Wednesday, September 14, 2016

This year is launched!


September 14, 2016

This year is launched! Hopefully, everyone is off to a great start.  The Polyglot Press attempts to share relevant and timely messages with UCPS World Language teachers. Please share your new discoveries. This newsletter is archived at


Welcome to our UCPS world language teachers new to UCPS in 2016-2017
1.      Amy Cass – Spanish teacher, Marvin Ridge Middle School
2.      Anabella Rivera – Spanish teacher, Forest Hills High School
3.      José Umpiérrez – Spanish teacher, Cuthbertson Middle School
4.      Julie McAbee – Spanish teacher, Central Academy
5.      María Koonce – Spanish teacher, Porter Ridge High School
6.      Morgann Lyles – French teacher, Porter Ridge High School

Teachers who started in UCPS during the 2015-2016 school year
1.      Adam Brown – Spanish teacher, Weddington High School
2.      Amelia Stine – Spanish teacher, Sun Valley High School
3.      Tania Monsalve – Spanish teacher, Sun Valley High School
4.      Yadiraliz Hawks – Spanish teacher, Monroe High School

Great WL News!
·        Marty Abbott, the Executive Director of ACTFL, our national organization has been invited to ACTFL Executive Director Martha G. Abbott has been appointed by President Barack Obama to the National Security Education Board. Her appointment sends a strong message about the importance of global competence in the 21st century.”
·        The ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) that has replaced No Child Left Behind includes foreign languages as part of a well-rounded education Tittle XIII, Section 800. ESSA also includes increased federal funding for foreign languages.

·        September 15, 2016 China’s Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on month 8 day 15 of China’s lunar calendar (in September or October). Mid-Autumn Festival 2016 is on September 15. Chinese people will have a three-day holiday from September 15 to 17
·        Hispanic Heritage Month

UCPS Instructional Focus: 2016-2017
·        Gradual Release of Responsibility – is faithfully implemented.
o   Focused Instruction (I Do It);
o   Guided Instruction (We Do It);
o   Collaborative Learning (You All Do It Together);
o   Independent Practice (You Do It Alone) Note on collaborative learning: Note that cooperative learning (team approach where students learn from each other) and collaborative learning (students create an artifact or product of their learning) differ.  
·        Purpose Statements – are posted, student friendly and meaningful.
·        Note: Desk Arrangement influences the ability to implement collaborative learning. Think about how your desks can be arranged into flexible groups.

·        The LIFT (Leadership and Innovation Funding for Teachers) Grant program allows Union County Public School teachers to apply for grants for technological advancements, classroom enhancements and educational programs. The grants range from $100-$500 and the grant deadline is the second Friday in September (September 8, 2016). Consider requesting Yabla online vide access, headsets for audio recording, handheld recorders for audio recording, etc.

NC DPI World Languages
·        The World Language Essential Standards (WLES) Webinars are part of the World Language Webinar Series designed for World Language Educators implementing our state’s standards in their classrooms. They will be broadcast on 4th Tuesdays from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. in months where there is not a DPI Quarterly Update webinar. All World Language teachers and instructors are welcome. Please register for the webinar(s) by submitting a registration form for each of the 2016 - 2017 broadcast dates. Here is a tentative schedule:
o   October 25 - Overview of Structure: Weaving Together All of the Strands and Standards
o   November 22 - Essential Standard #1: Interpersonal Communication
o   January 24 - Essential Standard #2: Interpretive Communication
o   February 28 - Essential Standard #4: Culture
o   April 25 - Essential Standard #3: Presentational Communication
o   May 23 – TBD
·        The LinguaFolio webinars are designed for language educators interested in and/or implementing LinguaFolio in dual language/immersion, ESL, heritage language, and/or world language programs. They are broadcast from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. on these dates:
o   August 11, 2016
o   *October 5, 2016 *The October 5 webinar is at 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. since it is part of the Fall FLANC Pre-Conference Webinars.
o   January 12, 2017
o   March 9, 2017

