students exchange cards and treats throughout the school year and on Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. The grant will help finance the exchange project and also provide authentic French breakfasts throughout the year. http://cms.ucps.k12.nc.us/news/jump.php?news_id=382148
·         Xiaohong HuMueller had students write this article about a visiting Chinese calligrapher that came to her Chinese class at Marvin Ridge High. http://mrhs.ucps.k12.nc.us/news/jump.php?news_id=382339
·         MeiHui Wang had the help of the media center director in writing up an article abut a visiting Chinese calligrapher visiting from Beijing. http://mrms.ucps.k12.nc.us/news/jump.php?news_id=380168
·         World Languages at Cuthbertson Middle holds Ping Pong Tournament with posters and chants in French and Chinese. http://cms.ucps.k12.nc.us/news/jump.php?news_id=382187 Congrats to Pascale Perreau and Lingyu Liao for organizing and publicizing this event.

Advocacy for World Languages

·         Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks Chinese at Tsinghua University in Beijing China https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_168pH9GJk 3 minute clip and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvSV7bgsClo 30 minute speech

·         US Secretary of State John Kerry speaks French in Paris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeFJrETA7PA 1 minute
·         President Barack Obama says your children should learn to speak Spanish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZprtPat1Vk 1:07 minutes
·         Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Roberta Jacobsen, speaks Spanish. She heads US visits about reopening full diplomatic relations with Cuba.  Univision http://noticias.univision.com/video/555170/2014-12-19/noticiero-univision/videos/reacciones-ante-nueva-situacion-de-cuba-con-eeuu  0:46 minutes.
DPI News
·         New DPI Licensure Renewal Expectations – Did you know that that current expectations of 7.5 CEUs to renew your license will change for those renewing in the school year ending June 2016? K -8 will need 3 Content CEUs, 3 Literacy CEUs and 2 General CEUs. Al others will need 3 Content CEUs and 5 General CEUs http://pdc.ucps.k12.nc.us/news/jump.php?news_id=381918
·         Forest Hills High School, Social Studies teacher Jennifer Whitley has been recognized as Region 6 Teacher of the Year. The NC Teacher of the Year will be recognized in April 7, 2015. http://www.ncpublicschools.org/newsroom/news/2014-15/20150114-01 

Student Travel
·         Full scholarships to study in Germany 2015-2016 Open to:  U.S. citizens, national or permanent residents; students between the ages of 15 years and 18 years and 6 months at the start of the program; current high school students at the time of application, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Previous German language study is not a requirement and all levels of language ability are encouraged to apply. http://bit.ly/BundestagYouthExchange
·         2015 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp for American High School Students  Travel to China with NCSU Confucius Institute - Thursday 7/16/2015 - Friday 7/31/2015. High school students; Age between 14 and 18; grades from 9 to 12; Non-Chinese learning background and less than three years of Chinese learning experiences; Teacher chaperones needed Expenses in China are paid but participant must pay their own way to China, visa, travel insurance and an admin fee Application Deadline - Friday, March 6, 2015 Interested? visit: http://oia.ncsu.edu/chinese-bridge-summer-camp 

Study French in Raleigh at NCSU
·         Friendship and Mobility Grant: Additional Funding for Study Abroad in France - NC State is one of four grant recipients of the Transatlantic Friendship and Mobility Initiative, a grant to double the number of U.S students going to France and French students coming to the U.S. by 2025.  The same grant will provide study options for high school students to participate in a July 2015 summer intensive language courses in Raleigh, where students will earn college credit and become eligible for guaranteed scholarships for study on any program in France if they go on to become NC State students http://dasa.ncsu.edu/blog/2014/12/11/friendship-and-mobility-grant-additional-funding-for-study-abroad-in-france/

Teaching Methods
Formative assessment constitutes the comprehension checks that should be done frequently throughout the lesson. Simply stated: “Do the students understand what you are talking about? Are the students with you? Do they get it?” Here are numerous ways to check that students understand, be it in the target language or English. These were presented in an EdWeb webinar January 21 by Barbara Cotter. EdWed http://home.edweb.net offers LOTS of free webinars on many topics: Assessment, Tech Tools, New Teachers, etc.  Most are very good. People join from all over the world.
·         Informal Formative Assessment Strategies http://www.rmc.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Informal_Assessment_Strategies.pdf
·         33 Digital Tools for Advancing Formative Assessment in the Classroomhttps://www.nwea.org/blog/2014/33-digital-tools-advancing-formative-assessment-classroom
·         Techniques to Check for Understanding - http://www.levy.k12.fl.us/instruction/Instructional_Tools/60FormativeAssessment.pdf
·         Fantastic Formative Assessment Tools that Give Great Feedback (all digital): https://www.graphite.org/blog/fantastic-formative-assessment-tools-that-give-great-feedback
·         25 Quick Formative Assessments for a Differentiated Classroom http://store.scholastic.com/content/stores/media/products/samples/21/9780545087421.pdf
·         Formative Assessment – webpage of resources http://digitalliteracy.us/formative/
·         Inside / Outside Circles – How to use them http://www.theteachertoolkit.com/index.php/tool/inside-outside-circles
·         Formative Assessment on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/cari_sturch/formative-assessment/

Technology Tips
·         Sock Puppets - If you or your students are iphone or ipad users, you will love the app https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sock-puppets/id394504903?mt=8 . You can record in any language as one of the cast of sock puppets. The app is free for 30 second recordings. Your voice is adapted to ‘animated’ puppet talk to which the mouth syncs. Very easy and very fun. For a small amount, you can increase the length to 90 seconds, add puppets, etc. You can save the videos you create to your photos, to Facebook or to your You Tube channel.  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sock-puppets/id394504903?mt=8 See my first Sock Puppet video in Spanish at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3mKMCjv8gU Please share any classroom-friendly Sock Puppet videos!
·         YouTube Channel – Create your own videos and archive them in your own YouTube channel. Free and easy. Upload your screencasts, your WeVideos, etc. Learn how in this four minute video - How To Make A Youtube Channel 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m51Q-iEBIw Please share your educational YouTube Channel.

Chinese Resources
·         YoYo Chinese – “Chinese taught in Plain English”: includes images, animation, free videos, etc. Method for teaching adults that claims to be fun. “Chinese on the Street” series helps you practice listening by bringing you authentic Designed for English-speakers. Chinese dialogue from the streets of China. Includes pinyin chart online https://www.yoyochinese.com

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