Professional Development 
·        Thursdays 8 pm EST ; Saturday Sequel - 10am EST Weekly World Language Twitter Chats Every week language colleagues get together to discuss topics of interest via Twitter using the #LangChat hashtag. Visit the archives or summaries to glean from the insights shared during our weekly conversations. #LangChat is dedicated to the discussion of topics associated with issues and trends in world language instruction and learning. Educators, administrators, learners, and aficionados of world languages are encouraged to participate and share their experiences and input on various topics such as new ways to teach vocabulary, using music in the language classroom, and making standards-based grading valid. This chat is also unique in that it brings together language educators worldwide and from different contexts (elementary, secondary, higher education, etc.) and languages. @langchatPLN
·        Thursdays - 3pm ET Tea with BVP Season 2 - Bill, Angelika, Walter, and the rest of the crew are ready to go back to the studio this week to once again be the highlight of your week.
They have been working hard all summer to bring you more resources and make you the best language Jedi you can be.  Tune in, join the chat, and call them! You can chat with them and other fellow listeners on our Mixlr page , you can tweet at @teawithbvp, or simply call in at (517) 884-4321. Can't join in live? You can still send them your questions here  Can't listen live?  All of the episodes are available on iTunes and Soundcloud  Binge listening encouraged.
·        Coursera – free online courses: Beginning Chinese; Teach English Now; Theories of Second Language Acquisition
·        October 7 – 8, 2016 Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC) Annual Conference, Durham, NC
·        October 11, 2016 to October 14, 2016 The Canvas Connection, Cullowhee, NC.   NCCAT Programs Course # 14251, Canvas, North Carolina’s Learning Management System (LMS), is your place for one-stop learning and course management. Canvas is a trusted, open source LMS which provides a new way of teaching, learning, and thinking. Create modules, lessons, assessments, discussions, and portfolios. Have your grade book, course information, feedback, and student analytics all in one place. Come be a part of the education revolution—it’s Canvas Time, North Carolina! There is no charge to the participant except that the teacher’s sub needs to be paid.
·        October 18, 2016 to October 21, 2016 Flipping Instruction Without Flipping Out: The Digital Learning Classroom – Cullowhee, NC. NCAAT Programs Course # 14252 “Schoolwork at home and homework at school” is one of the many definitions of a flipped classroom. Explore the history, styles, and benefits of flipping your classroom, including practical, hands-on ways to create, curate, and differentiate video content. With help from experienced teachers and educational technologists, each participant will identify what elements of their curriculum could be flipped and will have the opportunity to create a ready-to-roll video lesson with ideas for assessment and follow-up activities. We’ll look at the possibilities created by flipping, including time for project-based and mastery learning. Come gain the confidence, tools and skills to flip your curriculum and create a more responsive, active, social, and creative classroom. There is no charge to the participant except that the teacher’s sub needs to be paid.
·        October 19 – 20, 2016 K-12 World View Global Education Symposium “Innovation and Technology to Drive Global Learning”, Location: The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education in Raleigh, NC. Cost: $175 per person. $600 for a team of four. $150 for each additional member. CEU: 1.5 CEUs will be awarded upon completion of program study guide. Presenters, interdisciplinary sessions, curriculum development opportunities, and a wide-range of exhibitors There is no charge to the participant except that the teacher’s sub needs to be paid.
·        October 24, 2016 to October 27, 2016 Expanding Your Technology Toolbox: Getting the Most out of Digital Learning – Cullowhee, NC NCCAT Program #14256. Digital learning is a broad category that encompasses the use of digital resources and technology to enhance and differentiate instruction. The number of available options, however, can be overwhelming. Gain experience with free high-quality tools for: video and audio production, blended lessons, games in education, online content, augmented reality, digital formative assessment, and LMS (Learning Management Systems). Participants will explore these digital tools as students, determine how to use them effectively as teachers, and leave NCCAT with a virtual toolbox of techniques to take back to the classroom. There is no charge to the participant except that the teacher’s sub needs to be paid.
·        October 24, 2016 to October 27, 2016 Motivating Disengaged Students – Ocracoke Island, NC NCCAT Program #14258. Designed for teachers of grades 6–8. Students are engaged when they are involved in their work, persist despite challenges and obstacles, and take visible delight in their accomplishments. Solving student engagement issues is complex. What works in one class may be a failure in the next, with every year presenting new challenges for engaging students in various lessons. This program will review and evaluate strategies for motivating disengaged students and will prepare you to implement them upon your return to the classroom.  There is no charge to the participant except that the teacher’s sub needs to be paid.
·        World View Latin America and North Carolina
·        March 29-30, 2017 World View Stories of Africa: Connected Over Time and Across the Globe

Tech Tools
·        Voice Typing - Did you know that you can talk in Google Docs and ‘it’ will type what you say? You can choose many languages. Go to Tools. Choose ‘Voice Typing’. A grey mic comes up. You choose what language you want to speak in. Place your cursor in the location in the Google doc where you want ‘it’ to type… then talk. Amazing.

Globalize Your School
·        Post Signs in Multiple Languages around School Start simple. Get your students more acquainted with the multilingual nature of the U.S. by adding signs with multiple languages around the school. Hosting an upcoming event? Add the event translation in Hindi, Spanish, and Urdu. Create signage in various languages for spaces around your school like the cafeteria, auditorium, and classrooms. With few extra resources, students will learn new vocabulary in another language and gain exposure to scripts other than the Latin alphabet. This is also a great method to enable students with different native languages to feel welcomed and empowered at school.
·        Offer After-School Language Activities - Host language clubs where students can watch movies and TV shows or listen to stories and podcasts in a foreign language. Open up the school computer lab for students to study languages on free platforms like Duolingo or Coursera. Even if you don’t have the resources to start an Arabic club, a Chinese club, a German Club, etc. you can launch a general language club to expose students to different world languages.
·        Multicultural Field and Service Trips - Think about the multicultural nature of your own community: plan trips to ethnic restaurants and meet with the chef; start a conversation with diaspora organizations; host an international dinner for those who need a meal. If you have enough students learning a specific language (or have a group of students who already speak it), you could even organize volunteer projects for them to reach out to that specific language community.
·        Welcome Exchange Students from Other Countries – Consider connecting with high school exchange students. Exchange students can increase the language and cultural diversity in the classroom. These students are often ambassadors for their home country and their home language — and could bolster your efforts to increase inclusion of a language in your school.
·        Connect with Peace Corps Members -
·        Connect with an EPals teacher from Another Country –
·        Great “Day in  the Life” Project from iearn. Could be replicated in one classroom, one school or across UCPS, etc. Very suitable for Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 existing units.
·        #globaledchat  Twitter Chat - Every Thursday at 8pm EST is #globaledchat. #globaledchat is a great way to connect with global educators and develop your Twitter network. Hope you can try out this Twitter Chat!

Study Abroad
·        The National Security Language Initiative for Youth Program (NSLI-Y) offers full scholarships for high school students to study five critical languages in immersion environments and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. Scholarships are available for students to learn the following languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Korean, Persian (Tajiki), Russian, Turkish.  The 2017-18 application will be released in late August/early September 2016.
·        The U.S. Department of State also sponsors the YES Abroad Program, which offers full scholarships for high school students to spend a summer or academic year immersing themselves in another culture and includes intensive language study. The Kennedy-Lugar YES Abroad program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, offers American high school students and recent graduates full scholarships to study abroad for one academic year in selected YES countries. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Macedonia, Malaysia, Morocco, Philippines, Senegal, Thailand and Turkey. Complete the form at to be notified once the 2017-2018 application for U.S. high school students becomes available. Please review program information and eligibility at

Chinese Resources

French Resources
·        Planète Poutine – Hear the Québécois accent. ‘Planète Poutine et cie réinvente notre plat national en proposant une sélection de 18 variétés de poutine. Le premier restaurant a vu le jour à Trois-Rivières en 2011. Depuis, un modèle de franchisage a été développé et on compte aujourd’hui 14 restaurants au Québec et 1 au Nouveau-Brunswick. La chaîne connait une croissance très rapide et a créé plus de 350 emplois au Québec l’an dernier.’
·        Haiti Lab – Duke University
o   Duke Haiti Lab | MIT-Ayiti | Kreyòl Alphabet Song YouTube video 4:52 min
o   International Mother Language Day – in Haitian and other languages. International Mother Language Day is a worldwide annual observance held on 21 February to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. First announced by UNESCO on 17 November 1999, it was formally recognized by the United Nations General Assembly.

Spanish Resources
·        España en los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro 2016
·        La Gran Pirámide de Cholula
o   Viaje pirámide de Cholula, Puebla, México YouTube video 17:42 minutos en español (Fast forward to desired sections)
o   ¿Por qué la pirámide de Cholula nunca se terminó de construir? YouTube video 5:26 minutos en español
o   The world's biggest pyramid is hidden under a mountain in Mexico
·        Spanish – 6th Grade – Las vocales canción infantil - a e i o u YouTube video en español Thanks to Edna Bass for sharing.
·        Spanish 1 –Videos with listening comprehension activities: Spanish Football Thanks to Tania Monsalve at Sun Valley HS for sharing.
·        Spanish 1 Days of the Week (classes, destinations & activities per day) Días de la semana – Questions to answer at different times in video
o   Spanish 2 – Mi rutina diaria
·        Spanish 3+ - La independencia de México: Lucha por la libertad de México. Written for Spanish learners. Includes audio, transcript and word bank.
·        Spanish 3 / Heritage Spanish 2 - Guernica en D – YouTube video 2:54 minutes Excelente para Español 3 – Capítulo sobre el arte; Gracias a Anahí Brusa por compartir esto.
·        Spanish 3 / Heritage Spanish 2- Frida Kahlo - Draw My Life En Español - YouTube Video en español 5:44 minutos
·        Spanish 3 – AP – TikTak Draw en español – Collection of You Tube videos about a variety of famous people. Artist draws on white board as speaker tells their story in Spanish – fast! Ghandi, Fridah Kahlo, Harry Potter, etc.    

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